It’s been a long road but Granite Data Services 3.0.0.GA is finally out just in time for Christmas!
The distribution is available for download here, and artifacts are available on the Maven central repository .
What’s new?
Build, documentation, tutorials…
We have spent quite some time to completely rework the tool chain for the project, with a new build system based on , a new documentation generated with , and new multi-technologies focused on specific tasks.
The content is not yet perfect, but at least we now have a really good and modern infrastructure. This heavy lifting had long been needed and will now help us bring more frequent releases. It will also make much easier to contribute to the project, either code, docs or tutorials by simple pull requests in github.
All server and basic libraries are now released under the LGPL 2.1 (previously LGPL 2.0), and all advanced client libraries and UDP client and server integration are now released under a dual GPL 3.0 / commercial license. See here for more details on the commercial licenses.
GraniteDS 3.0.0 brings a new Java client implementation compatible with both GDS 2.3 and GDS 3.0 servers. It also provides support for (almost) all Tide framework features on JavaFX 2.2+.
Additionally GraniteDS brings the new binary protocol JMF which specifically targets Java client to Java server communication and avoids serialization issues with both AMF and Java serialization.
Websocket messaging
Websocket channels are available for all supported client technologies (Flex, Java, JavaFX, Android). GraniteDS uses the native support of the application servers, so Tomcat 7, Jetty 8.1+ (but not yet Jetty 9) and GlassFish 3.1.2+ can be used. The next release will add support for the standard websocket JSR 356 and Servlet 3.1.
UDP messaging
Some messaging use cases do not very well fit with TCP-based communication protocols. UDP messaging is now available for usages that require very fast non guaranteed data transfer, such as continuous price updates for trading applications or transmission of player positions for gaming.
UDP channels are available for all supported client technologies (Flex, Java, Android) and all application servers.
ChangeSets (Flex only)
Usually the modifications on object graphs by users on the client concern only a few properties. It is thus excessive to transfer the complete object graph to the server for doing the update. Incremental updates (changeSets) allow to send only the modified values and greatly limit the quantity of data to transfer. This is supported in the client to server direction and when using Hibernate, also server to client data transfers.
Tide support for multiple servers (Flex)
There has been until now a limitation to only one remote server application at a time with the Flex Tide API, it is now possible to use the Tide API with as many servers as needed by using the ServerSession API.
Bug fixes and various improvements
You will find the complete list .
Merry Christmas!! And don’t hesitate to give your feedback and comments here or on the .
The GraniteDS Team.
Great job!!
Thank you for the nice gift under the tree!