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More details on the new features in GraniteDS 2.3

By William October 12th, 2011 GraniteDS No Comments
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GraniteDS 2.3.0 RC1 is mostly a bugfix and incremental improvements release but contains a few new features :

Support for JBoss AS 7 / Hibernate 4

JBoss have once again changed their VFS internal implementation in AS 7, breaking the class scanner in GraniteDS. It was still possible to run GraniteDS in non-scan mode but this is now fixed and you can now benefit from the very fast JBoss AS 7 with GDS 2.3.

Another issue with JBoss AS 7 is its deep integration with Hibernate 4 which makes very painful to deploy Hibernate 3.x applications (i.e. all Hibernate applications). There are a few workarounds described on the Hibernate blog . However it’s recommended to upgrade to H4 as soon as possible, and GraniteDS now fully supports Hibernate 4. Just use the granite-hibernate4.jar instead of granite-hibernate.jar and you’re done.

Support for Flex 4.5+

Flex 4.5 broke a few APIs and there were two main issues with Tide :

  • The client libraries crashed when run in a mobile application
  • The PagedQuery was unusable

These two issues are now fixed and you will find a version of the granite-flex45.swc client libraries compiled with the Flex SDK 4.5 . Unfortunately it is not yet available with the ‘normal’ distribution because our build system was not able to build with two different versions of the Flex SDK. The library can be found only in the new distribution (which will be the default distribution format starting from GraniteDS 3.0). For the final release we will try to add it manually and it should be also available as a maven artifact.

Reverse lazy-loading

The support of lazy-loaded associations when retrieving detached entities from the server is an important feature of GraniteDS and greatly helps limiting the amount of data transferred through the network. However it works only in the server to client direction. The problem is that once you have loaded all associations on the client, passing an object as an argument of a remote method call will send the whole loaded object graph to the server, even if you have only changed a simple property.

public function savePerson():void {
    person.lastName = "Test";
    personService.save(person);   // This will send all loaded collections associated to the Person object

Obviously this is not very efficient, so you can now ask Tide to uninitialize the object graph before sending it. You can do it manually with :

var uperson:Person = new EntityGraphUnintializer(tideContext).uninitializeEntityGraph(person) as Person;

Here all loaded collections of the Person object will be uninitialized so uperson contains only the minimum of data to correctly merge your changes in the server persistence context. If there is a change deeper in the object graph, the uninitializer is able to detect it and will not uninitialize the corresponding graph so the server receives all changes.

person.contacts.getItemAt(0).email = '[email protected]';
var uperson:Person = new EntityGraphUnintializer(tideContext).uninitializeEntityGraph(person) as Person;

Here uperson will still contain the loaded collection of contacts, but if there are other collections, they will be uninitialized.

If you want to uninitialize more than one argument, you have to use the same EntityGraphUninitializer for all so they share the same context :

var egu:EntityGraphUnintializer = new EntityGraphUninitialize(tideContext);
uperson1 = egu.uninitializeEntityGraph(person1);
uperson2 = egu.uninitializeEntityGraph(person2);
personService.save(uperson1, uperson2);

Calling the EntityGraphUninitializer manually is a bit tedious and ugly, so there is a cleaner possibility when you are using generated typesafe service proxies. You can annotate your service method arguments with @org.granite.tide.data.Lazy :

public void save(@Lazy Person person) {

Gas3 will then generate a [Lazy] annotation on your service methods (so take care that you need to add the [Lazy] annotation to your Flex metadata compilation configuration). Next in the Flex application, register the UninitializeArgumentPreprocessor component in Tide.


Once you have done this, all calls to PersonService.save() will use an uninitialized version of the person argument.

It is important to note that it will not uninitialize the associations in your ‘normal’ Tide context and that there will not be any change to your client entities. Tide will simply copy the necessary entities in a temporary context, uninitialize the associations of the copies before the passing them as arguments to the remote call and then discard everything.

Unfortunately this new feature cannot yet work with Seam context variables (and thus with the Home component). Only method arguments can be processed, but this should cover be the vast majority of use cases. Support for context variables requires a major refactoring and will come with GDS 3.0.

Injection of the Gravity singleton

In GDS 2.2 you needed a ServletContext to retrieve the Gravity singleton from a server application, which is not always possible or suitable and implies a dependency on the Servlet API. With GDS 2.3, the singleton is available in the framework context and can simply be injected.

With Spring or CDI :

private Gravity gravity;

With Seam :

private Gravity gravity;

The DI capabilities of EJB3 are too limited to allow something like this. If you need to be independent from the Gravity API, just use a JMS topic and send messages with the JMS API.

Improved support for transparent data push (ON_COMMIT mode and non-GDS threads)

GraniteDS provides a data push feature allowing to track updates on JPA entities and transparently dispatch them in real-time through Gravity to Flex clients. However in GDS 2.2 there were two limitations : the updates could be tracked only from a thread managed by GraniteDS (an HTTP remoting or messaging request), and the ON_COMMIT mode allowing transactional dispatch of the updates through JMS was not supported out-of-the-box.

GraniteDS 2.3 comes with a set of interceptors (unfortunately one for each technology : Spring, Seam, EJB3 and CDI ; so much for interoperability for such a basic thing as an interceptor) managing the ON_COMMIT mode that can also be used to track the updates on any non-GraniteDS thread.

The setup is simple, just add the useInterceptor=true parameter on the @DataEnabled annotation and use either ON_SUCCESS or ON_COMMIT. ON_SUCCESS is the default mode and simply means that the dispatch will occur for all successful calls. ON_COMMIT means that the dispatch will occur when the transaction commits, it ensures that the dispatch is transactional when used in conjuction with a transacted JMS topic.

