The last 3.0.0.M1 release of GraniteDS (see announcement here) is compatible with the last 4.8.0 release of . The two GraniteDS SWCs compiled with Apache Flex 4.8.0 can be found here:
We didn’t have time to include those SWCs in our binary release, but we will include them in the next upcoming release (or milestone). Keep in mind that GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1 is still in a beta stage and that you can experience unexpected gitchs (report them in our ).
If you want to build yourself GraniteDS SWCs against the Apache Flex release, proceed as follows:
1. Download Apache Flex(R) 4.8.0 and unzip/untar it somewhere (say “flex48″). 2. Spawn a command shell and type (Apache Ant must be installed):
cd flex48/framework ant thirdparty-downloads
Answer yes to all questions.
3. Download GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1 sources and unzip it somewhere (say “gds30″). 4. Edit and, and fix the FLEX_HOME variable (absolute path to flex48). 5. Then run:
cd gds30 ant -f build.xml ant -f build-flex45.xml
The first build will fail after building granite-essentials.swc, when trying to compile granite.swc: just ignore that error and proceed with build-flex45.xml.
The two GraniteDS SWCs buit against Apache Flex 4.8.0 should be in the build directory (granite-essentials.swc and granite-flex45.swc): just rename them to granite-essentials-flex48.swc and granite-flex48.swc, you’re done.
One of the key features of GraniteDS is its real-time messaging stack, relying on and long-polling. While GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1 introduces an experimental WebSocket support for JavaFX and Flex, this tutorial will focus on a sample JavaFX chat application based on a more conservative setup of Servlet 3.0 asynchronous processing.
For the sake of simplicity, this sample doesn’t require any server side setup: it connects to a Tomcat 7 server, located at the URL, where you will find an existing Flex 4 Chat application.
The architecture of this sample is straightforward: both JavaFX and Flex client applications connect to a GraniteDS asynchronous servlet, which simply dispatch user inputs to all connected users. Both applications rely on the binary AMF3 protocol for exchanging structured data, even if this basic sample only sends and receives Strings.
This tutorial will guide you through the key steps to setup, build and run a Chat JavaFX client application connected to a GraniteDS backend.
Start Eclipse and create a new Java project named “chat-javafx�? (accept all default settings).
Create a new folder in the project and name it “libs�?. From the granite 3.0.0.M1 distribution, add the following jars, located in the libraries/java-client directory:
Even if we are creating a GraniteDS / JavaFX project here, we don’t need to include granite-javafx-client.jar, which is only required for advanced data management. The last six librairies come from the project and are required for HTTP asynchronous calls to the GraniteDS backend.
Now, add those libraries to the build path of your project: select all height libraries, right click on them, then select “Build Path�? -> “Add to Build Path�?.
Finally, you need to complete the build path of your project by adding the jfxrt.jar library, which is not part of the JavaSE-1.7 installed JRE under Eclipse: right click on “Referenced Libraries�? in the project and select “Build Path�? -> “Configure Build Path…�?. Click on the “Add External JARs…�? button and locate the jfxrt.jar in your JavaSE-1.7 installation (under jre/lib). Select it and click on “Ok�?.
Your project is now fully configured for that basic GraniteDS / JavaFX Chat project and should look as follow:
Make sure the selected JRE System Library is JavaSE-1.7 and that jfxrt.jar is in your References Libraries (its location can of course differ from the one on the picture, depending on your platform).
