GraniteDS Documentation

GraniteDS Documentation

Reference Guide

Project Overview
1. Getting Started
1.1. Requirements (Free Tools)
1.2. Example Projects
1.3. Hello World, POJO
1.4. Hello World, revisited with EJB3
2. Usage Scenarios
2.1. Client Options
2.2. Server Options
2.3. Common Technology Stacks
3. Project Setup
3.1. Server Libraries
3.2. Configuring web.xml
3.3. Framework Configuration
3.4. Application Configuration
3.5. Client Libraries and Setup
3.6. Developing with Ant
3.7. Developing with Maven
3.8. Using Maven archetypes
3.9. Developing with Flash Builder
4. Remoting and Serialization
4.1. Using the RemoteObject API
4.1.1. RemoteObject in MXML
4.1.2. RemoteObject in ActionScript
4.1.3. RemoteObject in ActionScript without services-config.xml file
4.1.4. Using HTTPS
4.2. Using the Tide API
4.2.1. Basic remoting
4.2.2. Basic remoting with dependency injection
4.2.3. Using the ITideResponder Interface
4.2.4. Simplifying asynchronous interactions
4.2.5. Service Initializer
4.2.6. Client Message Interceptors
4.2.7. Global Exception Handling
4.2.8. Miscellaneous Features
4.3. Mapping Java and AS3 objects
4.4. Externalizers and AS3 Code Generation
4.4.1. Example of a JPA entity and its corresponding AS3 beans
4.4.2. Standard Configuration
4.4.3. Autoscan Configuration
4.4.4. Built-in Externalizers
4.4.5. Custom Externalizers
4.4.6. @ExternalizedBean and @ExternalizedProperty
4.4.7. Custom Class Getters
4.4.8. Instantiators
4.5. JPA and Lazy Initialization
4.5.1. Single-Valued Associations (proxied or weaved associations)
4.5.2. Collections (List, Set, Bag, Map)
4.6. Securing Remote Destinations
4.6.1. Configuration
4.6.2. SecureRemoteObject
4.6.3. Fine-grained Per-destination Security
5. AS3 Code Generator
5.1. Overview
5.2. Generated ActionScript 3 Classes
5.3. Java Classes and Corresponding Templates
5.4. Known Limitations
5.5. Eclipse Plugin
5.6. Ant Task
5.7. Maven Plugin (Flexmojos)
5.8. Template Language
6. Messaging (Gravity)
6.1. Example Usage with Consumer/Producer
6.2. Topics and Selectors
6.3. Common Configuration
6.3.1. Supported Application Servers
6.3.2. Advanced Configuration
6.3.3. Tomcat and JBoss/Tomcat Specific Configuration Tips
6.4. Integration with JMS
6.5. Using an Embedded ActiveMQ
6.6. Server to Client Publishing
6.7. Securing Messaging Destinations
7. Integration with EJB3
7.1. Using the RemoteObject API
7.1.1. Basic Remoting Example
7.1.2. Common Configuration
7.1.3. Configuration for Remote EJBs
7.1.4. Automatic Configuration of EJB Destinations
7.1.5. Configuration for Stateful EJBs
7.1.6. Security
7.2. Using the Tide API
7.2.1. Configuration
7.2.2. Basic Remoting with Dependency Injection
7.2.3. Typesafe Remoting with Dependency Injection
7.2.4. Security
8. Integration with Spring
8.1. Spring MVC Setup
8.2. Using the RemoteObject API
8.2.1. Basic Remoting Example
8.2.2. Configuration with a MVC Setup
8.2.3. Default Configuration
8.2.4. Automatic Configuration of Destinations
8.2.5. Integration with Spring Security
8.3. Using the Tide API
8.3.1. Configuration with a MVC Setup
8.3.2. Default Configuration
8.3.3. Basic Remoting with Dependency Injection
8.3.4. Typesafe Remoting with Dependency Injection
8.3.5. Integration with Spring Security
8.4. Messaging with Spring (Gravity)
9. Integration with Seam 2.2
9.1. Seam 2 Native Setup
9.2. Using the RemoteObject API
9.2.1. Basic Remoting Example
9.2.2. RemoteObject with Seam Conversations
9.2.3. Configuration with the Seam XML
9.2.4. Default Configuration
9.2.5. Automatic Configuration of Destinations
9.2.6. Integration with Seam Security
9.3. Using the Tide API
9.3.1. Configuration with a Native Setup
9.3.2. Default Configuration
9.3.3. Basic Remoting with Dependency Injection
9.3.4. Using Context Variables
9.3.5. Integration with Variable Outjection
9.3.6. Integration with Conversations
9.3.7. Integration with Events
9.3.8. Integration with Asynchronous Events
9.3.9. Integration with Messages
9.3.10. Data Paging with Query Component
9.3.11. Integration with Identity Component
9.4. Messaging with Seam 2 (Gravity)
10. Integration with CDI
10.1. Configuration with Servlet 3
10.2. Default Configuration
10.3. Using the Tide API
10.3.1. Basic Remoting with Dependency Injection
10.3.2. Typesafe Remoting with Dependency Injection
10.3.3. Integration with Conversations
10.3.4. Integration with Events
10.3.5. Security
10.4. Messaging with CDI (Gravity)
11. Client-Side Validation API (JSR 303)
11.1. Getting Started with the GraniteDS Validation Framework
11.2. Working with Error Messages and Localization
11.3. Working with Groups
11.4. Integration with Code Generation Tools (Gas3)
11.5. Writing your own Constraints
11.6. Using the FormValidator Class
11.7. Notes on Compatibility
12. ActionScript 3 Reflection API
12.1. Getting the Properties of a Class
12.2. Exploring Class Members
12.3. Looking for Annotations
12.4. Calling Constructors or Methods, and Getting or Setting Properties
12.5. Working with Application Domains
12.6. Working with Specific Namespaces
12.7. Visitor Pattern Support
13. Big Numbers Implementations
13.1. Working with Long, BigInteger or BigDecimal AS3 Types
13.2. Serializing Long, BigInteger or BigDecimal
13.3. Integration with Code Generation Tools
13.4. Note on Performance
14. Tide client framework
14.1. Getting Started
14.2. Application Initialization
14.3. Contexts and Components
14.4. Dependency Injection
14.5. Event Bus
14.6. Conversations
14.7. Integration with Data Management
14.8. Extension and Plugins
14.9. Security
14.10. Modules
14.11. Support for Deep Linking
15. Data Management
15.1. JPA and Managed Entities
15.2. Transparent Lazy Loading
15.3. Reverse Lazy Loading
15.4. Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
15.5. Data Validation
15.6. Data Paging
15.7. Data Push
16. Extensibilty
16.1. Handling Custom Data Types
16.2. Writing a Security Service
16.3. Custom Exception Handlers
16.4. Server Message Interceptors
16.5. Custom Java or ActionScript3 Class Descriptors
16.6. Custom AMF3 (De)Serializers
16.7. ServiceInvocationListener (Advanced use only)
17. Configuration Reference
17.1. Framework Configuration
17.2. Application Configuration
17.2.1. Channels
17.2.2. Factories
17.2.3. Remoting Destinations
17.2.4. Messaging Destinations
18. Appendix
18.1. GraniteDS Config DTD
18.2. GraniteDS Spring/Seam Configuration XSD
18.3. Release Notes

Granite Data Services (GraniteDS) is a comprehensive development and integration platform for building Flex / Java EE RIA applications. The framework is completely open source and released under the LGPL v2 license.

Integration and features stack :

GDS has been designed to be lightweight, robust, fast, and highly extensible.

The main features of GraniteDS are :

Who We Are

The core development team is Franck Wolff and William Draï, two engineers from Granite Data Services. Many people have contributed to GraniteDS by giving ideas, patches or new features. If you feel you should be listed below, please email .

Spring Integration

Seam 2 Integration

Guice/Warp Integration

Grails Plugin

OSGi Integration

DataNucleus Integration

Web MXML/ActionScript3 Compiler

Maven Integration

ActionScript3 Code Generation


Other Contributions

This section introduces:

  • GraniteDS software requirements.
  • Various example projects using the different kind of services (POJO, EJB 3, Seam, Spring, and Guice) that may help you in choosing the right technology and starting a Flex/GDS project.
  • The complete setup of a basic "Hello, world" GDS project using Flex 3 SDK, Eclipse, and Tomcat.
  • A modification of the sample "Hello, world" project in order to show you basic GDS support of Hibernate with the help of Eclipse plugins.

You need at least the following four free development tools:

  • Java 6+ (5+ supported): and install it.
  • Eclipse 3.2+: and unzip it somewhere (NOTE: It is always a good idea to avoid paths with whitespace). You may, of course, use another IDE, but you will not be able to use Eclipse specific plugins and example projects.
  • Flex 4.1 SDK (3+ supported): Download and unzip it somewhere (NOTE: idem), say /flex_sdk_4.

You may also read and follow the recommendations in this in order to customize your development environment.

Installing and testing GraniteDS sample application is a quick process, provided that you have downloaded , and .

Let's say you have installed a vanilla JBoss 4.2.3.GA and fresh Flex SDK at the root of your main drive (C:\jboss-4.2.3.GA and C:\flex_sdk_3 on Windows).

Follow these few steps:

  1. Download and save it somewhere.
  2. Start Eclipse, right click in your "Package Explorer", choose Import... -> General/Existing Project into Workspace -> Next, select the Select archive file option, browse to graniteds-***.zip.
  3. You should now see the main "graniteds" project as well as all example projects ready to be imported. When you have made your choice, choose Finish. NOTE: you must import the core graniteds project (it contains the libraries required by the example projects).
  4. Read the graniteds/examples/README.txt file in order to setup your environment.
  5. For each imported example, open the corresponding build.xml file and run the "deploy" target.
  6. Start JBoss and point your browser to the URL for the example (for example http://localhost:8080/graniteds_pojo) (see the README.txt file again).

You may now look at the code of each example and understand how each sample works.

This section will guide you through the setting up of a very basic GraniteDS project deployed in Tomcat. Expected result is a typical "Hello, world" application as shown below:

When you type a name in the text field and click Say Hello, a request is sent to a POJO service that replies with a string made by this concatenation:

"Hello " + <typed name> + "!"

The result is then displayed in white under the "Hello World Sample" panel.

You may download this example project if you don't want to copy-paste the code in the following sections below.

In order to create, build, and deploy this sample application you need these free tools:

  • Java 5+ (6+ working): Download and install it.
  • Eclipse 3.3+: Download and unzip it somewhere.
  • Flex 3 SDK: Download and unzip it somewhere. For example, /flex_3_sdk (for Windows users: C:\flex_3_sdk).
  • Tomcat 6+: Download and unzip it somewhere. For example, /apache-tomcat-6.0.18 (for Windows users: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.18).
  • granite.jar: You may take it from any of the GraniteDS sample applications or from GraniteDS source distribution in the build folder. Download it .

Creation of the project in Eclipse:

Start Eclipse and create a new Java project named helloworld. You may just type in helloworld for Project name and accept all other default settings. Because we are going to have two types of sources, Java and Flex MXML, it is better to rename the default Java source folder src to java. You can do this by right-clicking on the src source folder and selecting Refactor / Rename.

We are now going to create a new POJO service named HelloWorldService. Right-click on the java source folder and select New / Class, enter org.test for Package and HelloWorldService for Name in the following dialog, and then click on the Finish button. In the Java source file editor, modify the code so it is just as follows:

package org.test;
public class HelloWorldService {
    public String sayHello(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name + "!";

You should now see something like the following picture under Eclipse:

Now let create the Flex client code. Create a new folder named flex by right-clicking on the helloworld project and selecting New / Folder. Create a new file directly in this new folder and name it HelloWorld.mxml by right-clicking on the flex folder and selecting New / File. In the file editor, which may be Flah Builder or a simple text editor depending on your Eclipse installation, type in the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    backgroundGradientColors="[#0e2e7d, #6479ab]"

        .Panel {
            padding-left: 8px; padding-top: 8px;
            padding-right: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px;
        .Result { font-size: 26px; color: white; }

    <mx:RemoteObject id="srv" destination="helloWorldService" />

    <mx:Panel styleName="Panel" title="Hello World Sample">
        <mx:Label text="Enter your name:"/>
        <mx:TextInput id="nameInput" />
        <mx:Button label="Say Hello" click="srv.sayHello(nameInput.text)"/>
    <mx:Label styleName="Result" text="{srv.sayHello.lastResult}"/>


You should now see something like the following picture under Eclipse:

Now we have to create the two main GraniteDS configuration files services-config.xml and web.xml at the root of the project. You should now see:

Copy and paste the following code into these files:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

            <destination id="helloWorldService">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.4" xmlns=""

    <!-- general information about this web application -->
    <display-name>Hello World</display-name>
    <description>Hello World Sample Application</description>

    <!-- read services-config.xml file at web application startup -->

    <!-- handle AMF requests ([de]serialization) -->

    <!-- handle AMF requests (execution) -->

    <!-- default content for helloworld application -->


Put together, those four files (, HelloWorld.mxml, services-config.xml, and web.xml), define an entire Flex/GraniteDS application. Here are some highlights (partial/pseudo code):

public String HelloWorldService.sayHello(String name)

<mx:RemoteObject id="srv" destination="helloWorldService" />
<mx:Button label="Say Hello" click="srv.sayHello(nameInput.text)"/>
<mx:Label ... text="{srv.sayHello.lastResult}"/>

<destination id="helloWorldService">
    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>
<channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" ...>
    <endpoint uri="http://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/graniteamf/amf" .../>

From top to bottom:

  • The HelloWorldService Java class declares a method sayHello() that takes a String argument and returns another String.
  • The HelloWorld.mxml Flex application declares a RemoteObject named srv and maps it to a destination named helloWorldService.
  • When you click on the Say Hello button, the RemoteObject triggers a server request that will call a sayHello() method with the text typed in the TextInput named nameInput as argument: srv.sayHello(nameInput.text).
  • The result of this call will be displayed, when available, in a Label by binding the text of this component to the property srv.sayHello.lastResult that contains the last received value for this method call.
  • The helloWorldService destination is declared in services-config.xml and uses a channel named my-graniteamf. The Java class (source) used as a service for this destination call is org.test.HelloWorldService and its scope is application. The Java class will be created when the service is first accessed, and this same and unique instance will be used for all subsequent calls; other possible values are request and session.
  • The channel named my-graniteamf, used by the helloWorldService destination, declares an endpoint whose URL will be resolved to http://localhost:8080/helloworld/graniteamf/amf for a local call; it could also be resolved, for example, to for remote calls.
  • AMFMessageFilter and AMFMessageServlet are both mapped in web.xml to the same URL-pattern /graniteamf/*. Inside the helloworld web application, all requests that match this pattern will be go through this filter and this servlet such as http://localhost:8080/helloworld/graniteamf/amf.

Here is basic flow chart that summarizes the expected communication between the Flex client application and the Java server:

The last thing to do is to build and deploy the application.

First we have to add the granite.jar library and create a build file, here using Ant.

Create a new folder named lib at the root of the project and put granite.jar into this new folder. Create a new file named build.xml at the root of the project. Copy and paste the following content into it; you may have to modify the properties FLEX_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME to reflect your environment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="hello-world" default="deploy">

    <!-- Modify FLEX_HOME/TOMCAT_HOME properties to reflect your environment -->
    <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="/flex_sdk_3"/>
    <property name="TOMCAT_HOME" value="/apache-tomcat-6.0.18"/>
    <!-- Declare Flex Ant tasks (such as mxmlc used below) -->
    <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" />

    <!-- Compile MXML source code to SWF -->
    <target name="mxmlc">

    <!-- Build a war suitable for Tomcat (and other) -->
    <target name="war" depends="mxmlc">
        <mkdir dir="build"/>
        <war destfile="build/helloworld.war" webxml="web.xml">
            <zipfileset file="services-config.xml" prefix="WEB-INF/flex" />
            <fileset dir="build" includes="*.swf"/>
            <lib dir="lib"/>
            <classes dir="bin"/>

    <!-- Deploy the war in Tomcat -->
    <target name="deploy" depends="war">
        <copy todir="${TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps" file="build/helloworld.war"/>


You should see something like the following picture:

You may now right-click on the build.xml file and select Run As / Ant Build. This will launch the build process, compile the MXML code to an SWF, create a WAR (Web Archive), and copy it into your Tomcat webapps directory.

Finally start Tomcat and test the application. To start Tomcat, go to the directory bin just under your Tomcat installation directory, /apache-tomcat-6.0.18/bin for example, and double-click on startup.bat, or for Unix/Mac users. After a short while, you should see in the console that Tomcat has started. You may now point your Web browser to .

The Flex example application should appear and you may start playing with "Hello, world" ... a fascinating game.

This tutorial shows an evolution of the basic "Hello, world" example application with some Hibernate persistence operations (JPA). When finished and deployed it should look like this picture:

In this picture, you see a small data grid that displays the history of all previous say hello operations. This history is persisted in the database by means of a JPA entity bean and those objects are serialized back to the Flex client each time you enter a new name.

This example also shows basic usage of the Granite Eclipse Builder and externalization configuration.

If you don't want to follow this tutorial step by step you may download it as a zip archive .

In order to create, build, and deploy this sample application you need these free tools:

  • Java 5+ (6+ working): Download and install it.
  • Eclipse 3.3+: Download and unzip it somewhere.
  • Flex 3 SDK: Download and unzip it somewhere. For example, /flex_3_sdk (for Windows users: C:\flex_3_sdk).
  • JBoss 4.2.3.GA: Download and unzip it somewhere. For example, /jboss-4.2.3.GA (for Windows users: C:\jboss-4.2.3.GA).
  • granite.jar, granite-hibernate.jar and granite-essentials.swc: You may take it from any of the GraniteDS example applications or from GraniteDS source distribution in the build folder. Download it .
  • GraniteDS Eclipse Builder: You may download it (follow these installation instructions here).

Creation of the project in Eclipse:

Start Eclipse and create a new Java project named helloworld2. You may just type in helloworld2 for Project name and accept all other default settings. Because we are going to have two types of sources, Java and Flex MXML, it is better to rename the default Java source folder src to java. You can do this by right-clicking on the src source folder and selecting Refactor / Rename.

Create a new directory named lib at the root of this project and put granite.jar, granite-hibernate.jar and granite-essentials.swc into it. Also add these two JBoss jars: ejb3-persistence.jar and jboss-ejb3x.jar, which you will find in the /jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/lib directory. Right-click on those JBoss jars and select Build Path / Add to Build Path.

You should now see something like the following picture under Eclipse:

Right-click on the java source folder, select New / Class and fill the New Java Class dialog as follows:

Copy and paste the following code in the Java editor:

package org.test;
import javax.persistence.Basic;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
public class Welcome implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @Id @GeneratedValue
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    public Welcome() {
    public Welcome(String name) { = name;
    public Integer getId() {
        return id;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

This basic JPA entity bean declares a read-only id field, auto incremented primary key in the database, and a name field, the name of the person that was entered in the Flex application when saying hello.

We are now going to create an EJB 3 session bean that will handle the say hello and persistence operations.

Create a new Java interface named HelloWorldService by right-clicking on the org.test package and choosing New / Interface. Then copy and paste the following code:

package org.test;
import java.util.List;
public interface HelloWorldService {
    public String sayHello(String name);
    public List<Welcome> findWelcomeHistory();

Create a new Java class named HelloWorldServiceBean that implements the HelloWorldService interface by right-clicking on the org.test package and choosing New / Class. Then copy and paste the following code:

package org.test;
import java.util.List;
import javax.ejb.Local;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.persistence.Query;
public class HelloWorldServiceBean implements HelloWorldService {
    protected EntityManager manager;
    public String sayHello(String name) {
        manager.persist(new Welcome(name));
        return "Hello " + name + "!";
    public List<Welcome> findWelcomeHistory() {
        Query query = manager.createQuery("from " + Welcome.class.getName());
        return query.getResultList();

We now have a complete EJB 3 stateless session bean that will persist each name passed to the sayHello() method and return the list of all previous welcome operations with the findWelcomeHistory() method.

Your Java project should look like that after this step:

Now let create the Flex client code. Create a new folder named flex by right-clicking on the helloworld2 project and selecting New / Folder. Create a new file directly in this new folder and name it HelloWorld.mxml by right-clicking on the flex folder and selecting New / File. In the file editor, which may be Flah Builder or a simple text editor depending on your Eclipse installation, type in the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    backgroundGradientColors="[#0e2e7d, #6479ab]"

        .Panel {
            padding-left: 8px; padding-top: 8px;
            padding-right: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px;
        .Result { font-size: 26px; color: white; }

    <mx:RemoteObject id="srv" destination="helloWorldService" />

    <mx:Panel styleName="Panel" title="Hello World Sample">
        <mx:Label text="Enter your name:"/>
        <mx:TextInput id="nameInput" width="200" />
        <mx:Button label="Say Hello"
        <mx:Label text="History:"/>
        <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{srv.findWelcomeHistory.lastResult}"
          width="200" height="200"/>
    <mx:Label styleName="Result" text="{srv.sayHello.lastResult}"/>

Some explanations:

  • This Flex application uses a RemoteObject named srv that will be bound to the stateless session bean we have created earlier. The actual binding between the destination named helloWorldService and the Java service is specified in the services-config.xml that we will create later.
  • When the Flex application is completely created, see the creationComplete event handler, it first calls the findWelcomeHistory() method of the Java service. The result of this call is displayed in the DataGrid, see the dataProvider="{srv.findWelcomeHistory.lastResult}" attribute.
  • When you click on the Say Hello button after entering a name in the TextInput field, it calls the sayHello() method on the server with the supplied name and then the findWelcomeHistory() method whose result is used to update the DataGrid content. See the click="srv.sayHello(nameInput.text);srv.findWelcomeHistory()" attribute.
  • The returned String of the sayHello() method, "Hello " + name + "!" in the Java service, is displayed in a Label just below the Panel. See the text="{srv.sayHello.lastResult}" attribute.