Then configure the interceptor for your target framework :

For Spring, add this in your context :


Take care that you have to use the latest xsd :

xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.graniteds.org/config http://www.graniteds.org/public/dtd/2.3.0/granite-config-2.3.xsd"

For Seam, nothing to do, the interceptor is implicitly setup when the @DataEnabled(useInterceptor=true) annotation is applied.

For CDI, just enable the interceptor in beans.xml :

    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/beans_1_0.xsd">	 

For EJB3, you have to setup the interceptor on each EJB :

@DataEnabled(topic="myTopic", publish=PublishMode.ON_COMMIT, useInterceptor=true)
public class MyServiceBean {

Or globally in ejb-jar.xml :


GraniteDS, Java EE 6 and Seam 3 at JAXLondon 2011

By William March 30th, 2011 GraniteDS 1 Comment

I really enjoy going to London for . I will be speaking about Flex and Java EE 6.The timing is very interesting because Java EE 6 is now really getting a lot of traction (don’t miss the sessions of the Java EE day) and the final Seam 3.0 is about to be released. I will be able to demonstrate some nice new stuff with Flex, GraniteDS and Seam 3.I’m also happy to speak just after the keynote of from Adobe who will certainly show lots of awesome Flash & Flex demos on various mobile platforms. If I can find enough time, I’ll try to also do a short demonstration of a multiscreen Flex/AIR application on an Android phone.

See you there !

Maven archetypes updated with GDS 2.2 SP1

By William January 22nd, 2011 GraniteDS No Comments

Following the release of GraniteDS 2.2.0 SP1, we have updated the Maven archetypes (now version 1.0.0.RC2).

Unfortunately because of some weird behaviour of the Maven archetype plugin, it is now necessary to specify the archetype repository ‘central’ to be able to use the latest version : mvn archetype:generate

There have been a few changes and fixes :

  • Upgrade to GDS 2.2 SP1
  • Upgrade to flexmojos 3.8 (so mvn flexmojos:flashbuilder should work)
  • Fixed bad default package name in Spring archetype
  • Changed Java compile options to 1.6

Update 25/01/2011 : seems the central archetype catalog is now up-to-date : mvn archetype:generate

GraniteDS Maven archetypes 1.0 RC1 released

By William November 27th, 2010 GraniteDS 13 Comments

We have noticed from a long time that starting a new project with GraniteDS and the usual Java frameworks is not easy enough. We have tried to simplify the configuration as much as possible by allowing to configure GraniteDS directly in the Spring and Seam configuration files but yet there are many steps and caveeats that can take lots of time when setting up a project. It is even more painful when you add the setup of the build system with Ant or Maven.

Fortunately Maven provides a handy mechanism to bootstrap new projects in the form of archetypes. Along with the release of GraniteDS 2.2, we have also released a set of 4 archetypes for common use cases of GraniteDS :

  • graniteds-spring-jpa-hibernate: Flex 4 + Spring 3 + Hibernate/JPA + GraniteDS with standard RemoteObject API
  • graniteds-tide-spring-jpa-hibernate: Flex 4 + Spring 3 + Hibernate/JPA + GraniteDS with Tide API
  • graniteds-tide-seam-jpa-hibernate: Flex 4 + Seam 2.2 + Hibernate/JPA + GraniteDS with Tide API
  • graniteds-tide-cdi-jpa: Flex 4 + CDI/Weld 1.0 + JPA + GraniteDS with Tide API

It is recommended to use Maven 3 but Maven 2.2 should also work. You can run the archetypes from the command line :

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.graniteds.archetypes  -DarchetypeArtifactId=graniteds-tide-spring-jpa-hibernate  -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0.RC1  -DgroupId=com.myapp  -DartifactId=example1 -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT

This will create of project named example1 that you can directly build and run with maven :

cd example1  mvn install cd webapp mvn jetty:run-war

Then browse . The generated project is a multimodule application skeleton with a Java module, a Flex module and a Web module. It includes basic security, service remoting and data synchronization. The default security configuration includes two hardcoded users: admin/admin and user/user.

It is a good starting point to build your own application, after removing the very few example parts. The most interesting thing in these archetypes is that the build poms are automatically created and that they reference selected versions of each framework (Flex, Spring, Seam, Hibernate…) and of build tools (Flexmojos, Jetty plugin…) that work together correctly.

Spring and Seam archetypes are built to be run inside Jetty (for example with the Maven Jetty plugin as shown before). The CDI/Weld example is built to be run inside GlassFish v3.0.1+ and should also work in JBoss 6 M4 (but not later as next versions include the newer and incompatible Weld 1.1). By default it can be run in embedded GlassFish with :

cd example1 mvn install cd webapp mvn embedded-glassfish:run

If you don’t want to run inside an embedded container but in Tomcat or another container, and still want to use real-time messaging, you will have to change the Gravity servlet implementation in the web.xml file (implementation class names for Tomcat and JBoss 5+ are in comment in the generated web.xml). Then build a war to be deployed in any application server with :

cd webapp mvn war:war

This is not a final release of these archetypes but they are already usable. They mostly miss the necessary Maven stuff to run unit tests for Flex and Java projects.

As always don’t hesitate to give your feedback.

Upgrading from GraniteDS 2.1 to GraniteDS 2.2

By William November 25th, 2010 GraniteDS 1 Comment

GraniteDS 2.2 GA has just been released. There have been a few minor changes in APIs and configurations that require some work when upgrading from GDS 2.1 to GDS 2.2 :

API for PagedQuery

PagedQuery now supports sorting on multiple fields, so the API for server-side components has been changed accordingly and expects arrays for order and desc.

public Map find(Map filter, int first, int max, String[] order, boolean[] desc) { ... }


Configuration property of server-side validator

The property name in services-config.xml has changed from validator-class-name to validatorClassName for consistency with other properties : <destination id="seam"> <properties> <validator-class-name>org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateValidator </validator-class-name> </properties> </destination>

With Spring, it’s also possible to define a validator-name that is the name of a bean that implements org.granite.tide.validators.EntityValidator, the default name expected being “tideValidator�?. <bean id="tideValidator"/>


Presentation of GraniteDS at 360|Flex DC

By William October 6th, 2010 GraniteDS No Comments

Franck and I were at the conference in September to give a presentation about GraniteDS. It was a very interesting time for us, as it was our first talk in the US and our first talk in a pure Flash/Flex conference. We met nice people there and it was a refreshing change to attend to sessions made by designers about user experience, visual effects and gaming instead of our usual boring enterprise Java stuff. Thanks again to John & Nicole for inviting us.

