Following the release of GraniteDS 2.3.0.GA, we have updated the Maven archetypes, now in version 1.1.0.GA.
Here are the changes :
As a reminder, here is how you can use the archetype to build a simple project with Flex/GraniteDS/Spring and Hibernate :
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.graniteds.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=graniteds-tide-spring-jpa-hibernate -DarchetypeVersion=1.1.0.GA -DgroupId=com.myapp -DartifactId=example -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT
There are still 4 existing archetypes, all of which are now based on Flex 4.5 and Spark components :
Once the project is created, you can build it easily with
mvn install
And then run it in Jetty (Spring or Seam) with :
cd webapp mvn jetty:run-war
Or in the Embedded GlassFish 3.1.1 (CDI) with :
cd webapp mvn embedded-glassfish:run
Once started you can access the default generated application at . By default there are two users created that can access the application : admin / admin and user / user.
You can then easily build a war with :
mvn war:war
Note that in this case you may have to change the configuration if your application server target is not the same as the embedded maven plugin. For example, if you target Tomcat, you will have to adapt the Gravity servlet in web.xml accordingly. Also note that the default configuration uses an embedded H2 database and locally defined security.
Tags: 2.3.0, archetypes, maven