We are now going to configure the Granite Eclipse Builder that will generate the Welcome entity bean ActionScript3 equivalent. First the builder and install it; just drop the jar in your Eclipse plugin directory and restart. In your package explorer, right-click on the helloworld2 project and select Add GraniteDS Nature:

In the configuration wizard, click on the Add Folder button and select the java source folder:

Select the Excluded subnode and click on the Edit button. In the following dialog, change the Output Directory to flex, instead of the default as3, and add the **/*Service*.java exclusion pattern, as we don't want code generation for services, just for entities:

After those short configuration steps, you may accept all other default options and click directly on the Finish button in the wizard. The generation process starts and produces two files as shown in the following picture:

There is no need to modify those files for our short example but, if you want to add specific methods to your ActionScript 3 bean, you must put it in the class and not in the class that may be overwritten by subsequent generation processes. If you look at the class, you will see that the generated code reproduces the fields and accesses (read-only id and read-write name). It also implements the code required for externalization mechanisms with lazy loading support. See Externalizers documentation for details.

The rest is only a matter of configuration files. First, create a new file named granite-config.xml at the root of the helloworld2 project directory with this content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"


    <class-getter type="org.granite.hibernate.HibernateClassGetter"/>

        <externalizer type="org.granite.hibernate.HibernateExternalizer">
            <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.Entity"/>


This configuration instructs GDS to externalize all Java classes annotated with the @Entity annotation (such as our entity bean).

Next we need a Flex services-config.xml as follows. Create it in at root of the project, as for granite-config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


            <destination id="helloWorldService">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>
        <factory id="ejbFactory" class="org.granite.messaging.service.EjbServiceFactory">

        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">


This is where the destination id HelloWorldService is bound to our stateless EJB 3 session bean service. When the RemoteObject in HelloWorld.mxml is called, the destination id is used in the EjbServiceFactory to lookup the EJB; helloworld/{}Bean/local is resolved to helloworld/HelloWorldServiceBean/local, that is the JNDI name used in JBoss to access the EJB.

We then need three additional configuration files: application.xml, persistence.xml and web.xml. All are standard J2EE configuration files and you will find detailed documentation on them on the Internet. Here is their contents. Again, create them at the root of the project:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <display-name>GraniteDS HelloWorld</display-name>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <persistence-unit name="ejb3">
            <property name="" value="update"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<web-app version="2.4" xmlns=""

    <!-- general information about this web application -->
    <display-name>Hello World</display-name>
    <description>Hello World Sample Application</description>

    <!-- read services-config.xml file at web application startup -->

    <!-- handle AMF requests ([de]serialization) -->

    <!-- handle AMF requests (execution) -->

    <!-- default content for helloworld application -->


You should now see something like this in your package explorer:

The last thing to do is to build and deploy the application.

Create a new file named build.xml at the root of the project. Copy and paste the following content into it; you may have to modify the properties FLEX_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME to reflect your environment:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project name="hello-world" default="deploy">

    <!-- Modify FLEX_HOME/JBOSS_HOME properties to reflect your environment -->
    <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="/flex_sdk_3"/>
    <property name="JBOSS_HOME" value="/jboss-4.2.3.GA"/>
    <!-- Declare Flex Ant tasks (such as mxmlc used below) -->
    <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" />

    <!-- Compile MXML source code to SWF -->
    <target name="mxmlc">
            <source-path path-element="flex" />

            <!-- Make sure that the class is compiled into
                 our HelloWorld.swf (otherwise mxmlc doesn't include it
                 because there are no explicit reference to this class
                 in HelloWorld.mxml -->
            <includes symbol="org.test.Welcome" />
            <!-- Make sure that all "essentials" GDS classes are included into
                 our HelloWorld.swf (otherwise mxmlc doesn't include them
                 because there is no explicit reference to these classes
                 in HelloWorld.mxml and -->
            <compiler.include-libraries dir="lib" append="true">
                <include name="granite-essentials.swc" />

    <!-- Build an ear suitable for JBoss -->
    <target name="ear" depends="mxmlc">
        <mkdir dir="build"/>
        <jar destfile="build/helloworld.jar">
            <fileset dir="bin" includes="**/*.class"/>
            <zipfileset file="persistence.xml" prefix="META-INF" />
        <war destfile="build/helloworld.war" webxml="web.xml">
            <zipfileset file="services-config.xml" prefix="WEB-INF/flex" />
            <zipfileset file="granite-config.xml" prefix="WEB-INF/granite" />
            <fileset dir="build" includes="*.swf"/>
        <ear destfile="build/helloworld.ear" appxml="application.xml">
            <fileset dir="build" includes="*.jar,*.war"/>
            <zipfileset dir="lib" includes="granite*.jar" prefix="lib" />

    <!-- Deploy the ear in JBoss -->
    <target name="deploy" depends="ear">
        <copy todir="${JBOSS_HOME}/server/default/deploy" file="build/helloworld.ear"/>


Basically, this Ant build compiles our Flex code in a swf and package everything in an ear suitable for JBoss deployment.


Read the comments in the above build.xml about including AS3 classes/SWC libraries into the compiled SWF! Missing this point leads to a very common Flex runtime error because of unexpected mxmlc compiler optimizations!

You may now right-click on the build.xml file and select Run As / Ant Build. This will launch the build process, compile the MXML code to an SWF, create an ear (Enterprise ARchive) and copy it into your JBoss deploy directory.

Finally start JBoss and test the application. To start JBoss, go to the directory bin just under your JBoss installation directory, /jboss-4.2.3.GA/bin for example, and double-click on run.bat, or for Unix/Mac users. After a short while, you should see in the console that JBoss has started. You may now point your Web browser to .

The main value of GraniteDS is to provide integration with other frameworks, both client and server side, so there really are lots of different possible combinations of deployment types and usage scenarios. This chapter will describe various options, and common combinations of technologies.

On the client there are two main choices :

The Tide remoting API is only a part of the Tide client framework (that supports dependency injection, conversation management, ...) so you can also choose between using the complete Tide framework or only Tide remoting mixed with any other Flex framework such as Cairngorm, PureMVC or Parsley. Obviously we recommend using only the Tide framework as it will greatly simplify the overall architecture of your application, but you will still able to use Tide even if higher powers force you using another particular framework.

Finally it's also possible to use the Tide client framework independently of the GraniteDS AMF provider. We really cannot recommend doing this if your server is Java-based but you can use Tide with AMFPHP, RubyAMF or any other server technology. The Tide framework is comparable in features to Swiz or Parsley but brings its own unique features and concepts (conversation contexts, centralized exception handling, data management...).

This section describes some classic technology stacks used with Flex applications and GraniteDS.

Spring/Hibernate on Tomcat 6+ or Jetty 6+

This is one of the most common use cases and is similar to what can be done with the Spring-BlazeDS integration project. You can furthermore benefit from the extensive support for serialization of Java objects and JPA detached objects, and of NIO/APR asynchronous support of Tomcat 6.0.18+ or Jetty 6 continuations.

EJB3/Hibernate on JBoss 4/5

This is another common use case and it provides roughly the same features than Spring/JPA. The main difference is that it requires a full EE container supporting EJB 3.

Tide/Spring/Hibernate on Tomcat 6+ or Jetty 6+

This is an extension of the first case, with the additional use of the Tide remoting API on the client. This will enable the most advanced features such as data paging, transparent lazy-loading of collections, real-time data synchronization... Tide also provides advanced client-side support for Spring Security authorization that for example allow to easily hide/disable buttons for unauthorized actions. This is currently the most popular technology stack.

Tide/EJB3/Hibernate on JBoss 4/5 or Tide/EJB3/EclipseLink on GlassFish v3

It's also similar to the previous case, but using EJB 3 instead of Spring.

Tide/Seam 2.2/Hibernate on JBoss 4/5

This is the most natural option if you want to connect your Flex application to a Seam 2 backend. Compared to Tide/Spring, it provides an even deeper integration with Seam including support for Seam events, Query, Seam application framework... If you are not sure of what stack you should use, we advise that you consider this stack as this is currently the most powerful and easy to use.

Tide/CDI/JPA2/Java EE 6 on JBoss 6/7 or GlassFish 3

Well this is not really a "common" stack but at least it is the latest Java EE 6 standard. If you are on a Java EE 6 compliant application server, it is definitely the best option.

GraniteDS consists in a set of Flex libraries (swcs) and a set of Java libraries (jars). It is designed to be deployed in a Java application server and packaged in a standard Java Web application, either as a WAR file or as an EAR file. The configuration of a GraniteDS project will generally involve the following steps :

  1. Add the GraniteDS jars to the WEB-INF/lib folder of the WAR file or the lib folder of the EAR file
  2. Add the GraniteDS listener, servlets and filters in the standard WEB-INF/web.xml configuration file
  3. Define the internal configuration of GraniteDS in the WEB-INF/granite/granite-config.xml file
  4. Define the application configuration of GraniteDS (remoting destinations, messaging topics...) in the WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml
  5. Link you Flex project with the GraniteDS swcs libraries and define the necessary Flex compiler options

Depending on which framework and application server you use on the server (Spring, Seam...) and on the client, some of these steps may be completely omitted, or done differently. For example, when using the Spring framework on the server, almost all the configuration can be defined in the standard Spring context instead of the granite-config.xml and services-config.xml files. GraniteDS tries to be as transparent and integrated as possible with the application environment, however it can be useful to know how things work at the lower level if you have specific requirements.

The configuration of the various GraniteDS parts is done in the file WEB-INF/granite/granite-config.xml. There are many options that can be defined here, you can refer to the configuration reference.

As a starting point, you can create an empty file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"


Or much easier a configuration that will use class scanning to determine the default setup.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

<granite-config scan="true"/>

The last thing to define on the server is the application configuration in WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml. This is for example the place where you will define which elements of your application you will expose to Flex remoting, or the topic for messaging. You can refer to the configuration reference for more details.

For example a simple configuration for an EJB 3 service would look like :

        <service id="granite-service"

            <destination id="example">
                    <channel ref="graniteamf"/>

        <factory id="ejbFactory" class="org.granite.messaging.service.EjbServiceFactory">

        <channel-definition id="graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">

This configuration file declares 3 differents things, let's list them in the reverse order :

  • Channel endpoint : this defines the uri on which the remote service can be accessed though Flex remoting. This should match the servlet url mapping defined previously in web.xml. Note that the server-name, server-port and context-root are placeholders that are automatically replaced when running the application in the Flash Player. To run the application on the AIR runtime you will have to specify the real name and port of the server as it cannot be determined from the source url of the swf.
  • Service factories : here the configuration defines an EJB 3 factory, meaning that destinations using this factory will route incoming remote calls to EJB 3. GraniteDS provides factories for all popular server frameworks. Most factories require specific properties, here for example the JNDI format for EJB lookup.
  • Service/destinations : this section defines a remoting service (described by its class and message type) and one destination interpreted as an EJB 3 as indicated by the factory property.

Depending on the kind of framework integration that is used, the services-config.xml file may not be necessary and can be omitted. With Spring and Seam for example, everything can be defined in the respective framework configuration files instead of services-config.xml.

Ant is a very popular and powerful build tool. The Flex SDK comes with a set of ant tasks that can perform various development tasks, notably the compilation of the Flex application to a swf file. The following XML code defines a typical target to build a Flex/GraniteDS application (the variable FLEX_HOME should point to your Flex SDK installation directory) :

<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>

<target name="compile.flex" description="Build swf from Flex sources">

        <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml"/>

        <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks"/>
        <source-path path-element="bin-debug"/>
        <!-- Definition of runtime annotations, not required when not using Tide -->
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Bindable"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Managed"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="ChangeEvent"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="NonCommittingChangeEvent"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Transient"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Id"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Version"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Lazy"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Name"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="In"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Inject"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Out"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Produces"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Observer"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="ManagedEvent"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="PostConstruct"/>
        <keep-as3-metadata name="Destroy"/>

        <!-- All granite-essentials.swc classes must be included in the output swf -->
        <compiler.include-libraries dir="${}" append="true">
            <include name="granite-essentials.swc" />

        <!-- Actually used only granite.swc classes are included in the output swf -->
        <compiler.library-path dir="${}" append="true">
            <include name="granite.swc"/>

Maven is another popular build tool. Though GraniteDS is not itself built with Maven, its artifacts are available in the Maven central repository and can thus be easily added as dependencies to any Maven project.

The Java dependencies are in the group org.graniteds.




The Flex application can be built using the plugin. Here is a simple project descriptor for a Flex module :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" 
    <name>My Flex Module</name>


Building a full Flex / Java EE Web application with Maven is rather complex and requires to create a multi-module parent project with 3 modules : a Java module, a Flex module and a Web application module, each having its own pom.xml, dependencies and plugin configurations. It is thus recommended that you start from one of the existing GraniteDS/Maven archetypes :

Note than using Maven 3 is highly recommended but Maven 2.2 should also work. A project can then be created using the following command :

mvn archetype:generate

To build the application, just run :

cd springflexapp
mvn install

The Spring and Seam archetypes define a Jetty run configuration so you can simply test your application with :

cd webapp
mvn jetty:run-war

The CDI archetype defines an embedded GlassFish run configuration so you can test your application with :

cd webapp
mvn embedded-glassfish:run

To deploy your application to another application server (for example Tomcat), you may have to change the Gravity servlet in web.xml. Then you can build a war file with :

cd webapp
mvn war:war

There are different options for working with Flash Builder. The easiest is to use a single combined Flex/Java project that will contain the source files for both the server and client parts of the application.

You should install the GraniteDS Eclipse Builder plugin (see here) so you can benefit from the automatic Java -> AS3 code generation. In can be installed in a standalone Flex/Flash Builder or in an Eclipse installation with the Flash Builder plugin.

The first step is to create a new Java EE Web project. You can use the Eclipse WTP wizard (File / New / Web / Dynamic Web Project) :

Change the name of the source folder to java instead of src to avoir conflicts with the Flex source folder we will add later.

Then copy the necessary GraniteDS libs in the folder WebContent/WEB-INF/lib. That should be fine for the Java side.

Next add the Flex nature to the project by right-clicking on the project and selecting Add/Change Project Type / Add Flex Project Type.... Then follow the steps on the wizard.

You may want to change the target build folder of Flex to WebContent so the target swf will be directly compiled in the exploded war folder.

You should change the source folder to flex in the project properties in Flex Build Path and set the target url so the Flex debugger will connect to the application deployed on the server :

Next copy the GraniteDS client libraries granite.swc and granite-essentials.swc to the libs folder, and configure the compiler options in the project properties in Flex Compiler :

Finally we add the GraniteDS nature to the project with right-click / Add GraniteDS Nature. Remember to change the target folder to flex. The GraniteDS properties should like this :

If you have configured a target server (Tomcat for example), you now have a complete environment to run your application. All changes to the Flex application will be automatically deployed to Tomcat thanks to the Eclipse WTP publishing of the WebContent folder.

Data serialization between a Flex client application and a J2EE server may use three kinds of transfer encoding:

  • XML (HttpService)
  • SOAP (WebService)
  • AMF3 (RemoteObject)

According to all available benchmarks, the last option, AMF3 with RemoteObject, is the faster and most efficient. Additionally it allows to work with strongly typed objects in the Flex application and thus is more maintainable. GraniteDS provides a full implementation of the AMF3 protocol and a set of adapters suitable for remote calls to POJO, EJB 3, Seam, Spring, and Guice services.

However, standard AMF serialization/deserialization does not provide any way, either with LiveCycle Data Services/BlazeDS or with GraniteDS, to transfer private or protected data fields. Only non-static, non-transient public fields, either those with public getter and setter or with a public declaration, are taken into account. This limitation applies to both Java and ActionScript3 classes.

To preserve strong and secure data encapsulation of your beans while serializing their private internal state - such as a version number in entity beans — GraniteDS provides a specific serialization mechanism called externalization. See corresponding section for details.

The AMF3 Format

AMF3 is a very compact binary format for data serialization/deserialization and remote method invocation. A key feature of this format is that it preserves the entire graph of your data without duplicating identical objects (contrary to JSON for example). For example, if A1 and A2 contain a reference to the same B1, the serialization of A1 and A2 does not duplicate B1. The Flash VM will contain exactly the same data graph with only one B1 referenced by one A1 and one A2. Furthermore, there is no risk of infinite recursion if the data graph contains circular references. For example, if B1 contains the set of A# that references B1. AMF3 messages are sent as a part of a AMF0 envelope and body. GraniteDS implements an AMF3 serializer/deserializer and relies on some code borrowed from the project for AMF0 serialization/deserialization. The AMF0 and AMF3 specifications are now public. You may download them . You will need a Macromedia or Adobe account.

RemoteObject is the standard remoting API of the Flex SDK. It can be use either declaratively in MXML or programmatically in ActionScript. A RemoteObject is attached to a server-side destination, generally defined in the services-config.xml (see the configuration reference). You can also refer to the about RemoteObject to get some useful information.

For this example, we'll show a simple POJO destination :

public class HelloService {
    public String hello(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name; 

        <destination id="hello">
                <channel ref="graniteamf"/>

    <channel-definition id="graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">

This service configuration defines an AMF channel and a simple POJO destination named hello mapped to this channel and which source is the Java class we have created. POJO is the default service adapter so we don't have to specify a particular service factory.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

        import mx.controls.Alert;
        public function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
            // Display received message
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        public function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void {
            // Show error alert
    <!-- Connect to a service destination.--> 
    <mx:RemoteObject id="helloService" 
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the web service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="helloService.hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Display results data in the user interface. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

This demonstrates a very simple remote call with basic String data types. The destination defined in the MXML RemoteObject declaration should match the destination name in services-config.xml.

It is very important to note that remote calls in Flex are always asynchronous. The reason is that the Flash VM is not multithreaded and remote calls should not block user interaction. Something like outputMessage.text = helloService.hello(inputName.text) will thus not work, and it is needed to attach event listeners to the RemoteObject to handle the remote results and faults.

The actual return value of a remote call on a RemoteObject is an AsyncToken object. The MXML syntax result and fault is simply a shorthand for adding listeners to this token object.

In this short example, there was only one method in the RemoteObject so we could put the event listeners on the RemoteObject itself. For services having more than one method, we would rather add a different event listener for each method :

<mx:RemoteObject id="helloService" 
    <mx:operation name="hello" 
    <mx:operation name="..."

The last but interesting way of handing the remote result is to bind the AsyncToken property lastResult to some UI component in MXML. The following code does the same thing than the initial example :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

    <!-- Connect to a service destination.--> 
    <mx:RemoteObject id="helloService" destination="hello"/>
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the web service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="helloService.hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Display results data in the user interface using binding on the lastResult property of AsyncToken. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage" text="{helloService.hello.lastResult}"/>

It is possible to use more complex data types as arguments or as result values. It is then necessary to create an equivalent ActionScript 3 class for each Java data class. You can refer to the mapping section to see how to do this in detail. Also see how you can use the Gas3 code generator to do this for you.

package com.myapp.model;
public class Person {
    private String name;
    public String getName() { 
        return name; 
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
package com.myapp.model {
	public class Person {
		public var name:String;

public class PeopleService {
    public List<Person> findAll(Person examplePerson) {
        return list;    

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

    <!-- Connect to a service destination.--> 
    <mx:RemoteObject id="peopleService" 
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the web service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="peopleService.findAll(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Display results data in the user interface. --> 
    <mx:DataGrid id="outputGrid" dataProvider="{peopleService.lastResult}"/>

The Tide remoting API is an alternative to the standard RemoteObject. It can be used only programmatically in ActionScript and simplifies the handling of asynchronicity by hiding AsyncToken and other internal objects. Note that Tide provides much more than just a different API, it will be detailed in the next chapters.

Let's see the same hello example with Tide. Note the usage of the Tide context object which reprensents the client application container.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
        import org.granite.tide.Tide;
        import org.granite.tide.Context;
        private var tideContext:Context = Tide.getInstance().getContext();
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            // tideContext.helloService implicitly creates a proxy for the remote destination named helloService
            tideContext.helloService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);
        private function resultHandler(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        private function faultHandler(event:TideFaultEvent):void {
            // Handle fault
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the web service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Result message. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

This example can be cleaned up by using the dependency injection feature of the Tide framework (see here for more details). Basically you can inject a client proxy for a remote destination with the annotation [In].

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.Tide;
        public var helloService:Component;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            helloService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);
        private function resultHandler(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        private function faultHandler(event:TideFaultEvent):void {
            // Handle fault
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the web service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Result message. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

The server exceptions can be handled on the client-side by defining a fault callback on each remote call. It works fine but it is very tedious and you can always forget a case, in which case the error will be either ignored or result in a Flex error popup that is not very elegant.

To help dealing with server exceptions, it is possible to define common handlers for particular fault codes on the client-side, and exception converters on the server-side, to convert server exceptions to common fault codes.