Create a new HelloWorld class in the “src�? source directory with its package set to “org.granite.client.examples.helloworld�?. Then, copy-paste the following code:
package; import; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.stage.Stage; import org.granite.client.messaging.Consumer; import org.granite.client.messaging.Producer; import org.granite.client.messaging.TopicMessageListener; import; import; import; import org.granite.client.messaging.transport.HTTPTransport; import org.granite.client.messaging.transport.apache.ApacheAsyncTransport; public class Chat extends Application { private HTTPTransport transport; private MessagingChannel channel; private Consumer consumer; private Producer producer; private TextField input; private TextArea output; public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void init() throws Exception { super.init(); transport = new ApacheAsyncTransport(); transport.start(); URI uri = new URI(""); channel = new AMFMessagingChannel(transport, "graniteamf", uri); consumer = new Consumer(channel, "gravity", "discussion"); producer = new Producer(channel, "gravity", "discussion"); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { final String username = System.getProperty(""); stage.setTitle("Chat GraniteDS/JavaFX"); stage.setResizable(false); Group root = new Group(); stage.setScene(new Scene(root)); VBox box = new VBox(); box.setPadding(new Insets(8.0)); box.setSpacing(8.0); root.getChildren().add(box); output = new TextArea(); box.getChildren().add(output); output.setEditable(false); output.setStyle("-fx-border-style: none"); output.setFocusTraversable(false); input = new TextField(); box.getChildren().add(input); input.setOnKeyTyped(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() { private int index = 1; @Override public void handle(KeyEvent event) { if ("\r".equals(event.getCharacter()) || "\n".equals(event.getCharacter())) { producer.publish("[" + username + " #" + (index++) + "] " + input.getText().trim()); input.setText(""); } } });; input.requestFocus(); consumer.addMessageListener(new TopicMessageListener() { @Override public void onMessage(TopicMessageEvent event) { output.appendText((String)event.getData() + "\n"); } }); try { consumer.subscribe().get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } producer.publish("[" + username + " has just connected]"); } @Override public void stop() throws Exception { if (consumer != null && consumer.isSubscribed()) consumer.unsubscribe().get(); transport.stop(); super.stop(); } }
The Chat project is now ready and should compile without any issues.
Right click on the “�? class in your Eclipse Package Explorer and select “Run As�? -> “Java Application�?. The application should show up, saying that you are connected as “JavaFX�? and letting you entering some input, followed by the <enter> or <return> key:
Chatting with yourself isn’t very exiting so you had better to find a friend running the application at the same time. Note that the server being public you could end up chatting with other testers from different locations.
After having (a lot) of fun with the application, it’s time to understand what is going on under the hood.
Let’s look at the first part of the highlighted code (lines 45-52):
transport = new ApacheAsyncTransport(); transport.start(); URI uri = new URI(""); channel = new AMFMessagingChannel(transport, "graniteamf", uri); consumer = new Consumer(channel, "gravity", "discussion"); producer = new Producer(channel, "gravity", "discussion");
This part of code is executed at initialization time and proceed as follow:
What we get at the end of this initialization is basically an object (producer) from which we can publish messages in the “discussion�? topic and another object (consumer) which will receive all messages published on that same topic.
The second part of the highlighted code is responsible of publishing the user input:
producer.publish("[" + username + " #" + (index++) + "] " + input.getText().trim());
For a given username (say “johndoe�?) and input (say “Bla bla�?), the producer will publish the message “[johndoe #1] Bla bla�?, the index (“#1″) being an incremental counter of the successive messages sent.
The third part of the highlighted code is setting up the consumer handler, subscription to the topic and publishing an initial message:
consumer.addMessageListener(new TopicMessageListener() { @Override public void onMessage(TopicMessageEvent event) { output.appendText((String)event.getData() + "\n"); } }); try { consumer.subscribe().get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } producer.publish("[" + username + " has just connected]");
A TopicMessageListener is attached to the consumer and displays received messages in the text area at the top of the application. Then, the consumer subscribes to the “discussion�? topic, waiting for the subscription completion (consumer.subscribe().get()): the subscribe method is asynchronous and returns a Future which can be used to wait for an acknowledgment message from the server.
Finally, a first message is published by the producer, announcing a new connection to the chat topic (eg. “[johndoe has just connected]“).
The final part of the highlighted code unsubscribes the consumer and stops the transport when the application is closed:
if (consumer != null && consumer.isSubscribed()) consumer.unsubscribe().get(); transport.stop();
Again, the unsubscribe call is asynchronous and the get() call is blocking until the consumer receives an acknowledgment from the server.
All resources allocated by the transport are then released, in particular the underlying thread pool managing asynchronous requests: failing to call the transport stop method can lead to improper thread closing, leaving the application in a kind of daemon state.
