Happy New Year 2014 and GraniteDS 3.0.1.GA
Happy New Year 2014 from the GraniteDS team!
To celebrate this new year and experiment our new more frequent release cycle, we have just released GraniteDS 3.0.1.GA. It comes with a few important bug fixes and some improvements in the documentation. See the release notes , we strongly recommend to upgrade if you are currently using any earlier 3.0.x version. Notably there was a critical issue when using GraniteDS with Apache Flex 4.10+.
The distribution is available for download here, and artifacts are available on Maven Central .
What’s new in GraniteDS 3.0:
- Complete repackaging of the project, new Gradle-based build system, new documentation, new tutorials/examples
- The new optimized binary JMF protocol for Java-to-Java serialization (for use with Java/JavaFX and Android clients)
- Full support for JavaFX clients
- Websocket messaging channels for all client technologies with Tomcat 7, Jetty 8.1 and GlassFish 3.1
- Fast UDP messaging channels for all client and server technologies
- Tide framework support for multiple servers with the new ServerSession API
- ChangeSets for incremental updates on complex object graphs (Flex only)
Already planned for next releases:
- Support for latest versions of popular application servers: Jetty 9+, GlassFish 4, JBoss/WildFly 8, etc.
- Support for standard Java websocket APIs of JSR 356 and Servlet 3.1
- Implementation of ChangeSets for Java/JavaFX clients
- Improved support of server ChangeSets with Hibernate 4
- Complete implementation of data binding for Android clients
We have already explained our new licensing model a few times in previous posts, but to summarize:
- Before GDS 3.0, the whole project was under the LGPL 2 license and we provided a paying enterprise subscription including support and a few additional features
- Starting from GDS 3.0, we have decided to move the basic modules of the project (remoting and messaging) to LGPL 2.1 (LGPL 2 being obsolete), and all advanced modules (data management, validation, etc.) to a dual GPL 3.0 / commercial license with a very affordable pricing for the commercial license.
You can freely use the GPL 3.0 license if your code is released under any compatible open source license. In any other case you have to purchase a commercial license for the modules you are using. See the complete licensing options here, and note that you can pay your license online in just a few minutes using Paypal or a payment card.
Finally we have changed our professional support packages with more flexible options and pricing so there should be no reason why we cannot find a way to help you!
And if you didn’t notice, you are right now visiting our brand new !
As always, any feedback appreciated.