On the server, you have to define an ExceptionConverter class. For example we could write a converter to handle the JPA EntityNotFoundException (in fact there is already a built-in converter for all JPA exceptions):

public class EntityNotFoundExceptionConverter implements ExceptionConverter {
    public static final String ENTITY_NOT_FOUND = "Persistence.EntityNotFound";
    public boolean accepts(Throwable t, Throwable finalException) {
        return t.getClass().equals(javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException.class);
    public ServiceException convert(
        Throwable t, String detail, Map<String, Object> extendedData) {
        ServiceException se = new ServiceException(
            ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, t.getMessage(), detail, t
        return se;

This class will intercept all EntityNotFound exceptions on the server-side, and convert it to a proper ENTITY_NOT_FOUND fault event.

The argument finalException contains the deepest throwable in the error and can be used to check if some higher level exception converter should be used to handle the exception. For example, the HibernateExceptionConverter checks if the exception is wrapped in a PersistenceException, in which case it lets the JPA PersistenceExceptionConverter accept the exception.

This exception converter has to be declared on the GDS server config :

On the Flex side, you then have to define an exception handler class:

public class EntityNotFoundExceptionHandler implements IExceptionHandler {

    public function accepts(emsg:ErrorMessage):Boolean {
        return emsg.faultCode == "Persistence.EntityNotFound";

    public function handle(context:BaseContext, emsg:ErrorMessage):void {"Entity not found: " + emsg.message);

... and register it as an exception handler for the Tide context in a static initializer block to be sure it is registered before anything else happens.


When using typed objects, it's necessary to create an ActionScript 3 class for each Java class that will be marshalled between Flex and Java. However due to the differences of data types in the ActionScript 3 and Java languages, data conversions are done during serialization/deserialization. GraniteDS follows the standard conversions specified in the Adobe Flex SDK documentation , with an important exception : GDS will neither convert AS3 String to Java numeric types or boolean, nor AS3 numeric types or boolean to String. You must use AS3 numeric types for Java numeric types and AS3 boolean type for Java boolean types; either primitive or boxed boolean.

Starting with GraniteDS 2.2, long, Long, BigInteger and BigDecimal values may by converted to their respective ActionScript 3 equivalent (see Big Number Implementations for details).

In some cases it can be necessary to serialize private fields of a Java class (for example the @Version field of a JPA entity). Due to the limited capabilities of the ActionScript 3 reflection API than cannot access private fields, it is necessary to create an externalizable AS3 class (implementing flash.utils.IExternalizable and its corresponding externalizable Java class. In both classes you have to implement two methods readExternal and writeExternal that read and write data to the network stream in the exact same order. This is extremely tedious and unmaintainable, so GraniteDS provides a specific mechanism to handle this almost transparently :

By means of these two combined mechanisms, it's possible to serialize any kind of object with minimal effort.

Let's say we have a basic entity bean that represents a person. The following code shows its implementation using JPA annotations:

package com.myapp.entity;


import javax.persistence.Basic;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Version;

public class Person implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Id @GeneratedValue
    private Integer id;

    private Integer version;

    private String firstName;

    private String lastName;

    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;
    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;
    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        this.lastName = lastName;

This simple entity bean has one read-only property (id), one completely private property (version) and two read/write properties (firstName, lastName). With standard serialization, we would not be able to send the id and version fields to the Flex client code. One solution would be to make them public with getters and setters, but this would obviously expose these fields to manual and erroneous modifications. Another solution would be to make the person bean implement instead of, but it would require implementing and maintaining the readExternal and writeExternal methods. This is at least an annoyance, a source of errors, and might even be impossible if you do not have access to the source code to the Java entities.

With GraniteDS automated externalization and without any modification made to our bean, we may serialize all properties of the Person class, private or not. Furthermore, thanks to the Gas3 code generator, we do not even have to write the ActionScript 3 bean by ourselves. Here is a sample generated bean implementation:

 * Generated by Gas3 v2.2.0 (Granite Data Services).

package com.myapp.entity {

    import flash.utils.IDataInput;
    import flash.utils.IDataOutput;
    import flash.utils.IExternalizable;
    import org.granite.collections.IPersistentCollection;
    import org.granite.meta;

    use namespace meta;

    public class PersonBase implements IExternalizable {

        private var __initialized:Boolean = true;
        private var __detachedState:String = null;

        private var _firstName:String;
        private var _id:Number;
        private var _lastName:String;
        private var _version:Number;

        meta function isInitialized(name:String = null):Boolean {
            if (!name)
                return __initialized;

            var property:* = this[name];
            return (
                (!(property is Person) || (property as Person).meta::isInitialized()) &&
                (!(property is IPersistentCollection) ||
                  (property as IPersistentCollection).isInitialized())

        public function set firstName(value:String):void {
            _firstName = value;
        public function get firstName():String {
            return _firstName;

        public function get id():Number {
            return _id;

        public function set lastName(value:String):void {
            _lastName = value;
        public function get lastName():String {
            return _lastName;

        public function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void {
            __initialized = input.readObject() as Boolean;
            __detachedState = input.readObject() as String;
            if (meta::isInitialized()) {
                _firstName = input.readObject() as String;
                _id = function(o:*):Number {
                    return (o is Number ? o as Number : Number.NaN) } (input.readObject());
                _lastName = input.readObject() as String;
                _version = function(o:*):Number {
                    return (o is Number ? o as Number : Number.NaN) } (input.readObject());
            else {
                _id = function(o:*):Number {
                    return (o is Number ? o as Number : Number.NaN) } (input.readObject());

        public function writeExternal(output:IDataOutput):void {
            if (meta::isInitialized()) {
            else {

This AS3 bean reproduces all properties found in the Java entity, public and private and even includes two extra properties, (__initialized and __detachedState), that correspond the the JPA internal state for lazy loading. Note that these two fields are present because the Gas3 generator has detected that our class is a JPA entity annotated with @Entity. For simple Java beans, these two fields would not be present, but this shows that the pluggable externalizer mechanism in GraniteDS allows to do a lot more than simply serializing public data and value objects.

Note that property accessors (get/set) are exactly the same as those found in the Java entity bean, and while all fields are serialized between the client and the server, only firstName and lastName are modifiable in ActionScript 3 and id is kept read-only.

In order to externalize the entity bean, we must tell GraniteDS which classes we want to externalize with a special rule in the granite-config.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

    <class-getter type="org.granite.hibernate.HibernateClassGetter"/>

        <externalizer type="org.granite.hibernate.HibernateExternalizer">
            <include type="com.myapp.entity.Person"/>

This instructs GraniteDS to externalize all classes named com.myapp.entity.Person by using the org.granite.hibernate.HibernateExternalizer. Note that the HibernateClassGetter configuration is necessary to detect Hibernate proxies (lazy-initialized beans). See more about this feature in the JPA and lazy initialization section.

If you use an abstract entity bean as a parent to all your entity beans you could use this declaration, but note that type in the example above is replaced by instance-of:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

    <class-getter type="org.granite.hibernate.HibernateClassGetter"/>

        <externalizer type="org.granite.hibernate.HibernateExternalizer">
            <include instance-of="com.myapp.entity.AbstractEntity"/>

This will avoid the need of writing externalization instructions for all your beans, and all instances of AbstractEntity will be automatically externalized.

You may also use an annotated-with attribute as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

    <class-getter type="org.granite.hibernate.HibernateClassGetter"/>

        <externalizer type="org.granite.hibernate.HibernateExternalizer">
            <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.Entity"/>
            <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass"/>
            <include annotated-with="javax.persistence.Embeddable"/>

Of course, you may mix these different attributes as you want. Note, however, that there are precedence rules for these three configuration options: type has precedence over annotated-with and annotated-with has precedence over instance-of. Playing with rule precedence provides a way to override general rules with more specific rules for particular classes.

GraniteDS comes with a set of built-in externalizers for the most usual kinds of Java classes:

It is easy to write your own externalizer, you have to implement the interface, or extend the DefaultExternalizer class. There is no particular use case for this extension; it mostly depends on your specific needs and you should look at the standard externalizer implementations to figure out how to write your custom code.

If you use autoscan configuration, make sure your class is packaged in a jar accessible via the GraniteConfig class loader (granite.jar classpath), put a META-INF/ in your jar, even empty, and put relevant code in the accept method to define which classes your externalizer should process:

public int accept(Class<?> clazz) {
    return clazz.isAnnotationPresent(MySpecialAnnotation.class) ? 1 : -1;

You may, of course, use any kind of conditional expression, based on annotations, inheritance, etc. The returned value is a numeric weight used when GDS tries to figure out what externalizer it should use when it encounters a Java bean at serialization time: -1 means "do not use this externalizer", 0 or more means "use this externalizer if there is no other externalizer that returns a superior weight for this bean". DefaultExternalizer has a weight of 0, EnumExternalizer and the built-in JPA externalizers a weight of 1. If your class would normally be externalized by the HibernateExternalizer, you may, for example, use a weight of 2 when you want to replace the default serialization for some particular entities.

At deserialization time, from Flex to Java, GraniteDS must instantiate and populate new JavaBeans with serialized data. The population issue (strictly private field), as we have seen before, is addressed by externalizers. But there is still a problem with classes that do not declare a default constructor. How do we instantiate those classes with meaningful parameters at deserialization time?

When GraniteDS encounters classes without a default constructor, it tries to instantiate them by using the Sun JVM sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory class that bypasses this limitation. Then, if it can successfully instantiate this kind of class, fields deserialization follows the standard process with or without externalization. This solution has three serious limitations however: it only works with a Sun JVM, it does not take care of complex initialization you may have put in your custom contructor, and it cannot simply work with classes that should be created via a static method, such as singletons.

With GraniteDS instantiators, you may control the instantiation process, delaying the actual instantiation of the class after all its serialized data has been read.

Built-in Instantiators

Two instantiators come with GDS:

Note that those instantiators do not require an entry in granite-config.xml, they are respectively used by the EnumExternalizer, HibernateExternalizer, and TopLinkExternalizer.

Custom Instantiators

Let's say you have a JavaBean like this one:

package org.test;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class MyBean {
    private final static Map<String, MyBean> beans = new HashMap<String, MyBean>();
    private final String name;
    private final String encodedName;
    protected MyBean(String name) { = name;
        try {
            this.encodedName = URLEncoder.encode(name, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
    public static MyBean getInstance(String name) {
        MyBean bean = null;
        synchronized (beans) {
            bean = beans.get(name);
            if (bean == null) {
                bean = new MyBean(name);
                beans.put(name, bean);
        return bean;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public String getEncodedName() {
        return encodedName;

With this kind of Java class, even with the help of the GDS DefaultExternalizer and the Sun ReflectionFactory facility, you will not be able to get the cached instance of your bean and the encodedName field will not be correctly initialized. Instead, a new instance of MyBean would be created with a simulated default constructor and the name field would be assigned with serialized data.

The solution is to write a custom instantiator that will be used at deserialization time:

package org.test;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MyBeanInstanciator extends AbstractInstanciator<MyBean> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
    private static final List<String> orderedFields;
    static {
        List<String> of = new ArrayList<String>(1);
        orderedFields = Collections.unmodifiableList(of);
    public List<String> getOrderedFieldNames() {
        return orderedFields;
    public MyBean newInstance() {
        return MyBean.getInstance((String)get("name"));

You should finally use a granite-config.xml file as follows in order to use your instantiator:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

    <externalizer type="">
      <include type="org.test.MyBean"/>

    <instanciator type="org.test.MyBean">org.test.MyBeanInstanciator</instanciator>

In many Java EE applications, persistence is done by using a JPA provider (such as Hibernate). The application directly persists and fetch Java entities, so this could seem natural to transfer these same objects to the Flex layer instead of adding a extra conversion layer with data transfer objects. However this is not as simple as it seems, in particular when using the lazy loading feature of JPA (and most applications using JPA should use lazy loading).

Classic AMF providers will either throw exceptions during serialization (because the lazy loaded associations are not available at this time), or load the complete object graph and thus limit the applicability of lazy loading (when using patterns such as Open Session in View).

GraniteDS on the other hand is able to reliably serialize JPA entities with its externalizer mechanism (even detached objects outside of a JPA session) and supports both kinds of associations: proxy (single-valued associations) and collections (such as List, Set, Bag and Map). As described in the previous section, it provides built-in support for Hibernate, TopLink/EclipseLink, OpenJPA and DataNucleus.

In your JPA entity bean, you may have a single-valued association like this:

public class MyEntity {
    @Id @GeneratedValue
    private Integer id;
    private MyOtherEntity other;
    // Skipped code...
public class MyOtherEntity {
    @Id @GeneratedValue
    private Integer id;
    // Skipped code...

If you load a large collection of MyEntity and do not need other references, this kind of declaration prevents unnecessary performance and memory overload (please refer to Hibernate documention in order to actually fetch these references when you need them). With GDS, you can keep those uninitialized references as is. For example:

public class MyEntity {

    private var __initialized:Boolean = true;
    private var __detachedState:String = null;

    private var _id:Number;
    private var _other:MyOtherEntity;

    meta function isInitialized(name:String = null):Boolean {
        if (!name)
            return __initialized;

        var property:* = this[name];
        return (
            (!(property is Welcome) || (property as Welcome).meta::isInitialized()) &&
            (!(property is IPersistentCollection) ||
              (property as IPersistentCollection).isInitialized())

    // Skipped code...

    public override function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void {
        __initialized = input.readObject() as Boolean;
        __detachedState = input.readObject() as String;
        if (meta::isInitialized()) {
            _id = function(o:*):Number {
                return (o is Number ? o as Number : Number.NaN) } (input.readObject());
            _other = input.readObject() as MyOtherEntity;
            // read remaining MyEntity fields...
            _id = function(o:*):Number {
                return (o is Number ? o as Number : Number.NaN) } (input.readObject());

public class MyOtherEntity {

    private var __initialized:Boolean = true;
    private var __detachedState:String = null;

    private var _id:Number;

    // Skipped code...

    public override function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void {
        __initialized = input.readObject() as Boolean;
        __detachedState = input.readObject() as String;
        if (meta::isInitialized()) {
            _id = input.readObject() as int;
            // read remaining MyOtherEntity fields...
            _id = input.readObject() as int;

When Flex deserializes your collection of MyEntity's with lazy loaded MyOtherEntity references, it reads a initialized flag set to true when it encounters a MyEntity instance since MyEntity's are all initialized; so it reads all MyEntity fields including the _other one. When it deserializes a MyOtherEntity instance referenced by a MyEntity, it reads a initialized flag set to false since MyOtherEntity is lazy loaded, so it only reads the MyOtherEntity id. Informations put in __initialized, __detachedState and _id are sufficient to restore a correct HibernateProxy instances when you give back MyEntity objects to the server for update.

GDS also provides a way to keep uninitialized collections as is. When the externalizer encounters an uninitialized collection, it does not try to serialize its content and marks it as uninitialized. This information is kept in ActionScript 3 beans and when this bean is sent back to the server (e.g., for an update), the externalizer restores a lazy initialized collection in Java. This gives you a good control over serialization depth, as you do not face the risk of serializing the entire graph of your data, and prevents faulty updates (i.e., an empty collection is saved and deletes database data while it was only uninitialized).

For example, in this persistent set:

package com.myapp.entity;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
public class Person extends AbstractEntity {
    @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="person")
    private Set<Contact> contacts = new HashSet<Contact>();
    public Set<Contact> getContacts() {
        return contacts;
    public void setContacts(Set<Contact> contacts) {
        this.contacts = contacts;
        // code for Contact skipped...

package com.myapp.entity {
    import mx.collections.ListCollectionView;
    public class Person implements IExternalizable {
        private var _contacts:ListCollectionView;
        public function set contacts(value:ListCollectionView):void {
            _contacts = value;
        public function get contacts():ListCollectionView{
            return _contacts;
        public override function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void {
            _contacts = input.readObject() as ListCollectionView;
        public override function writeExternal(output:IDataOutput):void {
        // code for Contact skipped...

The actual, persistence aware, mx.collections.ListCollectionView implementation is part of a GDS Flex library (granite-essentials.swc) that contains all AS3 classes you need in order to use the lazy loaded collections feature.

If GDS encounters an uninitialized Set, it is serialized as a org.granite.persistence.PersistentSet that contains some extra data indicating its intitialization state.

Other persistent collections, such as List, Bag, and Map, are handled in a similar manner. Please download graniteds-***.zip and look at the examples/granite_ejb3 sample project for a more advanced data model.

GDS/JPA uses mx.core.IUID for all entity beans. See a long Hibernate discussion here about equals/hashCode/collection problems and the use of UUIDs. This is only an implementation choice and you are free to code whatever you want.

Security in Flex applications cannot rely on standard web-app security-constraints configured in web.xml. Generally, you have only one channel-definition, equivalent to a url-pattern in web.xml, and multiple destinations. So, the security must be destination-based rather than URL-pattern based, and Java EE standard configuration in web.xml does not provide anything like that.

With a configured SecurityService, you will be able to use RemoteObject's setCredentials, setRemoteCredentials and logout methods.

Another important feature in security is to be able to create and expose a to, for example, an EJB3 session bean backend so role-based security can be used.

At this time, GraniteDS provides security service implementations for Tomcat5+, Jetty6+, GlassFish V2+ and V3 and WebLogic 10+ servers. Because JBoss comes with Tomcat by default but may be configured to use Jetty instead, Tomcat or Jetty security services may work as well with JBoss. For a complete example of a JBoss/Tomcat security service, please download and install graniteds-***.zip, read the examples/README.txt file and test the examples/granite_ejb3 sample.

When you are using Java Enterprise frameworks such as Seam or Spring together with GraniteDS, you may use specific Seam Security or Spring Security implementations instead of the previous container-based services: please refer to Seam Services or Spring Services for more information.

To enable security, you simply put this kind of declaration in your granite-config.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"
    <security type=""/>
    Alternatively for Jetty 6.x
    <security type=""/>
    For Jetty 7.x/8.x (available at
    <security type=""/>
    For GlassFish 2.x
    <security type=""/>
    For GlassFish 3.x
    <security type=""/>
    For WebLogic
    <security type=""/>

Generally there is no need to pass additional parameters, but TomcatSecurityService accepts one optional parameter for its internal server.findService() advanced utility, otherwise, the first available service is used by default:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"
    <security type="">
        <param name="service" value="your-tomcat-service-name-here"/>

You may now use role-based security on destination in your services-config.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <service id="granite-service"
            <destination id="person">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

            <destination id="restrictedPerson">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

Here, the person destination can be used by authenticated users with user or admin roles, while the restrictedPerson destination can only be used by authenticated users with the admin role.

Please refer to Tomcat and JBoss documentation for setting up your users/roles configuration.

One of the main interests of using AMF remoting is that is can maintain a strongly typed data model in the Flex application. However that implies that you have to write an AS3 class for each Java class that will be serialized. Writing and maintaining these ActionScript 3 beans is tedious and a source of many errors. In order to solve this problem and accelerate the development of Flex/Java EE applications, GraniteDS comes with an ActionScript3 code generator that writes AS3 beans for all Java beans.

Additionally this generator specifically supports the externalization mechanism of GraniteDS and is able to generate corresponding AS3 classes for externalized Java beans (typically JPA/Hibernate entities) with specific templates.

Finally this ActionScript 3 generator is able to write AS3 typed client proxies for exposed remote services. Compared to the usual Flex RemoteObject, this can greatly help development by bringing auto-completion and improved type-safety in Flex when using remote services.

Starting with GraniteDS 2.2, Gas3 may also replicate validation annotations in order to use the Flex side validation framework (see Bean Validation (JSR-303)) and may also be configured to generate Long, BigInteger and BigDecimal variable for their Java equivalents (see Big Number Implementations).

The generator (named GAS3) is implemented as an Eclipse plugin and as an Ant task. This Ant task is packaged as an Eclipse 3.2+ Ant plugin but may also be used outside of Eclipse for command line Ant calls. It is also included in the Maven plugin.

The next sections introduce both the Eclipse plugin and Ant task configurations and usages. You may also have a look at the Eclipse Plugins Installation section and at the Hello World revisited tutorial for a sample Eclipse Builder usage.

A common problem with code generators is the potential loss of manual modifications made in generated files. A generated file must be either generated once and only once, allowing for safe manual modifications, but it will not be able to reflect the modifications made in its model (JavaBeans), or regenerated each time its model has been changed, thus preventing safe manual modifications.

Gas3 uses the principle of "Base" and customizable inherited classes that let you add methods to generated classes without facing the risk of losing them when a new generation process is executed. For example, here are the two files generated for a given Java entity bean:

package org.test;
import javax.persistence.Basic;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
public class Welcome implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @Id @GeneratedValue
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    public Welcome() {
    public Welcome(String name) { = name;
    public Integer getId() {
        return id;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

 * Generated by Gas3 v2.2.0 (Granite Data Services).
 * NOTE: this file is only generated if it does not exist. You may safely put
 * your custom code here.

package org.test {

    public class Welcome extends WelcomeBase {

 * Generated by Gas3 v2.2.0 (Granite Data Services).

package org.test {

    import flash.utils.IDataInput;
    import flash.utils.IDataOutput;
    import flash.utils.IExternalizable;
    import org.granite.collections.IPersistentCollection;
    import org.granite.meta;

    use namespace meta;

    public class WelcomeBase implements IExternalizable {

        private var __initialized:Boolean = true;
        private var __detachedState:String = null;

        private var _id:Number;
        private var _name:String;

        meta function isInitialized(name:String = null):Boolean {
            if (!name)
                return __initialized;

            var property:* = this[name];
            return (
                (!(property is Welcome) || (property as Welcome).meta::isInitialized()) &&
                (!(property is IPersistentCollection) ||
                  (property as IPersistentCollection).isInitialized())

        public function get id():Number {
            return _id;

        public function set name(value:String):void {
            _name = value;
        public function get name():String {
            return _name;

        public function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void {
            __initialized = input.readObject() as Boolean;
            __detachedState = input.readObject() as String;
            if (meta::isInitialized()) {
                _id = function(o:*):Number {
                    return (o is Number ? o as Number : Number.NaN) } (input.readObject());
                _name = input.readObject() as String;
            else {
                _id = function(o:*):Number {
                    return (o is Number ? o as Number : Number.NaN) } (input.readObject());

        public function writeExternal(output:IDataOutput):void {
            if (meta::isInitialized()) {
            else {

The recommendations for manual editing are explicit in the header comments of each AS3 classes: while the "Base" class may be regenerated at any time, keeping it sync with its Java model class, the inherited one is only generated when it does not exist and you may safely add custom methods into it.