In the “samples�? directory of the GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1 distribution, you will find a file named “�?. You can unzip it at location of your choice or import it as an existing projets archive under Eclipse.
Let’s look at the file that explains the above configuration of the Consumer and Producer (chat/war/WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml):
<services-config> <services> <service id="messaging-service" class="" messageTypes="flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage"> <adapters> <adapter-definition id="default" class="org.granite.gravity.adapters.SimpleServiceAdapter" default="true"/> </adapters> <destination id="gravity"> <channels> <channel ref="gravityamf"/> </channels> </destination> </service> </services> <channels> <channel-definition id="gravityamf" class="org.granite.gravity.channels.GravityChannel"> <endpoint uri="http://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/gravity/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/> </channel-definition> </channels> </services-config>
Let’s start with the channel definition: an asynchronous real-time channel identified by “gravityamf�? is bound to an uri which resolves to “�?. If you look at the web.xml file, this is where the GraniteDS (Gravity) servlet is handling incoming AMF messages. The configuration of the AMFMessagingChannel in the JavaFX Chat class reflects these settings.
Then, jump to the beginning of the file and look at the service definition: a destination “gravity�? is declared, bound to the “gravityamf�? channel. This explains the configuration of our Consumer and Producer as well.
The last thing to understand is that we don’t need to declare any predefined topic on the server-side: Gravity, the real-time messaging engine of GraniteDS, has a built-in support for basic topic creation and handling. That’s why we can define the “discussion�? topic in the client code, without any further configuration on the server. You can change it to whatever you want (say “my-private-discussion�?) and initiate a private chat on this new topic.
Here is an over-classical and basic Hello World sample application that introduces the new support for Java and JavaFX in GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1. For the sake of simplicity, this sample doesn’t require any server side setup: it connects to a Tomcat 7 server, located at the URL, where you will find an existing Flex 4 sample, working with a very basic POJO service.
The architecture of this sample is straightforward: both JavaFx and Flex client applications connect to a GraniteDS POJO service, which simply echoes back your input, surrounded by “Hello �? and “!�?. Both applications rely on the binary AMF3 protocol for exchanging structured data, even if this basic sample only sends and receives Strings.
This tutorial will guide you through the key steps to setup, build and run a HelloWorld JavaFX client application connected to a GraniteDS backend.
Start Eclipse and create a new Java project named “helloworld-javafx�? (accept all default settings).
Create a new folder in the project and name it “libs�?. From the granite 3.0.0.M1 distribution, add the following jars, located in the libraries/java-client directory:
Even if we are creating a GraniteDS / JavaFX project here, we don’t need to include granite-javafx-client.jar, which is only required for advanced data management. The last six librairies come from the project and are required for HTTP asynchronous calls to the GraniteDS backend.
Now, add those libraries to the build path of your project: select all height libraries, right click on them, then select “Build Path�? -> “Add to Build Path�?.
Finally, you need to complete the build path of your project by adding the jfxrt.jar library, which is not part of the JavaSE-1.7 installed JRE under Eclipse: right click on “Referenced Libraries�? in the project and select “Build Path�? -> “Configure Build Path…�?. Click on the “Add External JARs…�? button and locate the jfxrt.jar in your JavaSE-1.7 installation (under jre/lib). Select it and click on “Ok�?.
Your project is now fully configured for that basic GraniteDS / JavaFX Hello World project and should look as follow:
Make sure the selected JRE System Library is JavaSE-1.7 and that jfxrt.jar is in your References Libraries (its location can of course differ from the one on the picture, depending on your platform).
