Granite Data Services 3.0.0.M1 is out and available for download . Maven artifacts are also available through Maven2 central repositories .
This release is the first milestone for GraniteDS 3.0 and comes with several bug fixes, improvements, and new features (see the complete changelog on JIRA ).
Here are some highlights of the most interesting new features in GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1 :
Note : the Flex websocket implementation is a modified version of the work of gimite available on github . It will be packaged in a separate archive in the next 3.0 M2 release.
You can have a look at the reference documentation for Flex or Java/JavaFX to get more details on the configuration for using websockets. It is very similar to the usual Gravity long polling setup and simply involves declaring a WebSocketChannel and a corresponding WebSocket servlet.
The packaging of the distribution has been completely changed. You will now get a cleaner (and smaller) archive containing 5 folders:
Notes on upgrading from 2.x to 3.0 :
You can find the reference documentation here :
To get started with the new support of JavaFX 2.2, you can follow the new tutorials :
The latest Maven archetypes 2.0.0.M1 have also been upgraded to GraniteDS 3.0.0.M1 and a new JavaFX/Spring archetype has been added.
You can note that the source projects are not (and won’t be) in the distribution any more. You can still clone them directly from github:
The core project still includes the old examples (in the examples folder) that have not yet been ported to the new format.
Starting from GDS 3.0, support for JDK 1.4 is dropped. If you’re stuck on JDK 1.4, you can still use the JDK 1.4 build of GraniteDS 2.3.2.GA.
The Eclipse tooling of GDS 3.0 (Gas3 builder and wizard) can be updated from our Eclipse .
Granite Data Services 2.3.2 GA is out and available for download . Maven artifacts are also available through Maven2 central repositories .
This new release comes with several bugfixes and improvements (see the complete changelog on Jira ). Here are some highlights of the most interesting new features in GraniteDS 2.3.2 GA:
You can update Gas3 (together with the Wizard) through our Eclipse .
Following the release of GraniteDS 2.3.0.GA, we have updated the Maven archetypes, now in version 1.1.0.GA.
Here are the changes :
As a reminder, here is how you can use the archetype to build a simple project with Flex/GraniteDS/Spring and Hibernate :
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.graniteds.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=graniteds-tide-spring-jpa-hibernate -DarchetypeVersion=1.1.0.GA -DgroupId=com.myapp -DartifactId=example -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT
There are still 4 existing archetypes, all of which are now based on Flex 4.5 and Spark components :
Once the project is created, you can build it easily with
mvn install
And then run it in Jetty (Spring or Seam) with :
cd webapp mvn jetty:run-war
Or in the Embedded GlassFish 3.1.1 (CDI) with :
cd webapp mvn embedded-glassfish:run
Once started you can access the default generated application at . By default there are two users created that can access the application : admin / admin and user / user.
You can then easily build a war with :
mvn war:war
Note that in this case you may have to change the configuration if your application server target is not the same as the embedded maven plugin. For example, if you target Tomcat, you will have to adapt the Gravity servlet in web.xml accordingly. Also note that the default configuration uses an embedded H2 database and locally defined security.
Hi all,
Granite Data Services 2.3.0 GA (final) is out and available for download here: . Maven artifacts have been uploaded and should be shortly available as well.
This final release comes with fixes for the few issues that were discovered in the recent 2.3.0 RC1. The full change log can be found on .
Among many other things, GraniteDS 2.3.0 brings:
See also this post about these new features / improvements: More details on the new features in GraniteDS 2.3.
Hi all,
Granite Data Services 2.3.0 Release Candidate 1 is out and available for download here: .
Many (59!) bugfixes, improvements and new features are coming with this new release and the full change log can be found on GraniteDS’ Jira: .
Among many other things, GraniteDS 2.3.0 brings:
Maven artifacts are coming as well. In the next few days, we will be discussing many of the new features and improvements in more detail. So stay tuned!