The last 3.0.0.M1 release of GraniteDS (see announcement here) is compatible with the last 4.8.0 release of . The two GraniteDS SWCs compiled with Apache Flex 4.8.0 can be found here:
We didn’t have time to include those SWCs in our binary release, but we will include them in the next upcoming release (or milestone). Keep in mind that GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1 is still in a beta stage and that you can experience unexpected gitchs (report them in our ).
If you want to build yourself GraniteDS SWCs against the Apache Flex release, proceed as follows:
1. Download Apache Flex(R) 4.8.0 and unzip/untar it somewhere (say “flex48″). 2. Spawn a command shell and type (Apache Ant must be installed):
cd flex48/framework ant thirdparty-downloads
Answer yes to all questions.
3. Download GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1 sources and unzip it somewhere (say “gds30″). 4. Edit and, and fix the FLEX_HOME variable (absolute path to flex48). 5. Then run:
cd gds30 ant -f build.xml ant -f build-flex45.xml
The first build will fail after building granite-essentials.swc, when trying to compile granite.swc: just ignore that error and proceed with build-flex45.xml.
The two GraniteDS SWCs buit against Apache Flex 4.8.0 should be in the build directory (granite-essentials.swc and granite-flex45.swc): just rename them to granite-essentials-flex48.swc and granite-flex48.swc, you’re done.