Create a new HelloWorld class in the “src�? source directory with its package set to “org.granite.client.examples.helloworld�?. Then, copy-paste the following code:
package org.granite.client.examples.helloworld; import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.stage.Stage; import org.granite.client.messaging.RemoteService; import org.granite.client.messaging.ResponseListener; import org.granite.client.messaging.ResultIssuesResponseListener; import; import; import; import; import org.granite.client.messaging.transport.HTTPTransport; import org.granite.client.messaging.transport.apache.ApacheAsyncTransport; public class HelloWorld extends Application { private HTTPTransport transport; private RemoteService remoteService; private TextField input; private TextArea output; public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void init() throws Exception { super.init(); transport = new ApacheAsyncTransport(); transport.start(); URI uri = new URI(""); RemotingChannel channel = new AMFRemotingChannel(transport, "graniteamf", uri); remoteService = new RemoteService(channel, "helloWorldService"); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { stage.setTitle("HelloWorld GraniteDS/JavaFX"); stage.setResizable(false); Group root = new Group(); stage.setScene(new Scene(root)); VBox box = new VBox(); root.getChildren().add(box); box.setPadding(new Insets(8.0)); box.setSpacing(8.0); output = new TextArea(); box.getChildren().add(output); output.setEditable(false); box.getChildren().add(new Label("Enter your name and type :")); input = new TextField(); box.getChildren().add(input); input.setOnKeyTyped(new EventHandler() { private ResponseListener listener = new ResultIssuesResponseListener() { @Override public void onResult(ResultEvent event) { output.appendText((String)event.getResult() + "\n"); } @Override public void onIssue(IssueEvent event) { output.appendText(event.toString() + "\n"); } }; @Override public void handle(KeyEvent event) { if (!event.getCharacter().isEmpty()) { char c = event.getCharacter().charAt(0); if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { remoteService.newInvocation("sayHello", input.getText()).addListener(listener).invoke(); input.setText(""); } } } });; input.requestFocus(); } @Override public void stop() throws Exception { transport.stop(); super.stop(); } }
The HelloWorld project is now ready and should compile without any issues.
Right click on the “�? class in your Eclipse Package Explorer and select “Run As�? -> “Java Application�?. The application should show up, letting you entering your name and saying in return, as expected, Hello:
As explained in the label above the text field, just enter some text and press the enter (or return) key on your keyboard.
After having (a lot) of fun with the application, it’s time to understand what is going on under the hood.
Let’s look at the first part of the highlighted code (lines 43-49):
transport = new ApacheAsyncTransport(); transport.start(); URI uri = new URI(""); RemotingChannel channel = new AMFRemotingChannel(transport, "graniteamf", uri); remoteService = new RemoteService(channel, "helloWorldService");
This part of code is executed at initialization time and proceed as follow:
What we get at the end of this initialization is basically an object (remoteService) from which we can call methods of a remote Java service (the helloWorldService).
The second part of the highlighted code is a handler for server responses:
private ResponseListener listener = new ResultIssuesResponseListener() { @Override public void onResult(ResultEvent event) { output.appendText((String)event.getResult() + "\n"); } @Override public void onIssue(IssueEvent event) { output.appendText(event.toString() + "\n"); } };
The two methods of the ResultIssuesResponseListener interface deal respectively with successful answers (the server responds with “Hello �? + your input + “!�?) and issues (something went wrong). Both display their output in the text area of the application.
The third part of the highlighted code is the server request:
remoteService.newInvocation("sayHello", input.getText()) .addListener(listener) .invoke();
The remoteService, bound to the hello world POJO service on the server, creates a new invocation of the method “sayHello�?, with the user input as parameter (newInvocation(“sayHello�?, input.getText())). Then, the just created handler (see above) is set as the listener of the server response (addListener(listener)) and the call is placed (invoke()). This happens each time the user input a new text.
The final part of the highlighted code stops the transport when the application is closed:
All resources allocated by the transport are then released, in particular the underlying thread pool managing asynchronous requests: failing to call the transport stop method can lead to improper thread closing, leaving the application in a kind of daemon state.
In the “samples�? directory of the GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1 distribution, you will find a file named “�?. You can unzip it at location of your choice or import it as an existing projets archive under Eclipse.
