Granite Data Services » License FAQ

License FAQ

Home Enterprise License FAQ

Confused with our licensing scheme? Find Our Answers Below.

How Are Your Products Licensed?

Advanced or very specific GraniteDS Libraries are licensed under two options: a commercial license (GraniteDS Software License Agreement) and an open source license ().

The rest of the platform is licensed under a more permissive open source license ().

Is GraniteDS Fully Open-Source?

Yes. All GraniteDS code is open source and released either under the LGPL 2.1 or the GPL 3.0 licenses.

The commercial license is available for the exact same code base, without modification or addition, and apply to the software released under the GPL 3.0 license.

What Software Is Covered By The GPL 3 / Granite SLA Licenses?

These softwares are covered either by the GPL 3.0 or the Granite SLA licenses:

  • Advanced Flex Library.
  • Advanced JavaFX Library.
  • Advanced Android Library.
  • UDP Real-Time Libraries.

The rest of the GraniteDS platform is covered by the LGPL 2.1 license.

Can I Use Your Software Without Purchasing A Commercial License?

Yes, provided that your applications based on GraniteDS are distributed under a license compatible with our open-source licenses (LGPL 2.1 or GPL 3.0).

Of course, if your application doesn’t use any of our libraries covered by the GPL 3.0 license, you simply have to comply with the LGPL 2.1 terms and conditions.

Can I Start Developing My Software Without Purchasing A Commercial License?

Yes, the terms of our commercial license allow this.

However, before giving access to any of your end users (either inside or outside your organization) to your application, you must purchase a license for each developer involved, at any time, in the creation of this application and using our GPL 3.0 software.

Does The Commercial License Apply To The Entire GraniteDS Platform?

No. It only applies to the software released under the GPL 3.0 license.

The rest of the platform is covered by the LGPL 2.1 license, even if you have purchased one or more commercial licenses.

Can I Reassign A License To A Different User?

Yes, but only once every 6 months.

Do I Need To Renew My License Every Year?

No, licenses are perpetual. But your rights to use our software upgrades under these licenses are limited to one year.

So, if you have purchased a commercial license for our Advanced Flex Library on January 1st, 2014, you are entitled to use any version of this software library provided that it is released before January 1st, 2015. If you want to use a version released in 2015 or after, you need to purchase a new license.

Can I Get Commercial Support Without Purchasing A Commercial License?

No, unless you do not use any of our GPL 3.0 software or if you release your application under a license compatible with the GPL 3.0 license.

How Do I Calculate The Number Of Developers I Need To Purchase A License For?

Lets say you are developing a commercial application during 1 year. The first 6 months, three developers (A, B and C) are working on your product. Then, a new developer D replaces B and C isn’t working anymore on your product during the remaining 6 months. You need to purchase 3 licenses for A, (B -> D) and C.

Lets say your application needs more time (further developments or maintenance) and you have purchased 3 licenses on the first January of year X. If you want to use upgrades of our software that are released after the first January of year X+1, you also need to purchase a license for each developer using the upgraded software.

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