This two files generation principle is used for all generated classes except interface and enum: these classes are generated without any "Base" class and overwritten each time you have modified their Java counterparts.

Here are the details for (re)generation conditions:

Note that for Java classes, relevant timestamp is the last modified time of the .class file, not the .java file.

TemplatesConditions for (re)generation
Dual templates (base + inherited) The inherited AS3 class is generated only once if it does not exist. The AS3 base one is generated if it does not exist or if its timestamp (last modified time) is less than the Java class one
Single template (enums or interfaces) Like the base condition above, the AS3 class is (re)generated if it does not exist or if its timestamp is less than the Java class one

Here is the summary of templates used by the generator depending on the kind of Java class it encounters:

Type of Java ClassTemplateBase Template
Standard Java beansbean.gspbeanBase.gsp
JPA entities: all classes annotated with @Entity and @MappedSuperclassentity.gspentityBase.gsp
Java enumsenum.gsp(none)
Java interfacesinterface.gsp(none)
Java services: all classes annotated with @RemoteDestinationremote.gspremoteBase.gsp
Java events (CDI): all classes annotated with @TideEventbean.gspbeanBase.gsp

Note that all these templates are bundled in the granite-generator.jar archive, in the org.granite.generator.template package and accessible as resources via the class loader.


Download org.granite.builder_***.jar and drop it in your Eclipse plugins directory, making sure to remove any older versions. Then, restart Eclipse.

Adding the GraniteDS Nature and Configuration Wizard

The Add GraniteDS Nature is available for any open Java project. When you want to use the builder with your Java project, right-click on the project in your Eclipse package explorer and select Add GraniteDS Nature:

This action should launch a configuration wizard, whose first step is to select Java source folders for which you want code generation (ie. ActionScript 3 beans that mirror your JavaBeans):

You may select as many Java source folders as you want and configure specific filters and output directories for each of them. Just select one of the Included, Excluded, or Output subnodes and click on the Edit button.

For inclusion/exclusion patterns, the syntax is similar to the Ant include/exclude ones in fileset and the following rules apply:

In the example, **/*Service*.java will match any Java class which contains the Service string in its name and which is in any subdirectory of the selected source folder.

Inclusion patterns let you specify arbitrary parameters which will be passed as a Map<String, String> to the concerned template (ie. the one which is handling the kind of Java file which matches the include pattern). For example, you can specify an include pattern as follow: **/*Service*.java[param1=value1,param2=value2]. In the template, for each file matching the **/*Service*.java pattern, you will then have access to a specific variable named fAttributes, a map containing two keys "param1" and "param2", bound to their respective values "value1" and "values2".

Note that this parameters feature is only available for the Eclipse builder (you can't use it with the Ant/Maven task).

For each selected Java source folder you may also configure specific output directories:

The next step in the wizard allows you to configure Java project dependencies. This is required when your Java classes make references to other classes declared in other Java projects. Clicking on the Add project button will open a dialog that lists all other open Java projects which have the GraniteDS nature:

The next step is classpath configuration. If you do not use any custom classes in the Options panel you do not need to change anything here since the classpath is automatically configured with your current selected source folders. In the following picture, the helloworld/bin directory, where Eclipse compiles your Java source, is preselected, as well as all libraries in the build path (eg. Java runtime jars, ejb3-persistence.jar and jboss-ejb3x.jar):

The next panel lets you configure custom generation templates. Those templates are a mix of the JSP syntax and the . If you need specific code generation, you may write your own template, select one template in the displayed tree, and click on the Edit button:

In the above example, a class: protocol is used because all standard templates are available in the classpath. Alternatively, you may use the file: protocol to load your template from the filesystem. These templates can be specified either by using absolute paths (eg. file:/absolute/path/to/mytemplate.gsp) or paths relative to your current Eclipse project root directory (eg. path/to/mytemplate.gsp).

Clicking the Use Tide button will configure Tide specific templates for entity beans. Use it if you are configuring the builder for a Tide project.

Clicking the Use LCDS button will configure LCDS specific templates for basic beans and entity beans, and remove all templates for enum and remote destination services. It will also configure a LCDS specific AS3TypeFactory in the "Options" panel (see picture below). The LCDS templates generate AS3 beans that can be either [Bindable] (default) or [Managed]. If you need [Managed] beans, use the following parameter with your include pattern: [managed=true]. For example, your include patterns could be:

  • path/to/managed/beans/*.java[managed=true]
  • path/to/bindable/beans/*.java

If you want to use a single file generation policy (ie. no "Base" and inherited files), you can reconfigure the templates by using class:org/granite/generator/template/lcdsStandaloneBean.gsp as the only template, removing the base template. WARNING: when switching from dual templates to a single one, be sure to remove and backup any previously generated files.

The last panel lets you configure various options:

Some explanations:

  • UID Property Name: If you want your AS3 to implement mx.core.IUID, you must tell the generator the name of the Java field that contains this UID; use the same name in all your beans. Default is to search for field named uid.
  • AS3TypeFactory Class: You may use this option to configure a custom factory for special type support. See Handling Custom Data Types for a detailed example. If you configure this, you must add your class in the Classpath panel.
  • EntityFactory Class: You may use this option to configure a custom factory for special entity support. Setting this field to org.granite.generator.as3.BVEntityFactory is useful if you want to use the GraniteDS validation framework. See Bean Validation (JSR-303) for details.
  • RemoteDestinationFactory Class: You may use this option to configure a custom factory for special service support. You could for example implement a specific factory to analyze services for a particular framework.
  • "Show debug informations in console": If enabled, Gas3 will display more information during the generation process.
  • "Generate a Flex Builder configuration file": If enabled, Gas3 will generate a granite-flex-config.xml that may be used in your compiler options. Useful to make sure that all generated AS3 beans will be included in your SWF. Note that all AS3 files present in a Gas3 output directory (even those which are not generated) will be added to the config file.
  • "Use org.granite.math.Long": If enabled, Gas3 will generate AS3 Long properties for Java long or Long properties. See Big Number Implementations for details.
  • "Use org.granite.math.BigInteger": If enabled, Gas3 will generate AS3 BigInteger properties for Java BigInteger properties. See Big Number Implementations for details.
  • "Use org.granite.math.BigDecimal": If enabled, Gas3 will generate AS3 BigDecimal properties for Java BigDecimal properties. See Big Number Implementations for details.

When you have finished with the wizard, a first generation process will start and you should see something like this in the Eclipse console:

The GraniteDS Project Properties Panel

If you need to change your configuration later, you can right-click on your project, select the Properties item, and you'll be able to modify all GraniteDS Eclipse Builder configuration options: The panels are exactly the same as those of the wizard and the above documentation applies.

Using the GraniteDS Builder Together with Flex/Flash Builder

You can use the GraniteDS builder with Flex Builder provided that the three builders (Java, Granite, and Flex) are configured in the correct order. It will work without modification if you first create a Java project, add the Flex project nature, and then the GraniteDS nature; the builder will make sure that builders are setup in the correct order. Otherwise, you may have to change this order. Right-click on your project, select the Properties item, and select the Builders entry: The order (Java / Granite / Flex) in the above picture is the correct one.

Removing the GraniteDS Nature

When you have configured your project to use the GraniteDS Eclipse Builder, you may cancel any further generation processes by removing the nature: Note that the hidden configuration file .granite in your project is not removed by this action and you must delete it manually. Otherwise, it will be reused whenever you add the nature again.

Java file deletion / renaming

The main purpose of the builder is to generate AS3 files based on Java sources which are added or modified. When a Java source file is deleted or renamed, the builder will append to the name of all potentially AS3 generated files a suffix composed of a dot, the current system millisecond since epoch (1/1/1970) and an additionnal extension ".hid". The idea behind these renaming operations is to make sure that the Flex compilation will detect errors if these classes are used in the project (easing refactoring) and to ensure that any manual editing you have made in these classes is recoverable.

Installation in Eclipse

Download org.granite.builder_***.jar, and drop it in your Eclipse plugins directory (remove any older version and restart Eclipse). The Add GraniteDS Nature option should now be available if you right-click on your Java project and the gas3 Ant task should be ready to use in your build.xml file under Eclipse.

Standalone Installation

Download org.granite.builder_***.jar and unzip it somewhere (create a new directory, this jar doesn't contain a root folder). Move the lib directory somewhere else (say gas3libs at the root of you harddrive). In your build.xml, you must declare the Gas3 ant task as follows:

<taskdef name="gas3" classname="org.granite.generator.ant.AntJavaAs3Task"/>

To launch a build process with Gas3 targets, you should go to your Java source root directory and type something like:

$ ant -lib /gas3libs -f build.xml {target}

Just replace {target} with a valid target name and make sure Ant is correctly set up: set ANT_HOME variable and put <ANT_HOME>/bin in your PATH environment variable.

Basic Usage

After installation, you may use the Gas3 Ant task in any target of an Ant build file. A working example of Gas3 usage is available in the examples/graniteds_ejb3 sample application. For example:

<target name="generate.as3">
    <gas3 outputdir="as3">
            <pathelement location="classes"/>
        <fileset dir="classes">
            <include name="com/myapp/entity/**/*.class"/>

As you can notice, Gas3 generates AS3 beans from Java compiled classes. You may use multiple Ant filesets in order to specify for which JPA classes you want to generate AS3 beans. The classpath node is used for fileset class loading, and you may reference extra jars or classes needed by your beans class loading.

The outputdir attribute lets you instruct Gas3 in which directory AS3 beans will be generated (e.g., ./as3). This path is relative to your current project directory and Gas3 will create subdirectories for packages. AS3 beans will by default have the same package hierarchy as Java classes, with the same subdirectories as well.

For each JPA entity (say com.myapp.entity.MyEntity), Gas3 will generate two AS3 beans:

While you should not modify the "Base" file, since your modifications may be lost after another generation process, you may safely add your code to the inherited bean.

You can also use Ant zipfilesets if you want to generate AS3 classes from an existing jar. Note that the jar must be in the classpath:

<target name="generate.as3">
    <gas3 outputdir="as3">
            <pathelement location="lib/myclasses.jar"/>
        <zipfileset src="lib/myclasses.jar">
            <include name="com/myapp/entity/**/*.class"/>
Packages Translations

You may tell Gas3 to generate AS3 classes with a different package and directory structure than the corresponding Java classes ones.

<gas3 ...>
    <classpath .../>
    <fileset .../>

        as3="" />
        as3="" />

Gas3 uses these translators with a "best match" principle; all Java classes within the package, and subpackages as well, will be translated to, while will use a specific translation (

Groovy Templates

Gas3 generation relies on Groovy templates. You may plug your own templates in by using one of the advanced options attributes below. For example, you could add a entitytemplate="/absolute/path/to/my/groovy/entityTemplate.gsp" attribute to the gas3 node. You can also specify paths to your custom templates relative to the current Ant project basedir directory. If you want to see the Groovy code of the default templates, just unpack granite-generator.jar in the lib directory of the plugin, and look for org/granite/generator/template/*[Base].gsp files.

Advanced Options (Gas3 XML Attributes)

Here is the complete list of Gas3 node attributes:

For example:

<target name="generate.as3">
            <pathelement location="classes"/>
        <fileset dir="classes">
            <include name="test/granite/ejb3/entity/**/*.class"/>

Note that when using a custom as3typefactory, entityfactory, remotedestinationfactory or transformer attribute, you must configure the classpath in order to make your custom classes available to the Gas3 engine; either use the classpath attribute in the taskdef declaration or in the gas3 call.

The Gas3 generator is used as the default code generation tool in the Flexmojos plugin. To use it, you need to add the following part to your maven POM :


Gas3 templates are based on a specific implementation of . As such, all Groovy template documentation should apply.

The reason why the standard Groovy implementation was not used was the lack of comments support (<%-- ... --%>) and some formatting issues, especially with platform specific carriage returns. This may now be fixed but it was not at that time.

While the language itself is already documented on Groovy site, there are two specific bindings (ie. global variables used in Gas3 templates) that should be referenced.

Template execution is a two-phase process. First, the template is transformed to a standard Groovy script (mainly with expressions like print(...)); second, the Groovy script is compiled and executed. Of course, the result of the first transformation and the compiled script is cached, so further executions with the same template are much faster.

Template Bindings

There are two bindings available in Gas3 templates:

gVersionStringVersion number of the generator, e.g., "2.0.0"
jClassImplementation of the JavaType interfaceAn object describing the Java class for which the generator is writting an ActionScript 3 class
fAttributesMap<String, String>A map which contains key-value pairs, as specified in include patterns (Eclipse builder only)

JavaType implementations (passed as the jClass parameter) can be of the following types:

JavaEntityBean A class defining a JPA entity bean (ie. a class annotated with a @Entity or with a @MappedSuperclass persistence annotation)
JavaEnum A class defining a Java enum class
JavaInterface A class defining a Java interface
JavaRemoteDestination A class defining a remote service annotated with @RemoteDestination
JavaBean A class defining all other Java classes

The two bindings gVersion and jClass can be used in your templates as any other Groovy script variables. For example:

// Generated by Gas3 v.${gVersion}.

package ${jClass.as3Type.packageName} {

    public class ${} {

If you execute this template with Gas3 version 2.3.2 and a Java class named com.myapp.MyClass, the output will be:

// Generated by Gas3 v.2.3.2.

package com.myapp {

    public class MyClass {

If you plan to write custom templates, you should have a look at the standard GraniteDS templates and API documentation of the JavaType implementations listed above.

Sample Template

Let's have a look to the standard GraniteDS template for Java interfaces. You may also see all templates :

  Copyright (C) 2007-2008 ADEQUATE SYSTEMS SARL
  This file is part of Granite Data Services.
  Granite Data Services is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
  option) any later version.
  Granite Data Services is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
  for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
  along with this library; if not, see <>.
    Set as3Imports = new TreeSet();
    for (jImport in jClass.imports) {
        if (jImport.as3Type.hasPackage() &&
jImport.as3Type.packageName != jClass.as3Type.packageName)
 * Generated by Gas3 v${gVersion} (Granite Data Services).
package ${jClass.as3Type.packageName} {<%
    // Write Import Statements.
    if (as3Imports.size() > 0) {%>
    for (as3Import in as3Imports) {%>
    import ${as3Import};<%
    // Write Interface Declaration.%>
    public interface ${}Base<%
    if (jClass.hasSuperInterfaces()) {
        %> extends <%
        boolean first = true;
        for (jInterface in jClass.superInterfaces) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
            } else {
                %>, <%
    %> {<%
    // Write Public Getter/Setter.
    for (jProperty in {
        if (jProperty.readable || jProperty.writable) {%>
            if (jProperty.writable) {%>
        function set ${}(value:${}):void;<%
            if (jProperty.readable) {%>
        function get ${}():${};<%

The code for this template is rather simple, but it can be very tricky to distinguish between JSP-like expressions, Groovy code, and outputted ActionScript 3 code.

The first block, enclosed with <%-- --%>, is a template comment: it will be completely ignored at transformation (Groovy template to Groovy script) time.

The second block, enclosed with <% %>, is plain Groovy code and will be outputed as is at transformation time. Its purpose is to collect and sort all references to other classes so we can later write ActionScript 3 import statements.

Then, the ActionsScript 3 code template really begins with a comment (Gas3 version and warning) and is followed by a package and interface definition with superinterfaces, if any, and finally, by a loop over interface getters/setters. Note that comments like:

// Write Import Statements.

... are Groovy script comments. They will be in the Groovy script but you will not find them in the outputted ActionScript3 file.

After the first transformation (Groovy template to Groovy script), the rendered code will be as follows:

    Set as3Imports = new TreeSet();
    for (jImport in jClass.imports) {
        if (jImport.as3Type.hasPackage() &&
jImport.as3Type.packageName != jClass.as3Type.packageName)
print(" * Generated by Gas3 v${gVersion} (Granite Data Services).\n");
print(" *\n");
print(" */\n");
print("package ${jClass.as3Type.packageName} {");
    // Write Import Statements.
    if (as3Imports.size() > 0) {
    for (as3Import in as3Imports) {
print("    import ${as3Import};");
    // Write Interface Declaration.
print("    public interface ${}Base");
    if (jClass.hasSuperInterfaces()) {
print(" extends ");
        boolean first = true;
        for (jInterface in jClass.superInterfaces) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
            } else {
print(", ");
print(" {");
    // Write Public Getter/Setter.
    for (jProperty in {
        if (jProperty.readable || jProperty.writable) {
            if (jProperty.writable) {
print("        function set ${}(value:${}):void;");
            if (jProperty.readable) {
print("        function get ${}():${};");
print("    }\n");
        As you can notice, <literal>${...}</literal> expressions are resolved by the Groovy engine rather than the JSP-like engine. 
        It would have been possible to use expressions like <literal>&lt;%= ... %&gt;</literal>, that will result in a script where:
        <programlisting role="JAVA">
print("package ${jClass.as3Type.packageName} {");
        .. would have been split into three lines:
        <programlisting role="JAVA">
print("package ");
print(" {");
        This is just informative, as it does not change anything in the final result.
        Then, for this Java source code:
        <programlisting role="JAVA">
package com.myapp.entity.types;
public interface NamedEntity {
    public String getFirstName();
    public void setFirstName(String firstName);
    public String getLastName();
    public void setLastName(String lastName);
    public String getFullName();

... you will get this output:

 * Generated by Gas3 v2.2.0 (Granite Data Services).

package com.myapp.entity.types {

    public interface NamedEntityBase {

        function set firstName(value:String):void;
        function get firstName():String;

        function get fullName():String;

        function set lastName(value:String):void;
        function get lastName():String;
Template Compilation and Execution Errors

Because of the two transformation steps of the template (Groovy template to Groovy script source, then Groovy script source to pre-compiled Groovy script), there are two possible sources of error:

  • JSP-like syntax errors (first transformation): e.g., unclosed <% expression.
  • Groovy syntax errors (second transformation): e.g., now TreeSet(); instead of new TreeSet();

However, since Groovy is an interpreted language, you may get some other errors at execution time:

  • Mispelled expressions: e.g., jClass.neme instead of
  • Runtime exceptions: e.g., 0 / 0.

Whenever these kinds of errors occur, you'll find comprehensive error log in your Shell or Eclipse console. Note that when the error occurs after the first transformation, the Groovy script is printed with line numbers, as well as the Groovy compiler message. It is easy to find the erroneous line in the printed Groovy script, but you have to figure out the corresponding line in the original template:

[gas3]   Generating: /dev/workspace/graniteds_ejb3/as3/com/myapp/entity/types/ (output file is outdated)
[gas3] org.granite.generator.exception.TemplateCompilationException:Could not compile template: /interfaceBase.gsp
[gas3]    1 | 
[gas3]    2 |     Set as3Imports = now TreeSet();
[gas3]    3 | 
[gas3]    4 |     for (jImport in jClass.imports) {
[gas3]    5 |         if (jImport.as3Type.hasPackage() && jImport.as3Type.packageName != jClass.as3Type.packageName)
[gas3]    6 |             as3Imports.add(jImport.as3Type.qualifiedName);
[gas3]    7 |     }
[gas3]    8 | 
[gas3]    9 | 
[gas3]   10 | print("/**\n");
[gas3]   11 | print(" * Generated by Gas3 v${gVersion} (Granite Data Services).\n");
[gas3]   12 | print(" *\n");
[gas3]   14 | print(" * THE GENERATOR. INSTEAD, EDIT THE INHERITED INTERFACE (${}.as).\n");
[gas3]   15 | print(" */\n");
[gas3]   16 | print("\n");
[gas3]   17 | print("package ${jClass.as3Type.packageName} {");
[gas3]   18 | 
[gas3]   19 | 
[gas3]   20 |     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[gas3]   21 |     // Write Import Statements.
[gas3]   22 | 
[gas3]   23 |     if (as3Imports.size() > 0) {
[gas3]   24 | print("\n");
[gas3]   25 | 
[gas3]   26 |     }
[gas3]   27 |     for (as3Import in as3Imports) {
[gas3]   28 | print("\n");
[gas3]   29 | print("    import ${as3Import};");
[gas3]   30 | 
[gas3]   31 |     }
[gas3]   32 | 
[gas3]   33 |     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[gas3]   34 |     // Write Interface Declaration.
[gas3]   35 | print("\n");
[gas3]   36 | print("\n");
[gas3]   37 | print("    public interface ${}Base");
[gas3]   38 | 
[gas3]   39 | 
[gas3]   40 |     if (jClass.hasSuperInterfaces()) {
[gas3]   41 |       
[gas3]   42 | print(" extends ");
[gas3]   43 | 
[gas3]   44 |       boolean first = true;
[gas3]   45 |       for (jInterface in jClass.superInterfaces) {
[gas3]   46 |           if (first) {
[gas3]   47 |               first = false;
[gas3]   48 |           } else {
[gas3]   49 |               
[gas3]   50 | print(", ");
[gas3]   51 | 
[gas3]   52 |           }
[gas3]   53 |           
[gas3]   54 | print("${}");
[gas3]   55 | 
[gas3]   56 |       }
[gas3]   57 |     }
[gas3]   58 | 
[gas3]   59 |     
[gas3]   60 | print(" {");
[gas3]   61 | 
[gas3]   62 | 
[gas3]   63 |     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[gas3]   64 |     // Write Public Getter/Setter.
[gas3]   65 | 
[gas3]   66 |     for (jProperty in {
[gas3]   67 | 
[gas3]   68 |         if (jProperty.readable || jProperty.writable) {
[gas3]   69 | print("\n");
[gas3]   70 | 
[gas3]   71 |             if (jProperty.writable) {
[gas3]   72 | print("\n");
[gas3]   73 | print("        function set ${}(value:${}):void;");
[gas3]   74 | 
[gas3]   75 |             }
[gas3]   76 |             if (jProperty.readable) {
[gas3]   77 | print("\n");
[gas3]   78 | print("        function get ${}():${};");
[gas3]   79 | 
[gas3]   80 |             }
[gas3]   81 |         }
[gas3]   82 |     }
[gas3]   83 | print("\n");
[gas3]   84 | print("    }\n");
[gas3]   85 | print("}");
[gas3]  at org.granite.generator.gsp.GroovyTemplate.compile(
[gas3]  at org.granite.generator.gsp.GroovyTemplate.execute(
[gas3]  at org.granite.generator.as3.JavaAs3GroovyTransformer.generate(
[gas3]  at org.granite.generator.as3.JavaAs3GroovyTransformer.generate(
[gas3]  at org.granite.generator.Transformer.generate(
[gas3]  at org.granite.generator.Generator.generate(
[gas3]  at org.granite.generator.ant.AntJavaAs3Task.execute(
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[gas3]  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[gas3]  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[gas3]  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.antsupport.EclipseDefaultExecutor.executeTargets(
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at
[gas3]  at org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.antsupport.InternalAntRunner.main(
[gas3] Caused by: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed,Script1.groovy: 2: expecting EOF, found 'TreeSet' @ line 2, column 26.
[gas3] 1 error

The error at line 2, column 26 is:

[gas3] 2 | Set as3Imports = now TreeSet();

Finding the corresponding line in the original template should be straightforward.