Our presentation was partly slides and partly demo code and some people asked if we could publish the demo application. After a bit of polishing, it is now available for download. There is that can be deployed in a vanilla JBoss 4.2.3, and the eclipse project with the complete source code and configuration .

Note that you will need two things in JBoss to run the example :

  • Install APR (Apache Portable Runtime): download and install it from , see install doc .
  • Comment out the “CommonHeadersFilter�? section in jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/conf/web.xml:
<param-value>Servlet 2.4; JBoss-4.2.3.GA [...]</param-value>


Once deployed, it can be accessed from .

This demo will probably be included in the distribution examples in the next release of GraniteDS.

Finally if you are interested in the slides, they are available below via .

View more from

As always, don’t hesitate to give your feedback.

GraniteDS and GlassFish v3

By William August 4th, 2010 GraniteDS 1 Comment
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It has been possible to run GraniteDS on GlassFish v3 since the version 2.0, but the configuration is not very well documented and all the example applications (except for CDI) run by default on JBoss and Tomcat.

It’s a bit shameful because GlassFish v3 is currently the only stable JEE6 compliant server and provides many features that are well supported by GraniteDS such as JPA 2 and Bean Validation.

First I’m going to show how to run the examples on GlassFish, then I will give more details on the configuration so you will be able to modify the examples to run on GF.

Running the examples

Once you have unzipped the distribution, you will find an examples folder containing various projects. For now only the graniteds_tide_ejb3, graniteds_tide_cdi, graniteds_tide_spring and graniteds_chat provide out-of-the-box configurations for GlassFish.

First setup your environment (Flex SDK and GlassFish home folders) in examples/env.properties :



Then modify the build.xml file in the example project, by commenting the default JBoss section and uncommenting the GlassFish v3 section :

<<!-- Default configuration: exploded EAR for JBoss
<property name="exploded.ear.packaging" value="yes"/>
<property name="gds-hibernate.lib" value="yes"/>

<!-- Alternative configuration for GlassFish V3 with EclipseLink using JPA API
<property name="war.packaging" value="yes"/>
<property name="resources.dir" value="resources_glassfishv3"/>
<property name="gds-eclipselink.lib" value="yes"/>

After that, just run “ant deploy�? from the command line in the project folder and the example will be built and deployed to the GlassFish server. Then start the GF default database with “asadmin start-database�? and the server with “asadmin start-domain domain1″, and browse http://localhost:8080/graniteds_tide_ejb3.

The other Tide examples are similar, the necessary configuration files are in the resources_glassfishv3 folder of the examples projects. The chat example is a bit different, you just have to replace the web.xml by the provided servlet3-web.xml and deploy the example with “ant deploy�?.

The non-Tide examples should be relatively easy to modify as they don’t provide as many features. Probably the only things to change will be :

  • Adapt the JPA persistence.xml for EclipseLink
  • Change the security service in granite-config.xml to GlassFishV3SecurityService
  • Change the EJB3 lookup String to java:global/graniteds_ejb3/{capitalized.destination.id}ServiceBean

Now let’s see the necessary configuration in details.

Full setup with Tide, simplified configuration

Before configuring anything, we first have to add the necessary GraniteDS libraries in WEB-INF/lib : granite.jar : core library granite-eclipselink.jar : integration with EclipseLink JPA provider granite-cdi.jar or granite-spring.jar or granite-seam.jar : integration with various frameworks. This is not needed for EJB3 support, it’s already built in the core library.

Now let’s have a look at what’s in the configuration files, for example in the EJB example (note that contrary to JBoss which is not JEE6 compliant, the examples are deployed as war packages and not ear packages) :

WEB-INF/web.xml : It’s the standard configuration for JEE6 web archives, notice that it only contains the definition of the security roles, and the persistence unit reference. Thanks to the new web.xml modularization capabilities and new APIs in Servlet 3, GraniteDS can register automatically its servlets and filters.

<web-app version="3.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd">





GlassFish requires an additional sun-web.xml to define the security roles mapping. Don’t forget to create users with roles user or admin in the administration console, otherwise you won’t be able to log in the example application.

WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml : Nothing special here, it’s a basic JPA persistence unit using the default database and the built-in EclipseLink provider.

   xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_2_0.xsd"

  <persistence-unit name="ejb-pu">

Note that for now there is absolutely nothing concerning GraniteDS, we have just setup a basic JEE6 application. The configuration for GraniteDS consists in two files. First an empty WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services-config.properties to indicate to the GDS scanner that it should scan for annotated EJB3 in WEB-INF/classes (note this file is only necessary when using EJB3). Then a configuration class annotated with @FlexFilter that will tell GraniteDS to use automatic configuration.

    tideInterfaces={ EjbIdentity.class }
public class GraniteConfig {

    @MessagingDestination(noLocal=true, sessionSelector=true)
    AbstractMessagingDestination addressBookTopic;


GraniteDS is registered as a Servlet 3 initializer class that is triggered by the @FlexFilter annotation. The configuration itself is defined by the annotation parameters. The fields annotated with @MessagingDestination define messaging destinations with the same name than the field name.

This defines the simplified configuration for the application. It is however possible to override all this with the ‘standard’ GraniteDS configuration files.