Let’s look at the file that explains the configuration of the RemotingChannel and RemotingService (helloworld/war/WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml):
<services-config> <services> <service id="granite-service" class="" messageTypes="flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage"> <destination id="helloWorldService"> <channels> <channel ref="graniteamf"/> </channels> <properties> <scope>application</scope> <source>org.test.HelloWorldService</source> </properties> </destination> </service> </services> <channels> <channel-definition id="graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel"> <endpoint uri="http://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/graniteamf/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/> </channel-definition> </channels> </services-config>
Let’s start with the channel definition: a channel identified by “graniteamf�? is bound to an uri which resolves to “�?. If you look at the web.xml file, this is where the main GraniteDS filter and servlet are handling incoming AMF requests. The configuration of the AMFRemotingChannel in the JavaFX HelloWorld class reflects these settings.
Then, jump to the beginning of the file and look at the service definition: the destination “helloWorldService�?, which uses the “graniteamf�? channel, is bound to the org.test.HelloWorldService POJO. This explains the configuration of our RemotingService as well.
Finally, let’s have a look at the HelloWorldService class (helloworld/java/org/test/
package org.test; public class HelloWorldService { public String sayHello(String name) { return "Hello " + name + "!"; } }
The invocation of the service (ie: remoteService.newInvocation(“sayHello�?, input.getText())) is now all obvious: the method “sayHello�? is called with a parameter set to the current user input.
Granite Data Services 2.3.2 GA is out and available for download . Maven artifacts are also available through Maven2 central repositories .
This new release comes with several bugfixes and improvements (see the complete changelog on Jira ). Here are some highlights of the most interesting new features in GraniteDS 2.3.2 GA:
You can update Gas3 (together with the Wizard) through our Eclipse .
After the recent announcements from Adobe regarding the future of the Flex framework (see, for example, this ) and, unofficially, from Microsoft about Silverlight (see ), the RIA world have been deeply shaken up and it is now time to look at the viable solutions left to the developers.
Before digging into what we, at GraniteDS, think about the Flex and RIA future and how it is influencing our platform roadmap, let’s see who are the different players in this area:
Now let’s see what Flex brings to the table that makes it such a compelling solution for enterprise applications: a very good IDE and tooling, a strong language (ActionScript3), very good performance and cross-browser compatibility thanks to the Flash Player runtime, a great UI framework with plenty of advanced features (sophisticated component lifecycle, data binding, modularity, skinning, media capabilities, etc.), a good set of built-in, open source and for-pay components, and recently the ability to build cross-platform iOS / Android mobile applications from the same source code with the AIR runtime. All things that made possible for us to build our GraniteDS platform on a strong foundation.
All those capabilities are at worst inexistent, at best very partially matched by the existing alternatives. Without Flex and Silverlight, enterprise RIA developers are left with good but (while at different extents) emerging or less featured frameworks. There is not any doubt that it is possible to build enterprise applications with them, but the development will be much slower than with Flex or Silverlight, less maintainable, missing many advanced features and will require long and extensive testing on the various target browsers. Moreover the landscape of client technologies is evolving at an extremely fast pace with new frameworks, JavaScript evolutions or replacements such as Google Dart or ECMAScript 6 (Harmony), announced almost every day, and it’s very difficult to make a perennial choice right now.
You might have noticed that we only marginally mention HTML5 as an alternative. Indeed we think that HTML5 as it currently exists really is more an alternative to the Flash Player than to the Flex framework. You will always need complementary frameworks and component libraries to get a really usable development platform, and a big issue is that there is no common standard component model that ensures that all this stuff will work happily together. And while some of these HTML5-based frameworks will certainly become strong RIA platforms in the future, they are right now simply not as feature rich and stable as Flex and Silverlight can be, and most likely won’t be in the coming years. There is simply nothing that can replace Flex today.
According to Adobe, the entire Flex framework will be soon given to the Apache Foundation. This is great news, from an openness and licensing point of vue, but it could also lead to a slow death of this great solution if nobody is truly committed into its development and maintenance. While Adobe seems to be willing to bind some of its own resources on the framework future, we think that a large part of the Flex community should be involved and we are very exited with the idea of participating to the Flex framework evolution.