Granite Data Services provides a messaging feature, code name Gravity, implemented as a -like service with AMF3 data polling over HTTP (producer/consumer based architecture). This implementation is freely based on the protocol specification (1.0draft1 at this time) and adapted from the Jetty 6.1.x implementation of a comet server.

For a basic sample of GDS/Gravity, download graniteds-***.zip and import the examples/graniteds_chat as a new project in Eclipse.

GraniteDS messaging relies on two main AS3 components on the Flex side: org.granite.gravity.Consumer and org.granite.gravity.Producer. These classes reproduce almost exactly the original Adobe Flex and with the specific internal implementation of GraniteDS. The only differences are that you must use topic instead of subtopic due to a change introduced in Flex 3.

Here is a quick example of GDS Consumer/Producer usage:

import org.granite.gravity.Consumer;
import org.granite.gravity.Producer;
private var consumer:Consumer = null;
private var producer:Producer = null;

private function connect():void {
    consumer = new Consumer();
    consumer.destination = "gravity";
    consumer.topic = "discussion";
    consumer.addEventListener(MessageEvent.MESSAGE, messageHandler);

    producer = new Producer();
    producer.destination = "gravity";
    producer.topic = "discussion";

private function disconnect():void {
    consumer = null;

    producer = null;

private function messageHandler(event:MessageEvent):void {
    var msg:AsyncMessage = event.message as AsyncMessage;    
    trace("Received message: " + (msg.body as String));

private function send(message:String):void {
    var msg:AsyncMessage = new AsyncMessage();
    msg.body = message;

In this code, the producer sends String messages, which could of course be of any type, and the producer receives String messages as well. These Strings are sent in AsyncMessage envelopes, which is the only envelope type allowed in GDS.

By default all messages sent by a producer are transmitted to all subscribed consumers. In most cases you will want to more finely control how the messages are routed. There are two main ways of doing this: the easiest is the topic and the most advanced is by using selectors.

Topics are a way to divide the destination in many parts. When a producer sends a message on a particular topic, only the consumers attached to this topic will receive the message. For example, if you have a destination for quotes, you could have a topic for each country:

var producer:Producer = new Producer();
producer.destination = "quotes";
producer.topic = "/germany";

var consumerGermany:Consumer = new Consumer();
consumerGermany.destination = "quotes";
consumerGermany.topic = "/germany";

var consumerFrance:Consumer = new Consumer();
consumerFrance.destination = "quotes";
consumerFrance.topic = "/france";

Here only consumerGermany will receive the messages published by the producer. Note the slash (/) to start the name of the topic. You can define more sections for the topic name and use wildcards (*) and (**) to match a part of the topic. For example you could define a hierarchy /europe/germany, /europe/france, /america/US, and define a consumer for the topic /europe/* that will receive only messages for Germany and France. Finally a consumer with /** will receive everything, whatever topic is used by the producer.

Topics are a simple way of filtering the message, but in some cases you may want to use more sophisticated rules to route the messages from producers to consumers. Gravity uses the concept of message selectors from JMS to do this. It works by defining a SQL-like select string that will define the criteria that a consumer wants on the message headers.

A consumer can specify its message selector before it subscribes to the destination:

var consumerFrance:Consumer = new Consumer();
consumerFrance.destination = "quotes";
consumerFrance.selector = "COUNTRY = 'France'";

This consumer will receive all messages that have a header named COUNTRY with the value France. Many header values can be combined in the selector with AND and OR, and you can use operators. See for details.

There are three main steps to configure Gravity in an application:

<web-app version="2.4" ...>


This declaration is the one specific to the Tomcat application server. See below for all available Gravity servlet implementations.

        <service id="messaging-service"

            <destination id="topic">
                    <channel ref="my-gravityamf"/>


Here, we define a GravityChannel (my-gravityamf) and we use it in the destination named topic. See above destination usage in Consumer/Producer usage.

The topic we have defined uses the default Gravity adapter SimpleServiceAdapter that is a simple fast in-memory message bus. If you need more advanced features such as persistent messages or clustering, you should consider using a dedicated messaging implementation such as .

The simple adapter exposes two configuration properties:

  • no-local: default is true, if set to false the client producing messages will receive their own messages
  • session-selector: this is an advanced option and instructs Gravity to store the message selector string in the user session. This allows the server part of the application to override the selector string defined by the Flex Consumer. The selector is stored and read from the session attribute named org.granite.gravity.selector.{destinationId}.

GraniteDS provides a generic servlet implementation that can work in any compliant servlet container. However it will use blocking IO and thus will provide relatively limited scalability.

Before the release of the Servlet 3.0 specification, there was no standard way of writing asynchronous non blocking servlets and each server provided its own specific API (for example Tomcat CometProcessor or Jetty continuations). GraniteDS thus provides implementations of non blocking messaging for the most popular application servers.

Here is the table of the supported implementations:

Application serverServlet classSpecific notes
Tomcat 6.0.18+org.granite.gravity.tomcat.GravityTomcatServletOnly with APR/NIO enabled (APR highly recommended)
JBoss 4.2.xorg.granite.gravity.tomcat.GravityTomcatServletAPR/NIO, disable CommonHeadersFilter
Jetty 6.1.xorg.granite.gravity.jetty.GravityJettyServletJetty 7 not supported, Jetty 8 using Servlet 3 API
JBoss 5+org.granite.gravity.jbossweb.GravityJBossWebServletOnly with APR/NIO enabled (APR highly recommended)
WebLogic 9.1+org.granite.gravity.weblogic.GravityWebLogicServletSee WebLogic documentation for configuration tuning
GlassFish 3.xorg.granite.gravity.async.GravityAsyncServletUsing Servlet 3.0
Tomcat 7.x / Jetty 8.xorg.granite.gravity.async.GravityAsyncServletUsing Servlet 3.0
Any otherorg.granite.gravity.generic.GravityGenericServletUsing blocking I/O (no asynchronous support)

Whichever Gravity servlet implementation is used in your application, the advanced configuration is done in granite-config.xml. Here is a sample Gravity configuration with all default options:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"


            queue-capacity="2147483647" />


This <gravity> section is purely optional and you may omit it if you accept default values.

Some explanations about these options:

All other configuration options are for advanced use only and you should keep default values.

GraniteDS messaging for Tomcat relies on the org.apache.catalina.CometProcessor interface. In order to enable Comet support in Tomcat, you must configure an .

At least for now, APR is the easiest to configure and the most reliable. To configure APR, see documentation . On Windows®, it's simply a matter of downloading a native and putting it in your WINDOWS/system32 directory – while other and better configurations are possible. For more recent versions of Tomcat such as the one embedded in JBoss 5 or 6, you will need the latest APR library, see here.

For JBoss 4.2.*, you must comment out a specific filter in the default global web.xml (<JBOSS_HOME>/server/default/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/conf/web.xml):

<!-- Comment this out!


See above for Tomcat configuration.

For JBoss 5+ servers, you must use a specific servlet. JBoss 5 implements its own version of Tomcat, named JBossWeb:

<web-app version="2.4" ...>
        ... (see Tomcat configuration above for options)

Note that you do not need to comment out the CommonHeadersFilter with JBoss 5, but you still need to enable APR.

The GraniteDS JMS adapter configuration follows as closely as possible the standard Adobe Flex configuration for the JMS adapter. See .

Here is a sample configuration for a default JBoss installation with a brief description of the different options:

  <adapter-definition id="jms" class="org.granite.gravity.adapters.JMSServiceAdapter"/>

<destination id="chat-jms">
      <!-- Optional: forces usage of simple text messages
      <!-- Optional JNDI environment. Specify the external JNDI configuration to access 
        a remote JMS provider. Sample for a remote JBoss server.
  <adapter ref="jms"/>

Comments on configuration options:

  • destination-type must be Topic for the moment. Queues may be supported later.
  • message-type may be forced to simple text messages by specifying javax.jms.TextMessage.
  • connection-factory and destination-jndi-name are the JNDI names respectively of the JMS ConnectionFactory and of the JMS topic.
  • destination-name is just a label but still required.
  • acknowledge-mode can have the standard values accepted by any JMS provider: AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.
  • transacted-sessions allows the use of transactions in sessions when set to true.
  • initial-context-environment: The initial-context parameters allow to access a remote JMS server by setting the JNDI context options.


The JMS headers are always copied between Flex and JMS messages


Durable subscriptions are not yet supported

In the case of a simple Tomcat/Jetty installation without JMS provider, or to allow Flex-to-Flex interactions with advanced capabilities such as durable messages, Gravity can be integrated with an embedded Apache ActiveMQ instance.

To enable ActiveMQ, just put the activemq-xx.jar in your WEB-INF/lib directory. The necessary topic will be lazily created on first use, except if the property create-broker is set to false. The uri of the created ActiveMQ broker will be vm://adapterId.

Here is a sample configuration:


<destination id="chat-activemq">
      <!-- Optional: forces usage of simple text messages
  <adapter ref="activemq"/>

Comments on configuration options:

  • The main parameters (<jms>...</jms>) are identical to those used in the default JMS configuration. See above.
  • durable, if set to true, allows for durable messages, stored in the filesystem. The data store directory of ActiveMQ can be specified by the file-store-root parameter.
  • create-broker is optional, as well as the dependant wait-for-start attribute. When create-broker is false, creation of the broker is not automatic and has to be done by the application itself. In this case, wait-for-start set to true tells the ActiveMQConnectionFactory to wait for the effective creation of the broker. Please refer to the ActiveMQ documentation for more details on these options.

There are mostly two kinds of requirements for messaging: client-to-client interactions, that can be easily handled by the Consumer/Producer pattern, and server-to-client push that can be done with either the low-level Gravity API or directly using the JMS API when the JMS adapter is used.

Server to Client Messaging with the Low-level Gravity API

If you use the SimpleAdapter, the message sending will have to be done at a lower level and you will need a compilation dependency on the Gravity API. It's also possible but not recommended to use this low-level API with the JMS and ActiveMQ adapters. It first requires to get the Gravity object from the ServletContext. It is set as an attribute named org.granite.gravity.Gravity. When using Spring, Seam 2 or CDI, you can also get this object by injection (see the corresponding documentation). Then you can send messages of type flex.messaging.messages.Message by calling the method gravity.publish(message);.

Gravity gravity = GravityManager.getGravity(servletContext);
AsyncMessage message = new AsyncMessage();
message.setHeader(AsyncMessage.SUBTOPIC_HEADER, "my-topic");
message.setBody("Message content");

It you need to simulate a publish from the client subscribed in the current session, you can get the clientId in the session attribute named{destination} and set it in the message.

Server to Client Messaging with JMS

Sending messages from the server to Flex clients simply consists of sending JMS messages to the corresponding JMS topic. Text messages are received as simple text on the Flex side, object messages are serialized in AMF3 and deserialized and received as ActionScript 3 objects. The Gravity messaging channel supports lazily loaded collections and objects, exactly as the Granite remoting channel.

Here is an example on an EJB3 sending a message:

public class TestBean implements Test {
    SessionContext ctx;
    ConnectionFactory jmsConnectionFactory;
    Topic jmsTopic;
    public TestBean() {
    public void notifyClient(Object object) {
        try {
            Connection connection = jmsConnectionFactory.createConnection();
            Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
            javax.jms.Message jmsMessage = session.createObjectMessage(person);
            MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(jmsTopic);
        catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Could not publish notification", e);

Here is an example on a Seam 2 component sending a message:

public class TestBean implements Test {
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestBean.class.getName());
    private TopicPublisher testTopicPublisher;   
    private TopicSession topicSession;
    public void notifyClient(Serializable object) {
        try {
        catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Could not publish notification", e);
Server to Client Messaging with Embedded ActiveMQ

The only difference with standard JMS is that you can get a ConnectionFactory more easily. Also ActiveMQ supports subtopics. The name of the topic is built with the following rule:

public class Test throws JMSException {
    // adapterId should be the id of the JMS adapter as defined in services-config.xml
    ConnectionFactory f = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("vm://adapterId");
    Connection connection = jmsConnectionFactory.createConnection();
    Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
    ActiveMQTopic activeMQTopic= new ActiveMQTopic("destination");
    javax.jms.Message jmsMessage = session.createObjectMessage(person);
    MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(activeMQTopic);

Securing messaging destination is very similar to security remoting destinations (see here) and most concepts apply to messaging services as well as remoting services.

You can for example setup role-based security on a Gravity destination with the following definition in services-config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <service id="messaging-service"
            <destination id="restrictedTopic">
                    <channel ref="my-gravityamf"/>

In this case, only users with the role admin will be able to subscribe to the topic restrictedTopic.

Fine-grained Per-destination Security

You may write and configure a specific GravityDestinationSecurizer in order to add fine grained security checks for specific actions. In particular you can control who can subscribe or publish messages to a particular topic.

public interface GravityDestinationSecurizer extends DestinationSecurizer {
    public void canSubscribe(GravityInvocationContext context)
        throws SecurityServiceException;
    public void canPublish(GravityInvocationContext context)
        throws SecurityServiceException;

You then have to tell GraniteDS where to use your securizer:

        <service ...>
            <destination id="restrictedDestination">

EJB 3 are an important part of the . They provide a powerful framework for managing and securing enterprise services in an application server (session beans) as well as an powerful persistence and query language system (JPA).

GraniteDS provides access to EJB 3 services via either the RemoteObject API or the Tide API for Session Beans methods calls, and fully supports serialization of JPA entities from and to your Flex application, taking care of lazily loaded associations; both collections and proxies. This support for JPA entity beans is covered in the section JPA and lazy initialization, so this section will only describe how to call remotely stateless and stateful session beans from a Flex application. GraniteDS also integrates with container security for authentication and role-based authorization.

For a basic example with GraniteDS and EJB 3 (stateless and stateful session beans, and entity beans) working together, have a look to the graniteds_ejb3 example project in the examples folder of the GraniteDS distribution graniteds-***.zip and import it as a new Eclipse project.

You may also have a look at the "Hello, world" Revisited tutorial for another basic example application using EJB 3 technologies together with Granite Eclipse Builder.

The Flex-side usage of the RemoteObject API is completely independent of the server technology, so everything described in the Remoting chapter applies for EJBs. This section will only describe the particular configuration required in various use cases of EJB services.

Configuring remoting for EJB 3 services simply requires adding the org.granite.messaging.service.EjbServiceFactory service factory in services-config.xml and specifying its JNDI lookup string property.

All remoting examples from the Remoting chapter apply for EJBs, here is a basic example:

public interface HelloService {
    public String hello(String name);
public class HelloServiceBean implement HelloService {
    public String hello(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name;

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

        import mx.controls.Alert;
        public function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
            // Display received message
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        public function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void {
            // Show error alert
    <!-- Connect to a service destination.--> 
    <mx:RemoteObject id="helloService" 
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the EJB, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="helloService.hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Display results data in the user interface. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

The main part of the configuration is the factory declaration in the file services-config.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


            <destination id="personService">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

        <factory id="ejbFactory" class="org.granite.messaging.service.EjbServiceFactory">

        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">


Two elements are important in this configuration :

The JNDI lookup string is common for all EJB 3 destinations, and thus contains placeholders that will be replaced at runtime depending on the destination that is called. {} will be replaced by the destination id with the first letter in capital, for example personService will become myApp/PersonServiceBean/local. {} can alternatively be used. Note that most Java EE servers do not expose EJB local interfaces in the global JNDI context, so you will have to use a local JNDI reference and add an ejb-local-ref section in web.xml for each EJB exposed to JNDI.


<factory id="ejbFactory" class="org.granite.messaging.service.EjbServiceFactory">


Of course you can share the same factory with many EJB destinations.

<destination id="person">
        <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

<destination id="product">
        <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

By default GraniteDS will lookup the bean in JNDI with the default InitialContext. To access remote EJB services you have to specify the JNDI context environment that will be used for remote lookup in the factory definition of services-config.xml.

The parameters generally depend on the remote application server. Please refer to the standard and to the documentation of your application server for more details.

<factory id="ejbFactory" class="org.granite.messaging.service.EjbServiceFactory">

        <!-- InitialContext parameters -->

For JBoss Application Server for example this declaration looks like this:

<factory id="ejbFactory" class="org.granite.messaging.service.EjbServiceFactory">

        <!-- InitialContext parameters -->

This is annoying to have to declare each and every EJB exposed to Flex remoting in services-config.xml. To avoid this step, it is possible to instruct GraniteDS to search EJB services in the application classpath.

Note however that this cannot work with remote EJBs as GraniteDS will obviously not have access to the remote classpath.

To enable automatic destination discovery, you simply have to enable the scan property in granite-config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

<granite-config scan="true">

Then you have to add a simple marker file (even empty) META-INF/ in every EJB jar (or in WEB-INF/classes if you use EJB 3.1 packaged in a war). Then GraniteDS will scan these jars at startup and look for EJB classes annotated with @RemoteDestination. The annotation can be put either on the EJB interface or on the EJB implementation, but it's recommended to put it on the EJB interface.

@RemoteDestination(id="person", securityRoles={"user","admin"})
public class PersonServiceBean implements PersonService {

The @RemoteDestination annotation additionally supports the following attributes:

As shown below, the service, factory and channel sections are still required in your services-config.xml file, but the service part will not contain any destination. So, with any number of EJBs annotated this way, the services-config.xml file may be defined as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <!-- no need to declare destinations here -->
        <factory id="ejbFactory" class="org.granite.messaging.service.EjbServiceFactory">
        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">

As the destinations are not defined in services-config.xml any more, you will have to setup the RemoteObject endpoint manually in ActionScript (see here for details).

Most of what has been described for stateless beans also applies for stateful beans, however stateful beans have a different lifecycle.

GraniteDS stores the reference of stateful EJBs retrieved from JNDI in the HTTP session so it can keep the correct instance between remote calls. Take care that the timeout for HTTP session expiration should be consistent with the timeout for EJB3 stateful beans expiration.

GraniteDS has to know a bit more information about stateful beans than for stateless beans, here is an example of services-config.xml for the following EJB:

import javax.ejb.Local;
import javax.ejb.Remove;
import javax.ejb.Stateful;
public class PositionServiceBean implements PositionService {
    int x = 300;
    public int getX() {
        return x;
    public void saveX(int x) {
        this.= x;
    public void remove() {

<destination id="position">
        <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

        <!-- Specific for stateful beans -->

The configuration of the destination is similar to the one used for stateless beans, except for the additional ejb-stateful subsection. The presence of this ejb-stateful node, even empty, informs GDS that this EJB 3 is stateful and should be managed as such. Otherwise, the bean will be considered stateless and only one instance will be shared between all users.

The inner remove-method node contains information about the remove() methods of your stateful bean:

You may of course add multiple remove-method nodes in the same ejb-stateful node if necessary.

When using automatic configuration with classpath scanning, stateful EJBs are automatically detected with the @Stateful annotation and properly configured.

You can easily protect access to your EJB destinations with destination-based security. Please refer to the security chapter. GraniteDS will then pass the user credentials from the Flex RemoteObject to the EJB security context, making possible to use role-based authorization with the EJB destination.