Full setup with Tide, detailed configuration

Basically there are 3 configuration files :

WEB-INF/web.xml : defines the GDS listeners and servlets

<!-- Granite config context listener -->



This defines exactly the same thing as the simplified configuration, and there is rarely any good reason to use a different url mapping.

Next is the more interesting WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml. It is similar to the equivalent Flex Remoting / BlazeDS / LCDS configuration.


     ! Declares channels.
        <channel-definition id="graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">

        <channel-definition id="gravityamf" class="org.granite.gravity.channels.GravityChannel">

     ! Declares ejbFactory service factory.
        <factory id="tideEjbFactory" class="org.granite.tide.ejb.EjbServiceFactory">

     ! Declares Flex services. This configuration uses automated destinations
     ! discovery: see test.granite.ejb3.service.PersonServiceBean.java (the
     ! @RemoteDestination(id="person", securityRoles={"user","admin"}) annotation)
     ! and granite-config.xml (the scan="true" attribute). There is no need to
     ! set the factory: since only one factory is configured, it will be used by
     ! default.
     ! See also Persons.mxml for the RemoteObject configuration.
        <service id="granite-service"
             ! Use "tideEjbFactory" and "graniteamf" for "ejb" destination (see below).
            <destination id="ejb">
                    <channel ref="graniteamf"/>

        <service id="gravity-service"
                <adapter-definition id="simple" class="org.granite.gravity.adapters.SimpleServiceAdapter"/>

            <destination id="addressBookTopic">
                    <channel ref="gravityamf"/>
                <adapter ref="simple"/>


First are the channel definitions. Here we have one AMF remoting channel and one Gravity (comet-style messaging) channel. Of course the endpoint URIs should match the servlet mappings what we specified in web.xml.

Then we find the factory definitions. In this example we define an EJB3 service factory that will route AMF remoting request to the corresponding beans. This factory requires one specific property, the JNDI lookup string. Other factories could require different properties.

Lastly we have the more interesting service definitions. Here we define one remoting service with the Tide EJB destination mapped to the AMF channel and the EJB service factory. Then we define a messaging service with a simple messaging destination. As before this is exactly the same configuration than was defined with the simplified configuration. These defaults are suitable for most usages, you will very rarely need to change something here. The only things that you will eventually have to define here are messaging destinations (but you can also define them with the simplified configuration). Remoting destinations are automatically discovered by the GraniteDS class scanner.

The last configuration file is WEB-INF/granite/granite-config.xml. It contains all the GraniteDS specific internal configuration parameters (thread pool parameters, externalizers, converters…). You can refer to the documentation to get details on these parameters.

That’s all for the basic stuff. As you have noticed, there are not many specific parameters for GlassFish, except maybe the EJB lookup string, and the Gravity Servlet 3 servlet. Let’s see now how to integrate GraniteDS with the various pieces of JEE6 features :

Integration with container security

The simplified configuration auto-detects the container and registers the correct security integration service. You can also define it manually in granite-config.xml :

<granite-config scan="true">
 <security type="org.granite.messaging.service.security.GlassFishV3SecurityService"/>

This integration service allows to use container security to authenticate and authorize Flex clients. It also allows to propagate the security context to other server components.

Integration with EclipseLink JPA provider

GraniteDS is able to serialize correctly EclipseLink detached entities. When using the default configuration with scanning enabled, adding the granite-eclipselink.jar is enough to provide this support, otherwise you can manually add the externalizer and class getter configuration in granite-config.xml :

<class-getter type="org.granite.eclipselink.EclipseLinkClassGetter"/>

    <externalizer type="org.granite.eclipselink.EclipseLinkExternalizer">
        <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.Entity"/>

When using the Tide framework, Tide needs to have access to an EntityManager to support transparent lazy loading. You can define it in services-config.xml in the property entity-manager-factory-jndi-name of the Tide destination:

<destination id="ejb">
        <channel ref="graniteamf"/>

You can also define this in the simplified configuration :

public class GraniteConfig {

As this is a relative JNDI name, you also have to define the persistence-unit-ref in web.xml:


Alternatively you can use the entity manager JNDI name. It’s maybe better because it lets the container manage the persistence context.

<destination id="ejb">
        <channel ref="graniteamf"/>


public class GraniteConfig {



Integration with Bean Validation

The integration mostly consists in correct exception translation of validation errors to standardized client-side errors, and of support of remote validation of input fields with the TideInputValidator Flex component. Note that it is supported only when using the Tide service factory. First you need to add the granite-beanvalidation.jar library in WEB-INF/lib. If you disable the automatic scanning, you have to register the exception converter manually in granite-config.xml :


For remote validation, you have to define the validator class name in the destination properties :

<destination id="ejb">
        <channel ref="graniteamf"/>

Note that this will not be necessary from GraniteDS 2.2.0.RC1 as this will be the default when bean validation libraries are available. Also the property name will be changed to validator-class-name for consistency with other property names.

I’ve probably not covered all questions about GlassFish v3 support in GraniteDS, so don’t hesitate to post comments if some things are still unclear.

GraniteDS and the current state of Servlet 3

By William August 3rd, 2010 GraniteDS No Comments
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GraniteDS, and in particular the Gravity comet-like push greatly benefit from the asynchronous capabilities of the servlet containers to get a much better scalability than traditional synchronous servlets. It allows the server to handle long-polling http requests without blocking threads unnecessarily: basically long-polling http requests do nothing most of the time and wait for the server to have something to send.

Asynchronous processing has been supported for a long time on the most popular containers (Tomcat, Jetty, JBossWeb) but the implementations depend on the container-specific APIs (CometProcessor for Tomcat, Continuations for Jetty, HttpEvent for JBossWeb). The Servlet 3 API, approved almost a year ago as part of JEE6, is supposed to bring standardisation to this domain. It’s very interesting for Gravity because it means that we could have only one implementation for all containers. Unfortunately the only stable container currently supporting Servlet 3 is GlassFish v3 which is the reference implementation, thus we built our experimental support for Servlet 3 in GraniteDS 2.0 on this server.