While a participation as simple contributors is very likely, we wish to take a bigger part in the governance of the project. Of course this is subject to the choices of Adobe and the Apache Foundation concerning the people involved in this governance but, as a significant player in the Flex area, the GraniteDS team should be one of the natural choices in this community selection process.
If Flex as an Apache Foundation project is widely open to community contributors, we believe that it will remain the most powerful RIA platform in the future and may lead the industry for years to come until HTML5 or one of its next iterations can finally provide a credible solution. Flex is not going to disappear in the foreseeable future and is still the better choice for developing rich enterprise applications.
GraniteDS has been the main alternative to LCDS (Livecycle Data Services) from the beginning and, after more than 5 years of polishing and improvements, it is a widely used, stable, production-ready, open-source and feature-rich solution for enterprise Flex / Java EE developments. It is also known as offering many strong advantages over BlazeDS and you will find a detailed comparison between GraniteDS and BlazeDS here, as well as a step-by-step migration guide.
According to another recent , Adobe is unlikely going to publish any new major release of LCDS, speaking only about supporting existing customers and applications. LCDS isn’t anymore bundled as a standalone product but is now sold as a module of a much larger platform, the . From its part, BlazeDS hasn’t really evolved during the last 1 or 2 years, and its maturation as an Apache Foundation project is at least questionable.
From an architectural point of vue, GraniteDS has always promoted a strong server-side approach, based on remote services that implement the most significant part of the business logic and a client application that is mostly a presentation layer. The main advantages of this approach are the independence of the server application from the client-side technology (Flex or any other) and the ability to leverage the full power of existing Java EE frameworks such as Spring, JBoss Seam, EJB3 and now CDI. This clearly differs from the classical client-server architecture promoted by LCDS, where almost all the business logic goes to the client-side, the server being not much more than a database frontend.
Another obvious advantage of this approach is the ability to migrate an existing Flex application to another RIA technology without having to change anything on the server application. The same applies when there is a need to create multi-headed client applications, targeted at different platforms (Flex, Android, iOS, HTML5, etc.). Using GraniteDS makes your application as future-proof as possible in this quickly evolving technology environment, while still benefiting from all its advanced enterprise features (lazy-loading, paging, real-time data push, etc.)
After the recent release of the 2.3.0.GA version of our platform (see details here) and a new Eclipse wizard plugin that dramatically simplifies GraniteDS’ projects creation (see here), we are moving to a major evolution of the framework. Among several other new features and improvements, the next 3.0 version will focus on the following areas:
Overall, these new features are aiming to improve GraniteDS ease of use, enlarge its features and target platforms perimeter and help users in leveraging today’s and tomorrow’s best technical solutions.
From all of the above, we believe that the GraniteDS platform, with its enterprise-grade features, uncompromised Java EE integration, professional support and openness to a wide range of client technologies can be considered as one of the best available platform for perennial RIA developments.
Through its continuous move toward new client technologies, GraniteDS will stay open to strong partnerships with IDE and graphical components providers, and committed to offer an open-source, comprehensive and powerful solution for Java EE developers willing to leverage the best of this renewed RIA world.
Hi all,
Granite Data Services 2.3.0 GA (final) is out and available for download here: . Maven artifacts have been uploaded and should be shortly available as well.
This final release comes with fixes for the few issues that were discovered in the recent 2.3.0 RC1. The full change log can be found on .
Among many other things, GraniteDS 2.3.0 brings:
See also this post about these new features / improvements: More details on the new features in GraniteDS 2.3.
Today, we are excited to announce the launch of the GraniteDS Enterprise Platform.
The Enterprise Platform of GraniteDS has been developed in response to the feedback we received in our many conversations with our users over the past weeks and months. Our team in Europe and the US conducted surveys, in depth interviews and spoke with as many GraniteDS users in person as possible. As a result, the release of the Enterprise Platform is the first step of many to come to make GraniteDS even more powerful and reliable for Flex / Java EE applications of any kind.