Here is an example configuration in services-config.xml:

<destination id="personService">
        <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

public class PersonServiceBean implements PersonService {
    protected EntityManager manager;
    public List<Person> findAllPersons() {
        return manager.createQuery("select distinct p from Person p").getResultList();
    public Person createPerson(Person person) {
        return manager.merge(person);
    public Person modifyPerson(Person person) {
        return manager.merge(person);
    public void deletePerson(Person person) {
        person = manager.find(Person.class, person.getId());

With this configuration, only authenticated users having either the user or admin roles will be able to call the EJB remotely from Flex. Then the EJB container will enforce the particular access on each method due to the @RolesAllowed annotation and may throw a EJBAccessException.

Most of what is described in the Tide Remoting section applies for EJB 3, however GraniteDS also provides an improved integration with EJB 3 services.

There are a few noticeable differences in the configuration in this case.

Here is a default configuration suitable for most cases:

<granite-config scan="true">
        <tide-component annotated-with="org.granite.messaging.service.annotations.RemoteDestination"/>


        <service id="granite-service"
             ! Use "tideEjbFactory" and "my-graniteamf" for "ejb" destination (see below).
             ! The destination must be "ejb" when using Tide with default configuration.
            <destination id="ejb">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

     ! Declare tideEjbFactory service factory.
        <factory id="tideEjbFactory" class="org.granite.tide.ejb.EjbServiceFactory">

     ! Declare my-graniteamf channel.
        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">


The destination named ejb will be the one and only destination required for all EJB destinations.

The property lookup of the factory defines the lookup string used by Tide to lookup the EJBs in JNDI. The example above is suitable for JBoss, please refer to your application server documentation for other servers. Placeholders can be defined in this lookup string that will be replaced at runtime for each EJB: {} is the name used on the client


<factory id="tideEjbFactory" class="org.granite.tide.ejb.EjbServiceFactory">


The property entity-manager-factory-name is necessary only when using transparent remote lazy loading of collections. It should be the JNDI name that GraniteDS can use to lookup the EntityManagerFactory in JNDI. Alternatively you can instead specify entity-manager-name, then GraniteDS will lookup for an EntityManager. JBoss server can expose these two elements in the global JNDI by adding these lines in persistence.xml:

<persistence-unit name="ejb-pu">
        <property name="" value="java:/DefaultEMF"/>
        <property name="" value="java:/DefaultEM"/>

For other application servers that does not expose the persistence unit in JNDI, you will have to use a local name and add persistence-unit-ref in web.xml.



<destination id="ejb">
        <channel ref="graniteamf"/>

When using EJB3, the only difference on the client is that you have to use the Ejb singleton. Here is a simple example of remoting with an injected client proxy for an EJB service:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.ejb.Ejb;
        public var helloService:Component;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            helloService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);
        private function resultHandler(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        private function faultHandler(event:TideFaultEvent):void {
            // Handle fault
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the web service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Result message. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

This is almost identical to the standard Tide API described in the Tide remoting section, and all other methods apply for EJB.

You can benefit from the capability of the Gas3 code generator (see here) to generate a strongly typed ActionScript 3 client proxy from the EJB interface when it is annotated with @RemoteDestination. In this case, you can inject a typesafe reference to your service and get better compile time error checking and auto completion in your IDE:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.ejb.Ejb;
        import com.myapp.service.HelloService;
        public var helloService:HelloService;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            helloService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);

GraniteDS provides a client-side component named identity that ensures the integration between the client RemoteObject credentials and the server-side container security. It additionally includes an easy-to-use API to define runtime authorization checks on the Flex UI.

The EJB identity component (of class org.granite.tide.ejb.Identity) predictably provides two methods login() and logout() that can be used as any Tide remote call:

private var tideContext:Context = Ejb.getInstance().getEjbContext();

public function login(username:String, password:String):void {
    tideContext.identity.login(username, password, loginResult, loginFault);

private function loginResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {;

private function loginFault(event:TideFaultEvent):void {;

public function logout():void {

Or with dependency injection:

public var identity:Identity;
public function login(username:String, password:String):void {
    identity.login(username, password, loginResult, loginFault);

private function loginResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {;

private function loginFault(event:TideFaultEvent):void {;

public function logout():void {

The identity component also exposes the bindable property loggedIn that represents the current authentication state. As it is bindable, it can be used to choose between different views, for example to switch between a login form and the application view with a Flex ViewStack component:

<mx:ViewStack id="main" selectedIndex="{identity.loggedIn ? 1 : 0}">
    <views:LoginView id="loginView"/>
    <views:MainView id="mainView"/>

Finally the identity component is integrated with server-side role-based security and can be used to get information or show/hide UI depending on the user access rights:

<mx:Button id="deleteButton" 


With this declaration, this button labeled Delete will be enabled only if the user has the role admin. Another possibility is to completely hide the button with the properties visible and includeInLayout, or any other property relevant for the UI component.

This can also be used as any remote class with result and fault handlers:

 public function checkRole(role:String):void {
    identity.hasRole(role, checkRoleResult, checkRoleFault);
 private function checkRoleResult(event:TideResultEvent, role:String):void {
    if (role == 'admin') {
        if (event.result)
            trace("User has admin role");
            trace("User does not have admin role");

You can notice that the result and fault handlers have a second argument so you can use the same handler for many access check calls.

It is important to note that identity caches the user access rights so only the first call to hasRole() will be remote. If the user rights are changed on the server, or if you want to enforce security more than once per user session, you can clear the security cache manually with identity.clearSecurityCache(), for example periodically in a Timer.

The is one of the most popular Java enterprise frameworks. It integrates on a common platform all the necessary services for building enterprise applications: persistence, transactions, security...

GraniteDS provides out-of-the-box integration with Spring 2.5+ and 3.0+ via either the RemoteObject API or the Tide API to remotely call Spring services, and fully supports serialization of JPA entities from and to your Flex application, taking care of lazily loaded associations. The support for JPA entity beans is covered in the section JPA and lazy initialization, so this section will only describe how to call Spring beans from a Flex application. GraniteDS also fully supports Acegi Security / Spring Security 2.x / Spring Security 3.x.

The support for Spring is included in the library granite-spring.jar, so you always have to include this library in either WEB-INF/lib or lib for an ear packaging.

Note that to provide a more native experience for Spring developers, the Spring support in GraniteDS can be configured directly in the Spring configuration files (applicationContext.xml). Most features of GraniteDS can be configured this way, and it is still possible to fall back to the default GraniteDS configuration files services-config.xml and granite-config.xml for unsupported features.

For a basic example with GraniteDS and Spring working together, have a look to the graniteds_spring example project in the examples folder of the GraniteDS distribution graniteds-***.zip and import it as a new Eclipse project.

It is perfectly possible to use the default setup for GraniteDS servlet in web.xml, but the recommended way when using Spring is to configure a Spring MVC dispatcher servlet and handle incoming AMF requests. This will in particular allow configuring GraniteDS in the Spring application context. You also need to setup the Spring request and application listeners but this is standard Spring configuration. Note that this works only for the remoting servlet, but you still have to configure the Gravity servlet in the default way because the Spring MVC dispatcher servlets cannot support non blocking I/O.

<!-- Path to Spring config file -->

<!-- Spring application listener -->

<!-- Spring listener for web-scopes (request, session) -->

<!-- Spring MVC dispatcher servlet for AMF remoting requests -->

You also have to add an empty file WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The Flex-side usage of the RemoteObject API is completely independent of the server technology, so everything described in the Remoting chapter applies for Spring beans. This section will only describe the particular configuration required in various use cases of Spring services.

All remoting examples from the Remoting chapter apply for Spring beans, here is a basic example with an annotated Spring service:

public interface HelloService {
    public String hello(String name);
@RemoteDestination(id="helloService", source="helloService")
public class HelloServiceImpl implement HelloService {
    public String hello(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name;

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

        import mx.controls.Alert;
        public function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
            // Display received message
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        public function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void {
            // Show error alert
    <!-- Connect to a service destination.--> 
    <mx:RemoteObject id="helloService" 
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the Spring service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="helloService.hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Display results data in the user interface. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

The main thing to note is the use of the source property in both the RemoteObject definition and in the @RemoteDestination annotation that should match the name of the Spring bean (here in @Service).

Besides configuring the dispatcher servlet (see here), configuring GraniteDS in the Spring context just requires adding the graniteds namespace and adding a flex-filter element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <graniteds:flex-filter url-pattern="/*"/>


The actual url that will be listened to by the AMF processor is the combination of the url-pattern in the Spring context and the servlet-mapping of the dispatcher servlet in web.xml. The configuration described here maps GraniteDS on /graniteamf/* and is suitable in almost all cases.

When necessary, this configuration can be overriden or completed by the default configuration in services-config.xml described in the next section. In this case, the implicit configuration created by the MVC setup contains the following elements :

  • a remoting service named granite-service
  • a remoting service factory named spring-factory
  • a remoting channel named graniteamf

The MVC setup automatically enables component scanning, so you can just annotate your Spring services with @RemoteDestination and put an empty META-INF/ file in your services jar or folder to tell GraniteDS where to look for services. See last paragraph Automatic Configuration of Destinations.

Alternatively you can also declare the remote destinations manually in the Spring context:

<graniteds:remote-destination id="personService" source="personService"/> 

You can also specify a secure destination by adding the list of roles required to access the destination:

<graniteds:remote-destination id="personService" source="personService">

The support for Spring Security is automatically enabled and the version of Spring Security is automatically detected. However if you have configured many AuthenticationManagers, it will be necessary to instruct GraniteDS which one should be used for authentication by adding the following line to your Spring configuration :

<graniteds:security-service authentication-manager="myAuthenticationManager"/>

With this declaration you can also provide various configuration elements for the Spring 3 security service implementation :


Finally remember that as there is no services-config.xml, you will have to manually initialize the endpoints for your client RemoteObjects (also see here) :

srv.destination = "personService";
srv.source = "personService";
srv.channelSet = new ChannelSet();
srv.channelSet.addChannel(new AMFChannel("graniteamf", 

Configuring remoting for Spring services simply requires using the org.granite.spring.SpringServiceFactory service factory in services-config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

            <destination id="testBean">
                    <channel ref="graniteamf"/>

        <factory id="springFactory" class="org.granite.spring.SpringServiceFactory" />

        <channel-definition id="graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">


The only thing that should be noted for Spring destinations is that you have to specify a source property specifying the name of the remote Spring bean.

It is possible to instruct GraniteDS to automatically search for Spring destinations in the classpath by:

@RemoteDestination(id="personService", source="personService", securityRoles={"user","admin"})
public interface PersonService {
public class PersonServiceBean implements PersonService {

The annotation supports the following attributes:

Using scanning allows to simplify your services-config.xml file, however it is recommended to use the MVC setup, so you don't even need one !

When not using the Spring MVC setup, you have to manually configure the integration of Spring Security in granite-config.xml. Depending on the version of Spring Security you are using, you can use one of the 3 available security services:

Spring Security 3.x

    ! Use Spring based security service.
    <security type=""/>


Spring Security 2.x

    ! Use Spring based security service.
    <security type=""/>


Acegi Security

    ! Use Spring based security service.
    <security type=""/>


You may then secure your Flex destinations as shown earlier. Please refer to or documentation for specific configuration details.

Note however that there are two main ways of securing the GraniteDS AMF endpoint:

  • Apply the Spring Security Web filter on the dispatcher servlet. This is the most secure and can be necessary if you share the same web application between a Flex client and an HTML client or if you want to use a HTML login form, but note that as the request credentials are encoded in the AMF request and decoded by the servlet, the request will have to be authenticated as anonymous between the Spring Security filter and the AMF service processor. That means that you have to enable the anonymous support in Spring Security, and that other Web filters will not have access to the authenticated user.
  • Let GraniteDS handle security and simply configure a secure remoting destination. This is the recommended way if your application only has a Flex client.

Most of what is described in the Tide Remoting section applies for Spring, however GraniteDS also provides an improved integration with Spring services.

This is by far the easiest way to use Tide with Spring, it just consists in declaring the GraniteDS flex filter in the Spring context:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <graniteds:flex-filter url-pattern="/*" tide="true"/>

The flex-filter declaration will setup an AMF processor for the specified url pattern, and the tide attribute specifies that you want a Tide-enabled service factory. Note that the actual url that will be listened to by GraniteDS is the combination of this url-pattern with the servlet-mapping defined in web.xml for the dispatcher servlet.

Other configurations can be done with flex-filter:

Additional elements can also be configured in the Spring beans file:

Note that in addition to these manual elements, any Spring bean implementing one of the GraniteDS interfaces SecurityService, ExceptionConverter, AMFMessageInterceptor or TidePersistenceManager will be automatically picked up and registered in the GraniteDS configuration.

If you don't use the MVC setup, you will have to use the standard GraniteDS configuration files instead of the Spring context, and setup these elements manually. You can safely skip this section if you choose the MVC setup.

Here is a default configuration suitable for most cases:

<granite-config scan="true">
        <tide-component annotated-with="org.granite.messaging.service.annotations.RemoteDestination"/>


        <service id="granite-service"
             ! Use "tideSpringFactory" and "my-graniteamf" for "ejb" destination (see below).
             ! The destination must be "spring" when using Tide with default configuration.
            <destination id="spring">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

     ! Declare tideSpringFactory service factory.
        <factory id="tideSpringFactory" class="org.granite.tide.spring.SpringServiceFactory"/>

     ! Declare my-graniteamf channel.
        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">


The destination named spring will be the one and only destination required for all Spring destinations.

You should also define the correct Spring security service in granite-config.xml, see here for details.

You can use the property entity-manager-factory-bean-name to specify an EntityManagerFactory bean that will be used for transparent remote lazy loading of collections.

Here is an example with a Spring JPA/Hibernate configuration:

<persistence-unit name="spring-pu">

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
    <property name="driverClassName">
    <property name="url">
    <property name="username">
    <property name="password">

<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="persistenceUnitName" value="spring-pu" />
    <property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
            <property name="showSql" value="false" />
            <property name="generateDdl" value="true" /> 
            <property name="databasePlatform" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect" />

<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager">
    <property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" />
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />

If you use a plain Hibernate session instead of JPA, you cannot use entity-manager-factory-bean-name, you have to configure a specific Tide persistence manager in the Spring context (assuming the bean name of the Hibernate session factory is sessionFactory):

<!-- All this AOP stuff is to ensure the Tide persistence manager will be transactional -->
    <aop:pointcut id="tidePersistenceManagerMethods" 
        expression="execution(* org.granite.tide.ITidePersistenceManager.*(..))"/>
    <aop:advisor advice-ref="tidePersistenceManagerMethodsTxAdvice" 

  <tx:advice id="tidePersistenceManagerMethodsTxAdvice" 
      <tx:method name="*" propagation="REQUIRED" read-only="true"/>

  <bean id="tidePersistenceManager"
    class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateSessionManager" scope="request">
      <ref bean="sessionFactory"/>

When using Spring, the only difference on the client is that you have to use the Spring singleton. Here is a simple example of remoting with an injected client proxy for an Spring service:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.spring.Spring;
        public var helloService:Component;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            helloService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);
        private function resultHandler(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        private function faultHandler(event:TideFaultEvent):void {
            // Handle fault
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the web service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Result message. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

This is almost identical to the standard Tide API described in the Tide remoting section, and all other methods apply for Spring.

You can benefit from the capability of the Gas3 code generator (see here) to generate a strongly typed ActionScript 3 client proxy from the Spring interface when it is annotated with @RemoteDestination. In this case, you can inject a typesafe reference to your service and get better compile time error checking and auto completion in your IDE:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.spring.Spring;
        import com.myapp.service.HelloService;
        public var helloService:HelloService;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            helloService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);

It is possible to benefit from even more type safety by using the annotation [Inject] instead of In. When using this annotation, the full class name is used to find the target bean in the Spring context instead of the bean name.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.spring.Spring;
        import com.myapp.service.HelloService;
        public var myService:HelloService;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            myService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);

GraniteDS provides a client-side component named identity that ensures the integration between the client RemoteObject credentials and the server-side container security. It additionally includes an easy-to-use API to define runtime authorization checks on the Flex UI.

Enabling support for the client identity component requires to configure the corresponding server-side component in the Spring context:


If you want to integrate with Spring Security ACL authorizations, you will have to specify the name of the ACL service and optionally the Object ID retrieval strategy and SID retrieval strategy (see details on Spring Security ACL ):

<graniteds:tide-identity acl-service="myAclService"

The Flex identity component for Spring (of class org.granite.tide.spring.Identity) predictably provides two methods login() and logout() that can be used as any Tide remote call:

private var tideContext:Context = Spring.getInstance().getSpringContext();

public function login(username:String, password:String):void {
    tideContext.identity.login(username, password, loginResult, loginFault);

private function loginResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {;

private function loginFault(event:TideFaultEvent):void {;

public function logout():void {

Or with dependency injection:

public var identity:Identity;
public function login(username:String, password:String):void {
    identity.login(username, password, loginResult, loginFault);

private function loginResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {;

private function loginFault(event:TideFaultEvent):void {;

public function logout():void {

The identity component also exposes the bindable property loggedIn that represents the current authentication state. As it is bindable, it can be used to choose between different views, for example to switch between a login form and the application view with a Flex ViewStack component:

<mx:ViewStack id="main" selectedIndex="{identity.loggedIn ? 1 : 0}">
    <views:LoginView id="loginView"/>
    <views:MainView id="mainView"/>

Finally the identity component is integrated with server-side role-based security and can be used to get information or show/hide UI depending on the user access rights. It provides methods similar to the Spring Security jsp tags sec:ifAllGranted, sec:ifAnyGranted, sec:ifNotGranted and sec:hasPermission.

<mx:Button id="deleteCategoryButton" 
    label="Delete Category"
<mx:Button id="deleteProductButton" label="Delete Product"
    visible="{identity.hasPermission(productGrid.selectedItem, '8,16')}"


With these declaration, the button labeled Delete Category will be enabled only if the user has the role ROLE_ADMIN and the button Delete Product only if the user has the ACL permissions DELETE (code 8) or ADMINISTER (code 16) for the selected product. Another possibility is to completely hide the button with the properties visible and includeInLayout, or any other property relevant for the display of the UI component.

The three methods are:

  • ifAllGranted/ifAnyGranted: the user should have the specified role
  • ifNotGranted: the user should not have the specified role
  • hasPermission: the user should have the specified permission for the specified entity

This can also be used as any remote class with result and fault handlers:

 public function checkRole(role:String):void {
    identity.ifAllGranted(role, checkRoleResult, checkRoleFault);
 private function checkRoleResult(event:TideResultEvent, role:String):void {
    if (role == 'ROLE_ADMIN') {
        if (event.result)
            trace("User has admin role");
            trace("User does not have admin role");

You can notice that the result and fault handlers have a second argument so you can use the same handler for many access check calls.


identity.ifAllGranted() will issue a remote call when it is called the first time, thus its return value cannot be used reliably to determine if the use has the required role. It will always return false until the remote call result is received.

It is important to note that identity caches the user access rights so only the first call to ifAllGranted() will be remote. If the user rights are changed on the server, or if you want to enforce security more than once per user session, you can clear the security cache manually with identity.clearSecurityCache(), for example periodically with a Timer.

It is possible to configure the three kinds of Gravity topics directly in the Spring context instead of services-config.xml:

Simple Topic:

<graniteds:messaging-destination id="myTopic"/>

This declaration supports the properties no-local and session-selector (see the Messaging Configuration section).

You can also define a secure destination by specifying a list of roles required to access the topic:

<graniteds:messaging-destination id="myTopic">

JMS Topic:

<graniteds:jms-messaging-destination id="myTopic"

This declaration supports all properties of the default JMS declaration in services-config.xml except for non local initial context environments (see the JMS Integration section).

ActiveMQ Topic:

<graniteds:activemq-messaging-destination id="myTopic"

This declaration supports all properties of the default ActiveMQ declaration in services-config.xml except for non local initial context environments (see the ActiveMQ Integration section).

Finally note that the Gravity singleton that is needed to push messages from the server (see here) is available as a bean in the Spring context and can be autowired by type with @Inject or @Autowired :

private Gravity gravity;

The is a powerful Java enterprise framework. It integrates on a common platform all the necessary services for building enterprise applications: persistence, transactions, security...

GraniteDS provides out-of-the-box integration with Seam 2.2 via either the RemoteObject API or the Tide API to remotely call Seam components, and fully supports serialization of JPA entities from and to your Flex application, taking care of lazily loaded associations. The support for JPA entity beans is covered in the section JPA and lazy initialization, so this section will only describe how to call Seam components from a Flex application. GraniteDS also fully supports Seam Security for authentication and authorization.

The support for JBoss Seam 2.2 is included in the library granite-seam21.jar, so you always have to include this library in either WEB-INF/lib or lib for an ear packaging. As you have maybe noticed in the name of the jar, it can be used with any version of Seam since 2.1 but it is recommended to use Seam 2.2 with Flex and GraniteDS.

Note that to provide a more native experience for Seam developers, the Seam support in GraniteDS can be configured directly in the Seam configuration files (components.xml). Most features of GraniteDS can be configured this way, and it is still possible to fall back to the default GraniteDS configuration files services-config.xml and granite-config.xml for unsupported features.

The Flex-side usage of the RemoteObject API is completely independent of the server technology, so everything described in the Remoting chapter applies for Seam components. This section will only describe the particular configuration required in various use cases of Seam components.