There are now a few near-stable containers supporting Servlet 3 and we have made some improvements to our servlet 3 support, so it’s interesting to have a look now at how GraniteDS behaves on the following containers :

  • GlassFish v3.0.1 (download )
  • Tomcat 7 beta (download )
  • Jetty 8 M1 (download )
  • JBoss 6 M4 (download )

Gravity can be configured for Servlet 3 with the following snippet in web.xml :


Thanks to the new servlet 3 APIs, it’s also possible to simply add a marker class to configure GraniteDS :

public class GraniteConfig {

In this case, there is nothing to configure in web.xml, and the Gravity servlet will be mapped on /gravityamf/* by default.

The good news is that the GraniteDS examples (in particular the chat) all work correctly on these containers with this Servlet 3 support. But of course there are a few issues that I’m going to detail.

Tomcat 7 beta

Even if it was functioning relatively correctly, the CometProcessor API in Tomcat 6 was sort of a hack and had lots of issues. It seems to be better with Servlet 3 on Tomcat 7 but there are still problems. Tomcat requires either a NIO connector or the APR native library to handle asynchronous servlets, and these connectors have quite different behaviours with GDS 2.1.0.GA. None seems to lose messages or drop requests though, but APR triggers lots of strange NullPointerExceptions. We do not know yet if the problem comes from Tomcat or from Gravity ().

JBoss 6 M4

Support of Servlet 3 in JBossWeb has been added since JBoss 6 M2. It works much better that Tomcat 7, but there are occasional IllegalStateExceptions that maybe come from Gravity. Notice that you will also need a NIO connector or the APR native library (JBossWeb is more or less a modified Tomcat). Also note that due to , support for asynchronous servlets will not work with CDI.

Jetty 8 M1

As always with Jetty, everything seems to work just fine without too much hassle. Just download, install and start. We have not found any particular issue yet with GDS 2.1.0.GA.

GlassFish v3.0.1

No big issue detected until now. We have not conducted extensive testing, but Servlet 3 support can be considered stable. Of course for production use, you should run your own stress tests depending on your application.

It’s nice to see JEE6 taking shape in the open source space and hopefully all these containers will be released before the end of the year. Support in WebLogic or WebSphere seems a lot more distant, but who knows.

Flex / Grails CRUD application with GraniteDS, reloaded

By William July 6th, 2010 GraniteDS 23 Comments
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Now with Flex 4, Spring Security 3, data push…

It’s been almost one year since the last blog entry about the gdsflex plugin. We have just released the version 0.8 of the plugin that brings compatibility with all new releases of the various technologies involved: Grails 1.2/1.3, Flex 4, Spring Security 3… It’s time to update the tutorial for this whole new stack.

For the purpose of this article, I’ll just write the same boring book application that I’ve demonstrated before, and simply add additional capabilities: security and data push.

The first important thing before starting is that you now need to install a Flex SDK somewhere and set the FLEX_HOME environment variable to point to its path. It you want to use a Flex 4, that will look like FLEX_HOME = /home/will/flex_sdk_4. Older versions of the plugin used to embark a full Flex SDK for ease of use, but using FLEX_HOME allows for easier upgrades of the Flex SDK and is more in line with the behaviour of other Grails plugins.

You will also need Grails 1.3.1+ installed and set up (the plugin also works with Grails 1.2.2+ but that could need some minor adjustments in the following steps). Now type from the command line :

grails create-app bookmanager

cd bookmanager

grails install-plugin gdsflex

Part 1 : Define the domain classes and generate a scaffolded Flex application

Just as before, the core of the application is centered on Grails, and more precisely on the domain classes, following usual Grails domain-driven style. Once again we’ll start by an Author class.

grails create-domain-class Author


package bookmanager

class Author {

    static constraints = {
        name(size:0..50, blank:false)
        picture(nullable:true, widget:'image')

    String uid

    String name

    Date birthDate

    java.sql.Blob picture

And the corresponding controller, here using scaffolding for simplicity :

grails create-controller Author


package bookmanager

class AuthorController {

    def index = { redirect(action:list, params:params) }

    def scaffold = Author

This is not much different from the previous blog examples. Just notice how Grails 1.3 automatically puts domain classes and controllers in a package with the same name than the application. As always the TideEnabled annotation exposes the controller to the Flex client.

Now we can generate and compile the Flex application :

grails generate-flex-app

grails mxmlc

grails run-app

And go to .

You can see a basic working Flex application that allows to create and edit authors. For now the generated app still uses Flex 3 Halo components and not Flex 4 Spark components, but it can perfectly be compiled and run with the Flex 4 SDK. Future releases of the plugin will generate a Flex 4 Spark application.

What has happened ? The generate-flex-app script has generated a basic mxml that handles CRUD operations using the Tide UI builder library in grails-app/view/flex/bookmanager.mxml. The mxmlc script triggers the Flex compiler to build the application swf in grails-app/views/swf.

The Grails server is now started from this terminal, open a new terminal/command line editor to type the next commands.

Now let’s add a couple of other classes with associations.

grails create-domain-class Book

grails create-domain-class Chapter

grails create-controller Book


package bookmanager

class Book {

    static constraints = {
        title(size:0..100, blank:false)
        category(inList:["Fiction", "Non-fiction", "Biography"])
        description(size:0..2000, widget:"textArea")

    String uid

    String title

    String category

    Author author

    Set chapters

    String description

    static hasMany = [ chapters:Chapter ]
    static mapping = {
        author fetch:"join"
        chapters cascade:"all-delete-orphan"


package bookmanager

class Chapter {

    static constraints = {
        title(size:0..50, blank:false)

    String uid

    Book book

    String title

    String summary

    static mapping = {
        book fetch:"join"


package bookmanager

class BookController {

    def index = { redirect(action:list, params:params) }

    def scaffold = Book

An important thing is that ManyToOne associations must be marked fetch:�?join�? or lazy:false. GraniteDS does not support transparent lazy loading for single ended associations, and most likely never will (it would generate unacceptable network and database traffic, one http request and one SQL query for each uninitialized entity). Lazy collections are supported, so OneToMany and ManyToMany associations do not have to be marked lazy:false.