We are releasing the Enterprise Platform today as our recommended setup for projects using GraniteDS in production environments. The Enterprise Platform gives you:
With the Enterprise Platform you will also get early access to new features that we plan to release soon like RTMP, extended mobile platform support, or out of the box clustering and integration with monitoring tools. For bundles and prices, check out our pricing page.
As a result, the GraniteDS Enterprise Platform enables developers and companies to leverage the full feature range of the open-source version of GraniteDS, along with a broad range of pre-packed enterprise-level services and full support for applications in development and production. This unique combination of features and services enables companies to leverage the full power of GraniteDS also in mission-critical applications through a highly stable, reliable and scalable distribution package.
Let us know what you think about this new offering! Please share your thoughts and comments with us at any time in the comments or via our , or our website.
Review the pricing and choose your bundle here.
If you want to download and test a feature-reduced version of the Enterprise Platform (no clustering, no SSL, no technologies preview), check out the Community Platform that comes with pre-packaged real-time messaging native libraries (APR) and sample applications. Get it here.
GraniteDS 2.2.1 GA is a bug and security fixes release with one major new feature: Gravity is now natively supported with WebLogic 9.1+ servers.
The security fix relies on a new configuration option and prevents arbitrary Java class instantiations through malicious AMF3 requests. (more…)
The new GraniteDS Wizard Plugin is intended to facilitate the creation of new GraniteDS project under Eclipse.
In order to install and use it, you need at least an Eclipse 3.4+ bundle and, preferably, if you want to benefit from all of its features, the folowing plugins:
You will also need a JBoss 5.1 distribution, as the default template that comes the wizard targets this application server.
Once you have setup this environment, donwload the new GraniteDS Wizard plugin on Github and unzip it into your eclipse/plugins directory. Restart Eclipse and you should now be able to see a “GraniteDS�? section in the “New Project�? dialog when you select “File�? -> “New�? -> “Project…�? in your Eclipse menu:
Select “GraniteDS Projects�?, click on the “Next�? button and select the first available template in the next dialog:
Click again on the “Next�? button and you should now see a standard project creation dialog with a specific “Template variables�? section at the bottom:
Enter a project name, change the “JBoss installation directory�? to your JBoss installation directory, accept all other default options (or change them if you want) and click on “Finish�?.
You should now see a new Flex / JavaEE project, configured for both FlashBuilder and GraniteDS builder, and with a “.package�? file that automatically deploy the project in the choosen JBoss deployment directory.
Tip: unfortunatly, you should also have an error when the project is first build… This is FlashBuilder error (actually a known bug), complaining that it hasn’t been able to create the html templates. Just right click on the error and ask it to recreate the template files.
Project templates in this GraniteDS wizard tool are mostly made of Groovy scripts. Go to your “eclipse/plugin/org.granite.wizard_1.0.0.alpha1/resources�? directory. You should see two subdirectories, “libs�? and “templates�?.
The “libs�? directory contains GraniteDS libraries that are referenced by templates (see below).
The “templates�? directory contains actual templates. There is only one template at this time, in a directory called “jboss�?. If you open this directory, you will see two files and one directory:
As you may now understand, this GraniteDS Wizard is completely generic and could be used in order to make projects that have nothing to do with GraniteDS: it is simply a general mecanism for displaying and editing variables before copying template files and directories.
Some more informations before a future proper documentation:
Don’t forget this is an alpha work: we will i mprove this JBoss template and provide other ones for different environments.
is somewhere beyond the final frontier: to get to GraniteDS into their decision trees, you first have to go with Java, which doesn’t even seem to be the most recommended option according to these guys. Then, you’ll have to follow this frustrating path:
Complete messaging? No.
Complete data management? No
Complete code generation? No.
A psychiatrist? No. (if you happen to choose Yes here, you get LCDS
Scale beyond one server? Yes.
J2EE-centric? Yes.
Here you are: GraniteDS.
So, after refusing all the good things, you, as a GraniteDS user, avoid at least the cost of a therapy!
But the most funny thing is at the end of their post:
We respectfully request that the developers of the other integration servers mentioned herein join us (…)
You may guess that William and I are of course seriously studying this unexpected opportunity.
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