All remoting examples from the Remoting chapter apply for Seam components, here is a basic example:

public class HelloService {
    public String hello(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name;

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">

        import mx.controls.Alert;
        public function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
            // Display received message
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        public function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void {
            // Show error alert
    <!-- Connect to a service destination.--> 
    <mx:RemoteObject id="helloService" 
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the Seam component, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="helloService.hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Display results data in the user interface. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

The main thing to note is the use of the source property in both the RemoteObject definition and in the @RemoteDestination annotation that should match the name of the Seam component.

Besides configuring the Seam filter (see here), configuring GraniteDS in the Seam configuration just requires adding the graniteds namespace and adding a flex-filter element:

<components xmlns=""
    <graniteds:flex-filter url-pattern="/graniteamf/*"/>


The url-pattern should be contained within the url mapping of the Seam filter as defined in web.xml. The configuration described here maps GraniteDS on /graniteamf/* and is suitable in almost all cases.

When necessary, this configuration can be overriden or completed by the default configuration in services-config.xml described in the next section. In this case, the implicit configuration created by the native setup contains the following elements :

  • a remoting service named granite-service
  • a remoting service factory named seam-factory
  • a remoting channel named graniteamf

The native setup automatically enables component scanning, so you can just annotate your Seam components with @RemoteDestination and put an empty META-INF/ file in your services jar or folder to tell GraniteDS where to look for services. See last paragraph Automatic Configuration of Destinations.

Alternatively you can also declare the remote destinations manually in the Seam configuration:

<graniteds:remote-destination id="personService" source="personService"/> 

You can also specify a secure destination by adding the list of roles required to access the destination:

<graniteds:remote-destination id="personService" source="personService">

Finally remember that as there is no services-config.xml, you will have to manually initialize the endpoints for your client RemoteObjects (also see here) :

srv.destination = "personService";
srv.source = "personService";
srv.channelSet = new ChannelSet();
srv.channelSet.addChannel(new AMFChannel("graniteamf", 

Configuring remoting for Seam components simply requires using the org.granite.seam.SeamServiceFactory service factory in services-config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

            <destination id="testComponent">
                    <channel ref="graniteamf"/>

        <factory id="seamFactory" class="org.granite.seam.SeamServiceFactory" />

        <channel-definition id="graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">


The only thing that should be noted for Seam destinations is that you have to specify a source property specifying the name of the remote Seam component.

It is possible to instruct GraniteDS to automatically search for Seam destinations in the classpath by:

@RemoteDestination(id="person", source="personService", securityRoles={"user","admin"})
public class PersonAction {

The annotation supports the following attributes:

Using scanning allows to simplify your services-config.xml file, however it is recommended to use the native setup, so you don't even need one !

Most of what is described in the Tide Remoting section applies for Seam 2.x, however GraniteDS also provides a much improved integration with the Seam framework when using the Tide client API.

This is by far the easiest way to use Tide with Seam, it just consists in declaring the GraniteDS flex filter in the Seam configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<components xmlns=""

    <core:init .../>
    <graniteds:flex-filter url-pattern="/graniteamf/*" tide="true"/>

The flex-filter declaration will setup an AMF processor for the specified url pattern, and the tide attribute specifies that you want a Tide-enabled service factory. Note that you have to ensure that the url pattern defined here is mapped to the Seam filter define in web.xml.

Other configurations can be done with flex-filter:

If you don't use the native setup, you will have to use the standard GraniteDS configuration files instead of the Seam configuration, and setup these elements manually. You can safely skip this section if you choose the native setup.

Here is a default configuration suitable for most cases:

<granite-config scan="true">
        <tide-component annotated-with="org.granite.messaging.service.annotations.RemoteDestination"/>
        <tide-component annotated-with="org.granite.tide.annotations.TideEnabled"/>


        <service id="granite-service"
             ! Use "tideSeamFactory" and "my-graniteamf" for "seam" destination (see below).
             ! The destination must be "seam" when using Tide with default configuration.
            <destination id="seam">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

     ! Declare tideSeamFactory service factory.
        <factory id="tideSeamFactory" class="org.granite.tide.seam.SeamServiceFactory"/>

     ! Declare my-graniteamf channel.
        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">


The destination named seam will be the one and only destination required for all Seam destinations.

You should also define the correct Seam security service in granite-config.xml, see here for details.

When using Seam, the only difference on the client is that you have to use the Seam singleton. Here is a simple example of remoting with an injected client proxy for an Seam component:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.seam.Seam;
        public var helloService:Component;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            helloService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);
        private function resultHandler(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        private function faultHandler(event:TideFaultEvent):void {
            // Handle fault
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the web service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Result message. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

This is almost identical to the standard Tide API described in the Tide remoting section, and all other methods apply for Seam.

Seam components are usually stateful and get their data by injection from context variables instead of arguments of method invocations. The Context object replicates provides a means of invoking remote components and also serves as a container for variables that will be serialized and sent to the server.

<fwk:entity-query name="contacts" results="5">
  <fwk:ejbql>from Contact</fwk:ejbql>
    <value>lower(firstName) like lower(concat(#{exampleContact.firstName}, '%'))</value>
    <value>lower(lastName) like lower(concat(#{exampleContact.lastName}, '%'))</value>

<component name="exampleContact" class="org.jboss.seam.example.contactlist.Contact"/>

(1) tideContext.exampleContact = new Contact();
    tideContext.exampleContact.firstName = 'Jimi';
    tideContext.exampleContact.lastName = 'Hendrix';
(2) tideContext.contacts.getResultList(getContactsHandler);

In general, all assignments to context variables made between remote calls are scheduled for update to resynchronize the server context on the next remote call. Updates of properties on context variables that are entities or collections of entities are also tracked.

This means that it is the Flex client job to populate the context variables that need to be injected in the server component before calling it.

In some cases, notably when using context variables with the client framework (see corresponding section Tide Client Framework), it can be useful to disable the synchronization between client and server for certain variables. This is possible by using Seam.getInstance().setComponentRemoteSync(variableName, false) expressions.

Note that remote synchronization of all variables received from the server is enabled by default. Variables that are outjected from client components can be remote-enabled with [Out(remote="true")].

Now that we are able to setup the server context from our client, we would like to be able to get the updated context variables from the server.

This is automatically managed by the Tide server interceptor, which detects all outjected objects from the component call, even through server event propagation, and schedules them for retrieval for the next remote call.

That allows, for example, to do things like (extract from the Seam booking sample):

public class HotelBookingAction implements HotelBooking {
   private User user;
   @In(required=false) @Out
   private Hotel hotel;
   private Booking booking;
   public void bookHotel() {      
       booking = new Booking(hotel, user);
       Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
       booking.setCheckinDate( calendar.getTime() );
       calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
       booking.setCheckoutDate( calendar.getTime() );

Flex client controller code:

public function bookHotel(hotel:Hotel):void {
(1) tideContext.hotel = hotel;
(2) tideContext.hotelBooking.bookHotel(bookResult);

private function bookResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
(3) var booking:Booking = as Booking;

All objects outjected during the component call are intercepted and available through the client context after the remote invocation. This allows a very simple reuse of existing server components.

If you need to resynchronize the last updated server context variables with the Flex client but do not have a particular remote component method to call, you can use the following method of the context:

tideContext.meta_resync(resultHandler, faultHandler);

You can also simplify the client code by using dependency injection on the Flex controller (see here):

public var booking:Booking;

public var hotel:Hotel;

public var hotelBooking:Component;

public function bookHotel(hotel:Hotel):void {
(1) this.hotel = hotel;
(2) hotelBooking.bookHotel(bookResult);

private function bookResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
(3)"Booking processed: " + booking.toString());

It is also interesting to note that even the Seam events triggering other components outjection are intercepted, thus allowing full support for complex server-side interactions.

If, for some reason, some outjected variables should not be sent back to the client, it is possible to define a list of disabled component names in granite-config.xml, in the section tide-components:

    <component annotatedwith="com.myapp.some.annotation.for.disabling.Components" disabled="true"/>
    <component type="com\.myapp\..*" disabled="true"/>

The supported component definitions are the same as for enabling components (name, type, annotated-with, instance-of). This is relatively flexible and allows to finely control what part of the context may be shared between server and client.

Integration with DataModels

Tide+Seam intercepts injection and outjection of standard JSF DataModels. This is not particularly useful in a Flex environment, except for reusing existing Seam components, and this is roughly equivalent to using @In and @Out. There is no support for custom data binding.

public class BookingListAction implements BookingList, Serializable {
   private List<Booking> bookings;
   private Booking booking;
public function cancelBooking(booking:Booking):void {
(1) = booking;
(2) tideContext.bookingList.cancel(cancelBookingResult);

private function cancelBookingResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
(3) bookings = event.context.bookings as ArrayCollection;

  1. We prepare the injection of the current selected booking: booking is the name of the component property annotated with @DataModelSelection.
  2. We call the method cancel of the component named bookingList.
  3. We get back the outjected DataModelbookings from the context as an ArrayCollection; it is not encapsulated in ActionScript.

Until now, all client-server communications have been done through the global Tide client context. Tide supports secondary client contexts which represent particular server conversations.

When a remote component call triggers the beginning of a new conversation, the context referenced by the TideResultEvent is a new context object corresponding to this conversation. Of course many such contexts can exist simultaneously on the Flex client, and correspond to different server conversations.

Variables having less than conversation scope are managed in the corresponding context. Session scoped variables and components are always managed in the global context.

public class HotelBookingAction implements HotelBooking {
    public void selectHotel(Hotel selectedHotel) {
        hotel = em.merge(selectedHotel);
public function selectHotel(hotel:Hotel):void {
(1) tideContext.hotelBooking.selectHotel(hotel, selectHotelResult);

private function selectHotelResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
(2) var localContext:Context = event.context as Context;
    var hotel:Hotel = localContext.hotel;

All following operations must be then done through the localContext to be executed in the correct server conversation context. That means mainly that this context object has to be stored somewhere in the application, for example in the MXML corresponding to a particular wizard component. Optionally, it is also possible to store only the conversationId, and retrieve the context object by:

var localContext:Context = Seam.getInstance().getSeamContext(conversationId)

When the conversation ends, the context object returned in the result events remains the local conversation context, to allow the Flex client to get the last call resulting context variables. It is deleted just before the next remote component call on the global context.

Built-in Components for Conversation Management

Tide/Seam provides two specific client components that enable a deeper integration with server conversations.

The component org.granite.tide.seam.framework.ConversationList, always available by tideContext.conversationList or by injection with:

public var conversationList:ConversationList

ConversationList is a client equivalent of the Seam ConversationList. It gives access to the list of currently existing conversations. Only conversations that have a description are returned.

The component org.granite.tide.seam.framework.Conversation is a conversation-scoped component that is available in all conversation contexts by tideContext.conversation or by injection with:

public var conversation:Conversation

This component has three uses :

The Tide client context can register listeners for Seam events triggered on the server-side. The interesting events are sent back along the server response and dispatched at the end of the processing of the result so that the context is correctly synchronized when the event is dispatched.

Here is a simple example:

public class HotelBookingAction implements HotelBooking {
   public void confirm() {
          "Thank you, #{}, your confirmation number " +
          "for #{} is #{}"
      );"New booking: #{} for #{user.username}");
    bookingConfirmedHandler, true); 
private function bookingConfirmedHandler(event:TideContextEvent):void {
    // No need for remote call, event has been dispatched on
    // the server and list is outjected.
    hotelBookings = ArrayCollection(event.context.bookings);

The last argument in addContextEventListener must be set to true; it indicates that the event will come from the remote side.

You can simplify the client code by using the Tide Client Framework:

public class BookingsCtl {

    public var bookings:ArrayCollection;

    [Observer("bookingConfirmed", remote="true")]
    public function bookingConfirmedHandler(event:TideContextEvent):void {"New booking confirmed: total " + bookings.length);

It is possible to use Gravity to listen to Seam events triggered asynchronously on the server-side. The registered events are received by a client event listener, exactly as synchronous events.

You will first have to configure a Gravity topic named <listeral>seamAsync</listeral> either in services-config.xml:

        <service id="granite-service"
             ! Use "tideSeamFactory" and "my-graniteamf" for "seam" destination (see below).
            <destination id="seam">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>
        <service id="gravity-service"
                <adapter-definition id="seam"

            <destination id="seamAsync">
                    <channel ref="my-gravityamf"/>
                <adapter ref="seam"/>

     ! Declare Tide+Seam service factory.
        <factory id="tideSeamFactory" class="org.granite.tide.seam.SeamServiceFactory"/>

     ! Declare granite channels.
        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
        <channel-definition id="my-gravityamf"


Or in component.xml (recommended):

<graniteds:messaging-destination name="seamAsync"/>

Then the Tide messaging client has to be started and subscribed:


The asynchronous plugin will start a Gravity Consumer which listens to server events dispatched by the Tide server.

Then you can simply register remote observers in any client component:

public class TestAction implements Test {
   public void test(String text) {
private function init():void {
        "myEvent", myEventHandler, true);

private function myEventHandler(event:TideContextEvent):void {
    trace("The event has been received");

Or with the client framework:

public class TestObserver {
    [Observer("myEvent", remote="true")]
    private function myEventHandler(event:TideContextEvent):void {
        trace("The event has been received");

The built-in Flex component StatusMessages provides access to the latest status messages received from the server (both global and per control).

public function login():void {
    tideContext.identity.username = 'joseph';
    tideContext.identity.password = 'conrad';
(1) tideContext.identity.login(loginResult);
private function loginResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
(2) var welcomeMessage:TideMessage = 
        event.context.statusMessages.messages.getItemAt(0) as TideMessage;
    var s:String = welcomeMessage.summary;

The property messages of the component StatusMessages is an ArrayCollection of TideMessage objects. The TideMessage is very similar to the Seam/JSF FacesMessage/StatusMessage and has three properties:

Per-control messages can be retrieved with:

private function registerResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
    var messages:ArrayCollection = 
        event.context.statusMessages.keyedMessages['username'] as ArrayCollection;
    if (messages && messages.length > 0) {
        var s:String = messages.getItemAt(0).summary;;

These per-control messages can also be used to display validation messages on the corresponding UI component, by using the TideControlValidator component:


    <mx:TextInput id="username"/>

    <tsv:TideControlValidator source="{username}" property="text"/>

With Seam, you can easily use the Query component of the Seam Application Framework as the remote data provider for a paged collection. Filtering is also supported by using restrictions. All this is supported by the Seam-specific Flex implementation of PagedQuery. You can also see the Data Paging section for more details.

import org.granite.tide.seam.framework.PagedQuery;

Seam.getInstance().addComponent("people", PagedQuery);

Then declare your Seam Query component:

<component name="examplePerson" class="com.myapp.entity.Person"/>

<framework:entity-query name="people"
    ejbql="select p from Person p"
        <value>lower(p.lastName) like lower( #{examplePerson.lastName} || '%' )</value>

This is a very standard Seam Query definition, only the max-results property is important as it will be used as the page size for the client component.


Note that defining max-results is mandatory when using server page size and it is necessary that the max-results page size is greater than the expected maximum size of the UI component that will be bound to the collection.

You can also specify the max-results property on the client component instead of the server, you can then omit the property on the server component definition:

Seam.getInstance().addComponentWithFactory("people", PagedQuery, { maxResults: 40 });

To change filter parameters values on the client-side, you just have to set values on the restriction object (here examplePerson) in the context. Tide tracks the changes on the object on the Flex side and will update the server filter instance accordingly. PagedQuery implicitly forces the detected restriction variables to be synchronized remotely with the server so you don't have to do [Out(remote="true")] or Seam.getInstance().setComponentRemoteSync("examplePerson", true) manually.

For example, you can use a filter like this :

    public var examplePerson:Person;

    public var people:PagedQuery;

<mx:TextInput id="lastName" text="{examplePerson.lastName}"/>
<mx:Button label="Search" click="people.refresh()"/>

<mx:DataGrid id="peopleGrid" dataProvider="{people}">

The Seam identity component can be called from the global Tide context and is fully integrated with the Flex RemoteObject security. This provides end-to-end security from the Flex client to the server component through Seam Security.

The Flex identity component for Seam (of class predictably provides two methods login() and logout() that can be used as any Tide remote call:

public function login(username:String, password:String):void {
    tideContext.identity.username = username;
    tideContext.identity.password = password;
    tideContext.identity.login(loginResult, loginFault);

private function loginResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {;

private function loginFault(event:TideFaultEvent):void {;

The identity component also exposes the bindable property loggedIn that represents the current authentication state. As it is bindable, it can be used to choose between different views, for example to switch between a login form and the application view with a Flex ViewStack component:

<mx:ViewStack id="main" selectedIndex="{identity.loggedIn ? 1 : 0}">
    <views:LoginView id="loginView"/>
    <views:MainView id="mainView"/>

Finally the identity component is integrated with Seam Security role-based and permission-based security and can be used to get information or show/hide UI depending on the user access rights. It provides methods similar to the Seam Security JSF tags s:hasRole and s:hasPermission.

<mx:Button id="deleteCategoryButton" 
    label="Delete Category"
<mx:Button id="deleteProductButton" label="Delete Product"
    visible="{identity.hasPermission(productGrid.selectedItem, 'delete')}"


With these declaration, the button labeled Delete Category will be enabled only if the user has the role admin and the button Delete Product only if the user has the permission delete for the selected product. Another possibility is to completely hide the button with the properties visible and includeInLayout, or any other property relevant for the display of the UI component.

This can also be used as any remote class with result and fault handlers:

 public function checkRole(role:String):void {
    identity.hasRole(role, checkRoleResult, checkRoleFault);
 private function checkRoleResult(event:TideResultEvent, role:String):void {
    if (role == 'admin') {
        if (event.result)
            trace("User has admin role");
            trace("User does not have admin role");

You can notice that the result and fault handlers have a second argument so you can use the same handler for many access check calls.

It is important to note that identity caches the user access rights so only the first call to hasRole() and hasPermission will be remote. If the user rights are changed on the server, or if you want to enforce security more than once per user session, you can clear the security cache manually with identity.clearSecurityCache(), for example periodically with a Timer.

It is possible to configure the three kinds of Gravity topics directly in the Seam XML configuration instead of services-config.xml:

Simple Topic:

<graniteds:messaging-destination id="myTopic"/>

This declaration supports the properties no-local and session-selector (see the Messaging Configuration section).

You can also define a secure destination by specifying a list of roles required to access the topic:

<graniteds:messaging-destination id="myTopic">

JMS Topic:

<graniteds:jms-messaging-destination id="myTopic"

This declaration supports all properties of the default JMS declaration in services-config.xml except for non local initial context environments (see the JMS Integration section).

ActiveMQ Topic:

<graniteds:activemq-messaging-destination id="myTopic"

This declaration supports all properties of the default ActiveMQ declaration in services-config.xml except for non-local initial context environments (see the ActiveMQ Integration section).

Finally note that the Gravity singleton that is needed to push messages from the server (see here) is available as a Seam 2 component with the name org.granite.seam.gravity and can be injected in any component :

private Gravity gravity;

The specification is a powerful new feature of Java EE 6. It integrates on a common programming model all the services provided by Java EE.

GraniteDS provides out-of-the-box integration with CDI via the Tide API. You can remotely call CDI beans, and it fully supports serialization of JPA entities from and to your Flex application, taking care of lazily loaded associations. The support for JPA entity beans is covered in the section JPA and lazy initialization, so this section will only describe how to call Seam components from a Flex application. GraniteDS also integrates with container security for authentication and role-based authorization.

The support for CDI is included in the library granite-cdi.jar, so you always have to include this library in either WEB-INF/lib or lib for an ear packaging.


Only the reference implementation is supported for now. This is the one used in JBoss 6 and GlassFish v3.

To provide a more native experience for CDI developers when used in a Servlet 3 compliant container, the CDI support in GraniteDS can be configured with a simple annotated class. The most important features of GraniteDS can be configured this way, and it is still possible to fall back to the default GraniteDS configuration files services-config.xml and granite-config.xml for unsupported features.

On Servlet 3 compliant containers, GraniteDS can use the new APIs to automatically register its own servlets and filters and thus does not need any particular configuration in web.xml. This automatic setup is triggered when GraniteDS finds a class annotated with @FlexFilter in one of the application archives:

public class GraniteConfig {

The ConfigProvider class defines suitable default values for the CDI integration. It is possible however to override these values by setting them in the annotation properties :

public class GraniteConfig {

As for any CDI application, don't forget to add a file WEB-INF/beans.xml, even empty. Note than only the Tide API is currently supported out-of-the-box with CDI.

The @FlexFilter declaration will setup an AMF processor for the specified url pattern, and the tide attribute specifies that you want a Tide-enabled service factory. The default url pattern for remoting /graniteamf/amf.txt and messaging /gravityamf/amf.txt.

Other configurations can be done with @FlexFilter:

When using the ConfigProvider allows Tide to search in the CDI context for some of its configuration elements. For now, it will lookup beans that implement ExceptionConverter, AMF3MessageInterceptor or SecurityService and use the existing beans.

If you don't use the Servlet 3 configuration, you will have to use the standard GraniteDS configuration files instead, and setup these elements manually. You can safely skip this section if you choose Servlet 3 configuration.