Once the domain classes written, we can generate their Flex ActionScript 3 equivalents with :

grails gas3

An add a Book entry to the main menu in grails-app/view/flex/bookmanager.mxml.

<mx:LinkButton label="Books" width="100%" textAlign="left"
  click="mainStack.selectedChild = bookUI" />
<ui:EntityUI id="bookUI"
  width="100%" height="100%"/>

I won’t get into much details about the EntityUI stuff. It comes from the built-in Tide UI builder library that enables the dynamic client-side scaffolding. For real applications, you should write your own Flex UI to obtain a really rich and usable interface. The auto generated application can be mostly seen as a quick and dirty prototype.

We can now create and edit books, and see how many-to-one and one-to-many associations are displayed in the generated application.

If you eventually tried to add chapters, you will see that it does not work. There are indeed two minor changes to do manually in the AS3 classes to help the UI builder make the link between the associated oneToMany entities: initialize the Chapters collection in the Book.as class, and add a constructor in Chapter.as :


public function Book():void {
    chapters = new ArrayCollection();


public function Chapter(book:Book = null):void {
    this.book = book;

Once these changes are made, just refresh the browser and check that you can add chapters to your books. Notice how the Gas3 generator and the Flex compiler have been triggered automatically in the background in the running Grails window.

Part 2 : Securing the application

In a real application, it would required that only authenticated users can access enterprise data. Since 0.8, the gdsflex plugin supports the spring-security-core plugin that integrates with Spring Security 3.

Stop the Grails server, and install the plugin with :

grails install-plugin spring-security-core

Then generate the security domain classes Person and Authority (I don’t know why, other class names have not worked with the spring-security-core 0.4.1) :

grails s2-quickstart bookmanager Person Authority

The security plugin has generated 3 domain classes : Person, Authority and PersonAuthority. As we have not configured a real database, we are simply going to add a bootstrap script to create default users and roles for our application.


import bookmanager.Person
import bookmanager.Authority
import bookmanager.PersonAuthority

class BootStrap {

     def springSecurityService 

     def init = { servletContext ->

  def user_admin = new Person(username:"admin",
      password: springSecurityService.encodePassword("admin"),

  def user_user = new Person(username:"user",
      password: springSecurityService.encodePassword("user"),

  def role_admin = new Authority(description:"Admin",
  def role_user = new Authority(description:"User",

        new PersonAuthority(person:user_admin, authority:role_admin).save()
        new PersonAuthority(person:user_user, authority:role_user).save()

     def destroy = {

Now we need to secure access to the application and add a login page. We will make use of the built-in Tide identity component and define a ViewStack to display/hide the login page depending on the current authentication state.

Here’s the relevant code to add to grails-app/views/flex/bookmanager.mxml :


    import org.granite.tide.spring.Identity;
    import org.granite.tide.events.TideResultEvent;
    import org.granite.tide.events.TideFaultEvent;


    [Bindable] [Inject]
    public var identity:Identity;

    private var message:String;

    private function loginResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
        message = "";

    private function loginFault(event:TideFaultEvent):void {
        message = event.fault.faultString;


    <mx:ViewStack id="appView" selectedIndex="{identity.loggedIn ? 1 : 0}" width="100%" height="100%">
        <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center">
           <mx:Panel title="Login"
               verticalGap="0" paddingTop="8" paddingBottom="8"

                   <mx:FormItem label="Username">
                       <mx:TextInput id="username"/>
                   <mx:FormItem label="Password">
                       <mx:TextInput id="password" displayAsPassword="true"
                           enter="identity.login(username.text, password.text, loginResult, loginFault);"/>

               <mx:Label text="{message}"/>

               <mx:Button label="Login"
                   click="identity.login(username.text, password.text, loginResult, loginFault);"/>

       <mx:VBox id="mainUI" width="100%" height="100%">
            <mx:ApplicationControlBar id="acb" width="100%">
                <mx:Label text="GraniteDS / Grails generated application" fontSize="18" fontWeight="bold" color="#f0f0f0"/>
                <mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
                <mx:Label text="Logged in as {identity.username}"/>
                <mx:Button label="Logout" click="identity.logout()"/>



There is nothing very sophisticated here, just notice how we make use of the identity.loggedIn property to display the correct UI and identity.login/identity.logout to trigger user login/logout.

You can restart the application, and check that you can log in with the admin/admin and user/user usernames and passwords combinations (and obviously not with others).

Note that we could also have relied on the default html login page of the spring-security-core plugin to secure the application and protect access to the swf itself. That would be the way to go to enable OpenID authentication or any other Web-based authentication model. In this case, you don’t necessarily have to add a Flex login page, but you have to indicate to Flex that it has to retrieve the authentication state at startup with something like :

<mx:Application creationComplete="identity.isLoggedIn()" ... />

This can also be used to allow the authentication state to be restored after a browser page refresh.

We can now try to add more advanced authorization filtering. Let’s say that we want to forbid deletion of authors by non-administrator users. This requires a few steps :

1. Enable authorization support in grails-app/conf/GraniteDSConfig.groovy

graniteConfig {
    springSecurityAuthorizationEnabled = true
    springSecurityIdentityClass = org.granite.tide.spring.security.Identity3

This tells GraniteDS to enable integration with Spring Security authorizations and defines the Identity3 integration class for Spring Security 3 (the one used in the spring-security-core plugin).

2. Use the Identity component

Usually you will use the Identity component with Flex data binding on component properties such as visible or enabled to hide/disable parts of the UI depending on the user access rights. For example this will define a button that is displayed only to administrator users :

<mx:Button label="Delete" visible="{identity.ifAllGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')}" includeInLayout="{identity.ifAllGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')}"/>

In our example, it will be a bit more tricky because we use the automatic Tide UI builder. We have to override the default mxml for authors and manually set the data binding for the visible and includeInLayout properties.


        import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
        import org.granite.tide.spring.Identity;

        public var identity:Identity;

        protected override function layoutForm():void {

            BindingUtils.bindProperty(this.buttonBar.getChildAt(1), "includeInLayout", identity,
                { name: 'ifAllGranted', getter: function(identity:Identity):Boolean { return identity.ifAllGranted('ROLE_ADMIN'); } }
            BindingUtils.bindProperty(this.buttonBar.getChildAt(1), "visible", identity,
                { name: 'ifAllGranted', getter: function(identity:Identity):Boolean { return identity.ifAllGranted('ROLE_ADMIN'); } }

And the override in the main mxml :


Spring.getInstance().addComponentWithFactory("bookmanager.author.entityEdit", AuthorEdit,
    { entityClass: Author }, true, true, Tide.RESTRICT_UNKNOWN, null, false);

Now if you restart the application, you can check that the Delete button is displayed only when you are logged in as administrator. Note that user authorizations are retrieved from the server the first time, but are then cached locally, so it’s not expensive to add as many ifAllGranted as you wish in the application.

Part 3 : Enabling data push for the application

We can now securely display, create, edit and delete our data. The last advanced feature of GraniteDS that I will show in this post is the data push that allows data updates to be propagated in near real-time to other users. Once again it involves a few steps :

1. Configure a Tomcat NIO connector

The default Tomcat configuration included in Grails 1.2+ does not use a NIO connector. Using the NIO connector is recommended for GraniteDS data push to provide the better scalability. It is possible to use the default connector during development but the NIO configuration is interesting (as an aside, thanks to John Fletcher for having taken the time to dig this from the deep of the Grails mailing list, see here: http://www.saltwebsites.com/blog/grails-gds-gravity-guide). In scripts/_Events.groovy, add this :

import org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector;

eventConfigureTomcat = { tomcat ->

 def nioConnector = new Connector("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol")
 nioConnector.port = 8081
 nioConnector.setProperty("redirectPort", "8443")
 nioConnector.setProperty("protocol", "HTTP/1.1")
 nioConnector.setProperty("enableLookups", "false")

 tomcat.service.addConnector nioConnector

Then you will have to access the application with instead of the standard port 8080.

Note that for production use, it is highly recommended to use the native APR connector, see in the Tomcat documentation for more information.

2. Enable Gravity/push support in grails-app/conf/GraniteDSConfig.groovy

graniteConfig {
    springSecurityAuthorizationEnabled = true
    springSecurityIdentityClass = org.granite.tide.spring.security.Identity3 

    gravityEnabled = true
    dataDispatchEnabled = true

3. Define a Gravity channel and destination

Then we have to define a Gravity channel and topic in the services-config.xml Flex configuration:


        <service id="granite-service"

            <destination id="spring">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

        <service id="gravity-service"
                <adapter-definition id="simple" class="org.granite.gravity.adapters.SimpleServiceAdapter"/>

            <destination id="bookManagerTopic">
                    <channel ref="my-gravityamf"/>
                <adapter ref="simple"/>

        <factory id="tideSpringFactory" class="org.granite.tide.spring.SpringServiceFactory">

     ! Declares my-graniteamf channel.
        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">

        <channel-definition id="my-gravityamf" class="org.granite.gravity.channels.GravityChannel">

4. Configure the Flex client application to use the topic


import org.granite.tide.data.DataObserver;

// Register a data observer component with the name of the topic
Spring.getInstance().addComponent("bookManagerTopic", DataObserver, false, true);
// Binds the subscribe and unsubscribe methods of the component to the application login/logout events
Spring.getInstance().addEventObserver("org.granite.tide.login", "bookManagerTopic", "subscribe");
Spring.getInstance().addEventObserver("org.granite.tide.logout", "bookManagerTopic", "unsubscribe");


5. Configure the controllers to handle dispatch of data updates

Just add the following annotation to all the controllers of the application :

@DataEnabled(topic="bookManagerTopic", params=ObserveAllPublishAll.class, publish=DataEnabled.PublishMode.ON_SUCCESS)

This references a parameter class that allows filtering of which update events can be dispatched. Here we will use an extremely simple filter class that filters nothing :


import org.granite.tide.data.DataObserveParams;
import org.granite.tide.data.DataPublishParams;
import org.granite.tide.data.DataTopicParams;

public class ObserveAllPublishAll implements DataTopicParams {

    public void observes(DataObserveParams params) {
        // Define key/value pairs that the client is able to observe
        // Will be used to construct the topic selector for the client calling the component

    public void publishes(DataPublishParams params, Object entity) {
        // Define key/value pairs to add in the published message headers
        // Will be used to match against the topic selector of the subscribed clients

Part 4 : Deploy all this as a war in Tomcat

Just run :

grails war

Then rename the generated bookmanager-0.1.war to bookmanager.war and copy it to the Tomcat webapps folder. Ensure you have correctly installed the native APR connector, start Tomcat, and browse , et voilà !

I will stop here for this article. We could go a bit further by adding conflict handling, or per-instance authorizations, but I let this for a future post.

Hopefully this article has shown the range of capabilities of the plugin and of the underlying GraniteDS Flex/Java integration library.

As always, don’t hesitate to experiment all this and give your feedback.

New in GraniteDS 2.1.0 RC2: more fun with JEE6/CDI

By William January 21st, 2010 GraniteDS No Comments
Please, feature an image for this post.

As early testers have discovered, there have a been a few changes in the CDI API that broke the GDS integration since RC1 was released. GraniteDS 2.1 RC2 now supports the latest CDI specification and Weld RI as included in JBoss 6 M1 and GlassFish v3 final. It can be downloaded . There have also been improvements in the integration itself :

  • Tide remoting to CDI components (both @Named and type-safe)
  • All standard features of GraniteDS : container security, paging, lazy-loading
  • Support for CDI conversations
  • Support for client-side observers for remote CDI events
  • Client/server synchronization of CDI beans

Il still only works with Weld because of conversation support, but it should be easy to integrate with other implementations by only adapting the CDIInterceptor implementation. Currently supported containers are and . Some people also managed to get it working in Tomcat 6.

Configuration for JBoss 6 M1

As JBoss 6 does not support servlet 3 yet, the configuration still invoves quite a few files :

  • Add GDS libs in WEB-INF/lib : granite.jar, granite-cdi.jar and granite-hibernate.jar
  • Add AMF (and Gravity if needed) servlets in web.xml
  • Add a WEB-INF/granite/granite-config.xml :
    <granite-config scan="true">
        <security type="org.granite.messaging.service.security.TomcatSecurityService"/>
         <tide-component instance-of="org.granite.tide.cdi.Identity"/>
            <tide-component annotated-with="org.granite.messaging.service.annotations.RemoteDestination"/>
  • Configure the CDI service factory in WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml :
        <service id="granite-service"
            <destination id="cdi">
                    <channel ref="graniteamf"/>
            <factory id="tideCdiFactory" class="org.granite.tide.cdi.CDIServiceFactory"/>
  • Add an empty beans.xml in WEB-INF

Note that this configuration should also work in Tomcat 6 with a few restrictions.

Configuration for GlassFish v3 and Servlet 3 containers

  • Add GDS libs in WEB-INF/lib : granite.jar, granite-cdi.jar and granite-eclipselink.jar (or the GDS jar corresponding to your JPA provider)
  • Add a configuration class somewhere in your project :
    public class GraniteConfig {
  • Add an empty beans.xml in WEB-INF

Note that with this kind of simplified configuration, there is no more services-config.xml so it is required to setup the RemoteObject endpoints manually with :

Cdi.getInstance().addComponentWithFactory("serviceInitializer", DefaultServiceInitializer, { contextRoot: "/graniteds-tide-cdi" });


Once your application is setup for GraniteDS, you can easily enable remote access from Flex to CDI beans by adding the @RemoteDestination annotation :

public class HelloWorld {

    public String hello(String name) {
        return "hello" + name;

If you can live without full type-safety, you can also add a @Named annotation and then access your beans from Flex with :


             import org.granite.tide.cdi.Cdi;
             import org.granite.tide.Component;

             public var helloWorld:Component;

    <mx:Button label="Hello" click="helloWorld.hello('Barack')"/>


If you don’t want string-based references, you can use the gas3 generator to generate a Flex remote proxy for the server bean. Just include the bean class in the gas3 generation path, it will be recognized as a service by the @RemoteDestination annotation. Then you can use type-safe injection in Flex with the new [Inject] Tide annotation :


             import ...;

             public var helloWorld:HelloWorld;

    <mx:Button label="Hello" click="helloWorld.hello('Barack')"/>


In this case, Tide will do a lookup of the bean by type. If there is more than one implementation, you must add @Named to let Tide choose between them because there is no real equivalent of typesafe annotations in ActionScript 3.


Since RC1, the only change is that gas3 now supports the @TideEvent annotation and is able to generate a corresponding Flex event class.

public class HelloWorld {

    @Inject @Any
    Event greetingEvent;

    public String hello(String name) {
        greetingEvent.fire(new GreetingEvent(name));
        return "hello" + name;

             import ...;

             public var helloWorld:HelloWorld;

             public function greet(event:GreetingEvent):void {
                 trace("Greeting to " + event.name);

    <mx:Button label="Hello" click="helloWorld.hello('Barack')"/>


Client/server bean synchronization

This is quite experimental but it can be useful in some cases. It first requires to enable two interceptors in beans.xml :


Note that if you have interceptors to handle transactions, they must be setup before Tide interceptors so these Tide interceptors are executed inside the transaction context. Then you can annotate beans that you want to synchronize with @TideBean and Tide will ensure that any change made on the client is sent to the server and that any change made on the server bean is updated on the client. This synchronization process is not immediate but always delayed until the next remote call.

@TideBean @RequestScoped
public class CurrentPerson {

    private Person person;
    private String greeting;

    public Person getPerson() {
        return person;
    public void setPerson(Person person) {
        this.person = person;

    public String getGreeting() {
        return greeting;
    public void setGreet(String greeting) {
        this.greeting = greeting;

             import ...;

             public var helloWorld:HelloWorld;

             public var currentPerson:CurrentPerson;

             private function hello():void {
                 currentPerson.person = new Person("Barack");

             public function greet(event:GreetingEvent):void {
                 trace("Greeting to " + currentPerson.greeting);

    <mx:Button label="Hello" click="hello()"/>

public class HelloWorld {

    @Inject @Any
    Event greetingEvent;

    CurrentPerson currentPerson;

    public void hello() {
        String name = currentPerson.getPerson().getName();
        currentPerson.setGreeting("hello " + name);
        greetingEvent.fire(new GreetingEvent(name));

Besides the fact that this piece of code is as useless and convoluted as it can be, this bean synchronization feature should work in more useful cases.

Note that the interaction is completely typesafe accross Java/CDI and Flex/Tide, that can help avoiding errors much better than when using string-based EL component names.

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