Here is a default configuration suitable for most cases:

<granite-config scan="true">
        <tide-component annotated-with="org.granite.messaging.service.annotations.RemoteDestination"/>
        <tide-component annotated-with="org.granite.tide.annotations.TideEnabled"/>


        <service id="granite-service"
             ! Use "tideCdiFactory" and "my-graniteamf" for "cdi" destination (see below).
             ! The destination must be "cdi" when using Tide with default configuration.
            <destination id="cdi">
                    <channel ref="my-graniteamf"/>

     ! Declare tideCdiFactory service factory.
        <factory id="tideCdiFactory" class="org.granite.tide.cdi.CdiServiceFactory"/>

     ! Declare my-graniteamf channel.
        <channel-definition id="my-graniteamf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">


The destination named cdi will be the one and only destination required for all CDI destinations.

Most of what is described in the Tide Remoting section applies for CDI, however GraniteDS also provides a much improved integration with CDI when using the Tide client API.

When using CDI, the only difference on the client is that you have to use the Cdi singleton. Here is a simple example of remoting with an injected client proxy for an CDI bean:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.cdi.Cdi;
        public var helloService:Component;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            helloService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);
        private function resultHandler(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            outputMessage.text = event.result as String;
        private function faultHandler(event:TideFaultEvent):void {
            // Handle fault
    <!-- Provide input data for calling the service. --> 
    <mx:TextInput id="inputName"/>
    <!-- Call the web service, use the text in a TextInput control as input data.--> 
    <mx:Button click="hello(inputName.text)"/>
    <!-- Result message. --> 
    <mx:Label id="outputMessage"/>

This is almost identical to the standard Tide API described in the Tide remoting section, and all other methods apply for CDI.

You can benefit from the capability of the Gas3 code generator (see here) to generate a strongly typed ActionScript 3 client proxy from the CDI bean interface when it is annotated with @RemoteDestination. In this case, you can inject a typesafe reference to your service and get better compile time error checking and auto completion in your IDE:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.cdi.Cdi;
        import com.myapp.service.HelloService;
        public var helloService:HelloService;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            helloService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);

It is possible to benefit from even more type safety by using the annotation [Inject] instead of In. When using this annotation, the full class name is used to find the target bean in the CDI context instead of the bean name.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
        import org.granite.tide.cdi.Cdi;
        import com.myapp.service.HelloService;
        public var myService:HelloService;
        private function hello(name:String):void {
            myService.hello(name, resultHandler, faultHandler);

This typesafe mode allows to better detect API inconsistencies between the Flex application and the Java services, because the Flex compiler will immediately warn you when a server method signature has changed (and Gas3 has regenerated the client proxy).

Until now, all client-server communications have been done through the global Tide client context. Tide supports secondary client contexts which represent particular server conversations.

When a remote component call triggers the beginning of a new conversation, the context referenced by the TideResultEvent is a new context object corresponding to this conversation. Of course many such contexts can exist simultaneously on the Flex client, and correspond to different server conversations.

Variables having less than conversation scope are managed in the corresponding context. Session scoped variables and components are always managed in the global context.

public class HotelBookingAction implements HotelBooking {
    private Conversation conversation;
    public void selectHotel(Hotel selectedHotel) {
        hotel = em.merge(selectedHotel);
public function selectHotel(hotel:Hotel):void {
(1) tideContext.hotelBooking.selectHotel(hotel, selectHotelResult);

private function selectHotelResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
(2) var localContext:Context = event.context as Context;
    var hotel:Hotel = localContext.hotel;

All following operations must be then done through the localContext to be executed in the correct server conversation context. That means mainly that this context object has to be stored somewhere in the application, for example in the MXML corresponding to a particular wizard component. Optionally, it is also possible to store only the conversationId, and retrieve the context object by:

var localContext:Context = Cdi.getInstance().getCdiContext(conversationId)

When the conversation ends, the context object returned in the result events remains the local conversation context, to allow the Flex client to get the last call resulting context variables. It is deleted just before the next remote component call on the global context.

GraniteDS provides a client-side component named identity that ensures the integration between the client RemoteObject credentials and the server-side container security. It additionally includes an easy-to-use API to define runtime authorization checks on the Flex UI.

The CDI identity component (of class org.granite.tide.cdi.Identity) predictably provides two methods login() and logout() that can be used as any Tide remote call:

private var tideContext:Context = Cdi.getInstance().getCdiContext();

public function login(username:String, password:String):void {
    tideContext.identity.login(username, password, loginResult, loginFault);

private function loginResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {;

private function loginFault(event:TideFaultEvent):void {;

public function logout():void {

Or with dependency injection:

public var identity:Identity;
public function login(username:String, password:String):void {
    identity.login(username, password, loginResult, loginFault);

private function loginResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {;

private function loginFault(event:TideFaultEvent):void {;

public function logout():void {

The identity component also exposes the bindable property loggedIn that represents the current authentication state. As it is bindable, it can be used to choose between different views, for example to switch between a login form and the application view with a Flex ViewStack component:

<mx:ViewStack id="main" selectedIndex="{identity.loggedIn ? 1 : 0}">
    <views:LoginView id="loginView"/>
    <views:MainView id="mainView"/>

Finally the identity component is integrated with server-side role-based security and can be used to get information or show/hide UI depending on the user access rights:

<mx:Button id="deleteButton" 


With this declaration, this button labeled Delete will be enabled only if the user has the role admin. Another possibility is to completely hide the button with the properties visible and includeInLayout, or any other property relevant for the UI component.

This can also be used as any remote class with result and fault handlers:

 public function checkRole(role:String):void {
    identity.hasRole(role, checkRoleResult, checkRoleFault);
 private function checkRoleResult(event:TideResultEvent, role:String):void {
    if (role == 'admin') {
        if (event.result)
            trace("User has admin role");
            trace("User does not have admin role");

You can notice that the result and fault handlers have a second argument so you can use the same handler for many access check calls.

It is important to note that identity caches the user access rights so only the first call to hasRole() will be remote. If the user rights are changed on the server, or if you want to enforce security more than once per user session, you can clear the security cache manually with identity.clearSecurityCache(), for example periodically in a Timer.

As with EJB 3 and when using a servlet 3 compliant container, it is possible to configure the three kinds of Gravity topics in the configuration class annotated with @FlexFilter. You can simply add variables to your configuration class annotated with @MessagingDestination, @JmsTopicDestination or @ActiveMQTopicDestination, the name of the variable will be used as destination id.

Simple Topic:

public class MyConfig {
    @MessagingDestination(noLocal=true, sessionSelector=true)
    AbstractMessagingDestination myTopic;

This declaration supports the properties no-local and session-selector (see the Messaging Configuration section).

You can also define a secure destination by specifying a list of roles required to access the topic:

@MessagingDestination(noLocal=true, sessionSelector=true, roles={ "admin", "user" })
AbstractMessagingDestination myTopic;

JMS Topic:

    roles={ "admin", "user" })
AbstractMessagingDestination myTopic;

This declaration supports all properties of the default JMS declaration in services-config.xml except for non local initial context environments (see the JMS Integration section).

ActiveMQ Topic:

    roles={ "admin", "user" })
AbstractMessagingDestination myTopic;

This declaration supports all properties of the default ActiveMQ declaration in services-config.xml except for non-local initial context environments (see the ActiveMQ Integration section).

Finally note that the Gravity singleton that is needed to push messages from the server (see here) is available as a CDI bean and can be injected in any component :

private Gravity gravity;

The "Bean Validation" (aka JSR-303) standardizes an annotation-based validation framework for Java. It provides an easy and powerful way of processing bean validations, with a pre-defined set of constraint annotations, allowing to arbitrarily extend the framework with user specific constraints.

Flex doesn't provide by itself such a framework. The standard way of processing validation is to use subclasses and to bind a validator to each user input (see ). This method is at least time consuming for the developer, source of inconsistencies between the client-side and the server-side validation processes, and source of redundancies in your MXML code.

Starting with the release 2.2, GraniteDS introduces an ActionsScript3 implementation of the Bean Validation specification and provides code generation tools integration so that your Java constraint annotations are reproduced in your AS3 beans.

As its Java equivalent, the GraniteDS validation framework provides a set of standard constraints. Here is an overview of these constraints (see for details):

AssertFalseThe annotated element must be false
AssertTrueThe annotated element must be true
DecimalMaxThe annotated element must be a number whose value must be lower or equal to the specified maximum
DecimalMinThe annotated element must be a number whose value must be greater or equal to the specified minimum
DigitsThe annotated element must be a number within accepted range
FutureThe annotated element must be a date in the future
MaxThe annotated element must be a number whose value must be lower or equal to the specified maximum
MinThe annotated element must be a number whose value must be greater or equal to the specified minimum
NotNullThe annotated element must not be null
NullThe annotated element must be null
PastThe annotated element must be a date in the past
PatternThe annotated String must match the specified regular expression
SizeThe annotated element size must be between the specified boundaries (included)

Each of these contraint annotation may be applied on a bean property, depending on its type and its expected value:

Annotated AS3 Bean Properties:

public class MyAnnotatedBean {

    [NotNull] [Size(min="2", max="8")]
    public var name:String;

    private var _description:String;

    public function get description():String {
        return _description;
    public function set description(value:String) {
        _description = value;

In the above code sample, the name value must not be null and its length must be between 2 and 8 characters, and the description value may be null or may have a length of maximum 255 characters. Constraint annotations must be placed on public properties, either public variables or public accessors (and they may also be placed on the class itself).

In order to validate an instance of the above class, you may use the ValidatorFactory class.

import org.granite.validation.ValidatorFactory;
import org.granite.validation.ConstraintViolation;

var bean:MyAnnotatedBean = new MyAnnotatedBean();

var violations:Array = ValidatorFactory.getInstance().validate(bean);
trace((violations[0] as ConstraintViolation).message); // "may not be null" = "123456789";
violations = ValidatorFactory.getInstance().validate(bean);
trace((violations[0] as ConstraintViolation).message); // "size must be between 2 and 8" = "1234";
violations = ValidatorFactory.getInstance().validate(bean);
trace(violations.length); // none...

Validation may be much more complex than the above basic sample. GraniteDS validation framework supports all advanced concepts of the specification, such as groups, group sequences, default group redefinition, traversable resolver, message interpolator, etc. Please refer to the specification and the various tutorials you may find on the Net.


Compilation Tip: You must use the compiler option -keep-as3-metadata+=AssertFalse,AssertTrue,DecimalMax,DecimalMin, Digits,Future,Max,Min,NotNull,Null,Past,Pattern,Size or the corresponding configuration for your build system (see Project Setup for Ant and Maven) in order to tell the Flex compiler to keep the constraint annotations in your compiled code (Flash Builder 4 appears to keep all metadata by default, but the mxmlc command line compiler doesn't)! If you write your own constraints, you will also have to tell the compiler about them in the same way.

Default error messages for built-in constraints are provided in four languages: english, french, german (as in the javax API distribution) and chinese. Depending on the current locales specified in the ResourceManager.getInstance().localeChain array, error messages will be localized in one of these languages (defaulted to english if you use other locales).

The easiest way to customize error messages is to use the message attribute of the constraint annotation:

public class MyBean {

    [NotNull(message="Name is mandatory"]
    [Size(min="2", message="Name must have a length of at least {min} characters")]
    public var name;


As you can see, you may use parameters (the min attribute) in such customized messages. These error messages are much more accurate than the default ones ("may not be null", "size must be between..."), but you must specify them for each constraint and you cannot localize the literals used for multiple languages.

In order to add support for different locales, you will have to define variables (eg. name.notnull and name.minsize) and use the built-in support offered by Flex:

public class MyBean {

    [Size(min="2", message="{name.minsize}")]
    public var name;



name.notnull=Name is mandatory
name.minsize=Name must have a length of at least {min} characters


name.notnull=Le nom est obligatoire
name.minsize=Le nom doit avoir une taille d'au moins {min} caractères

Register your Bundles:


If you compile your Flex application with support for these two locales (see Flex ), the error messages will be localized in english or french, depending on the current selected locale, with the values set in your property files. You may also redefine standard messages for a given locale in the same way:


name.notnull=Name is mandatory
name.minsize=Name must have a length of at least {min} characters
javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message=This value is mandatory

With the above bundle, the default error message for the NotNull constraint and the locale en_US will be redefined to "This value is mandatory" (instead of "may not be null").

Adding support for one or more locales other than the default ones will follow the same principle: create a for the new locale, translate all default error messages and add new ones for your customized message keys. Note that the bundle name must always be set to "ValidationMessages".

As stated by the specification (section 3.4): “ A group defines a subset of constraints. Instead of validating all constraints for a given object graph, only a subset is validated. This subset is defined by the the group or groups targeted. Each constraint declaration defines the list of groups it belongs to. If no group is explicitly declared, a constraint belongs to the Default group.

The GraniteDS validation framework fully supports the concepts of group, group inheritance, group sequence, default group redefinition and implicit grouping. Like in Java, groups are represented by interfaces. For example, suppose that you want to define and use a group. You will have to write the interface, to reference it in some of your constraints and to call the ValidatorFactory.validate method with one extra parameter:

package {
    public interface MyGroup {}

public class MyBean {

    [Size(min="2", max="10", goups="")]
    public var name;


var bean:MyBean = new MyBean();

// Default group: NotNull fails.

// MyGroup group: no failure.
ValidatorFactory.getInstance().validate(bean, [MyGroup]);

// Default & MyGroup groups: NotNull fails.
ValidatorFactory.getInstance().validate(bean, [Default, MyGroup]); = "a";

// Default group: no failure.

// MyGroup group: Size fails.
ValidatorFactory.getInstance().validate(bean, [MyGroup]);

// Default & MyGroup groups: Size fails.
ValidatorFactory.getInstance().validate(bean, [Default, MyGroup]);

You may of course specify mutliple groups in the constraint annotation, for example [Size(min="2", max="10", goups=",")]. Because the group interface references in the annotations must be fully qualified, it may be annoying to always specify the complete path to each group interface, and you may use the namespace resolver available in the ValidatorFactory instance:

ValidatorFactory.getInstance().namespaceResolver.registerNamespace("g", "*");

[Size(min="2", max="10", goups="g:MyGroup, g:MyOtherGroup")]
public var name;

Note that the group interface is always registered in the default namespace and may be use without any prefix specification: groups="Default" is legal and strictly equivalent to groups="org.granite.validation.groups.Default" (or even groups="javax.validation.groups.Default" - as the javax package is handled as an alias of the granite's one).

The Bean Validation specification is primarily intended to be used with Java entity beans. GraniteDS code generation tools replicate your Java model into an ActionScript 3 model and may be configured in order to copy validation annotations. All you have to do is to change the default org.granite.generator.as3.DefaultEntityFactory to org.granite.generator.as3.BVEntityFactory.

With the Eclipse builder, go to the "Options" panel and change the entity factory as shown is the picture below:

With the Ant task, use the entityfactory attribute as follow in your build.xml:

<gas3 entityfactory="org.granite.generator.as3.BVEntityFactory" ...>

Then, provided that you have a Java entity bean like this one:

public class Person {
    @Id @GeneratedValue
    private Integer id;
    @Size(min=1, max=50)
    private String firstname;
    @NotNull(message="You must provide a lastname")
    @Size(min=1, max=255)
    private String lastname;
    // getters and setters...

... you will get this generated ActionScript3 code:

public class PersonBase implements IExternalizable {


    public function set firstname(value:String):void {
        _firstname = value;
    [Size(min="1", max="50", message="{javax.validation.constraints.Size.message}")]
    public function get firstname():String {
        return _firstname;

    public function set lastname(value:String):void {
        _lastname = value;
    [NotNull(message="You must provide a lastname")]
    [Size(min="1", max="255", message="{javax.validation.constraints.Size.message}")]
    public function get lastname():String {
        return _lastname;


You may then use the ValidationFactory in order to validate your ActionScript 3 bean, and the same constraints will be applied on the Flex and the Java sides.

This works for plain Java beans and entity beans.

Suppose you want to make sure that a Person bean has at least one of its firstname or lastname properties not null. There is no default constraint that will let you check this. In order to implement a constraint that will do this validation, you will have to write a new IConstraint implementation, register it with the ValidatorFactory and use the corresponding annotation on top of the Person class.

public class PersonChecker extends BaseConstraint {

    override public function initialize(annotation:Annotation, factory:ValidatorFactory):void {
        // initialize the BaseContraint with the default message (a bundle key).
        internalInitialize(factory, annotation, "{personChecker.message}");

    override public function validate(value:*):String {
        // don't validate null Person beans.
        if (Null.isNull(value))
            return null;

        // check value type (use helper class).
        ConstraintHelper.checkValueType(this, value, [Person]);

        // validate the Person bean: at least one of the firstname or lastname property
        // must be not null.
        if (Person(value).firstname == null && Person(value).lastname == null)
            return message;

        // return null if validation is successful.
        return null;

The PersonChecker class actually extends the BaseContraint class that simplifies IConstraint implementations. It defines a default message ("{personChecker.message}") with a message key that could be used in your validation messages bundles (see above Working with Error Messages and Localization).

You should then register this new constraint in the validation framework:


Because Flex annotations have no specific implementation, you may then directly use the constraint annotation in the Person class:

public class Person {

    [Size(min="1", max="50")]
    public var firstname;

    [Size(min="1", max="255")]
    public var lastname;

Note that the annotation isn't qualified with any package name: registering two constraint class with the same name but in different packages will result in using the last registered one only. This behavior may additionaly be used in order to override default constraint implementations: if you write your own Size constraint implementation and register it with the ValidatorFactory class, it will be used instead of the built-in one.

If the constraint exists in Java and if you use the code generation tools, the unqualified class name of the Java constraint will be generated on top of the Person class, just as above.


Don't forget the -keep-as3-metadata+=AssertFalse,...,Size,PersonChecker compiler option!

See standard constraint implementations in the GraniteDS distribution to know more about specific attributes support and other customization options.

By default, in addition to returning an array of ConstraintViolations, the validation framework will dispatch events for each failed constraint, provided that the bean that holds the property is an IEventDispatcher. These events are instances of the ConstraintViolationEvent class and are dispatched between two ValidationEvents events (start and end).

Because ActionScript3 beans annotated with the [Bindable] annotation are automatically compiled as IEventDispatcher implementations, generated beans (or other bindable beans written manually) will dispatch constraint events. You may then listen validation events dispatched by a bean if you register your event listeners as follow:

private function startValidationHandler(event:ValidationEvent):void {
    // reset all error messages...

private function constraintViolationHandler(event:ConstraintViolationEvent):void {
    // display the error message on the corresponding input...

private function endValidationHandler(event:ValidationEvent):void {
    // done...

    startValidationHandler, false, 0, true
    constraintValidatedHandler, false, 0, true
    andValidationHandler, false, 0, true


It may be however very tedious to add such listeners to all your beans and to write the code for displaying or reseting error messages for all inputs.

With the FormValidator component, you get an easy way to use implicitly these events: the FormValidator performs validation on the fly whenever the user enters data into user inputs and automatically displays error messages when these data are incorrect, based on constraint annotations placed on the bean properties.

A sample usage with Flex 4 (using the Person bean introduced above and bidirectional bindings):

    <v:FormValidator id="fValidator" form="{personForm}" entity="{person}"/>


    protected var person:Person = new Person();

    protected function savePerson():void {
        if (fValidator.validateEntity()) {
            // actually save the validated person entity...

    protected function resetPerson():void {
        person = new Person();

<mx:Form id="personForm">
    <mx:FormItem label="Firstname">
        <s:TextInput id="iFirstname" text="@{person.firstname}"/>
    <mx:FormItem label="Lastname" required="true">
        <s:TextInput id="iLastname" text="@{person.lastname}"/>
<s:Button label="Save" click="savePerson()"/>
<s:Button label="Cancel" click="resetPerson()"/>

In the above sample, the personForm form uses two bidirectional bindings between the text inputs and the person bean. Each time the user enter some text in an input, the value of the input is copied into the bean and triggers a validation. Error messages are then automatically displayed or cleared depending on the validation result.

Note that the binding with the target entity should be direct (e.g. not entity="{model.entity}" but entity="{entity}". If not possible or too complex, you can specify a property entityPath to indicate the validator that it should bind to a deeper element in the object graph.

    <v:FormValidator id="fValidator" form="{personForm}" entity="{model.person}" entityPath="model"/>


The global validation of the person bean will be performed when the user click on the "Save" button. However, class-level constraint violations (such as the PersonChecker constraint) cannot be automatically associated to an input, and these violations prevent the fValidator.validateEntity() call to succeed while nothing cannot be automatically displayed to the user.

To solve this problem, three options are available:

(1) Unhandled Violations with the "properties" Argument:

public class Person {

This tell the FormValidator to display the PersonChecker error message on both firstname and lastname inputs. You may of course use only the firstname property or add another property at your convenience.

(2) Unhandled Violations with the unhandledViolationsMessage Property:

<mx:Form id="personForm">
    <mx:FormItem label="Firstname">
        <s:TextInput id="iFirstname" text="@{person.firstname}"/>
    <mx:FormItem label="Lastname" required="true">
        <s:TextInput id="iLastname" text="@{person.lastname}"/>
    <s:Label text="{fValidator.unhandledViolationsMessage}"/>

All violation messages that cannot be associated with any input will be diplayed in the label at the bottom of the form (separated by new lines).

(3) Unhandled Violations with the unhandledViolations Event:

    <v:FormValidator id="fValidator" form="{personForm}" entity="{person}"


    protected function showUnhandledViolations(event:ValidationResultEvent ):void {
        // display unhandled messages...


The third option let you do whatever you want with these unhandled violations. You can display the event.message somewhere (it has the same format as the unhandledViolationsMessage property), you may loop over the event.results (array of ValidationResult's) or you may even call the fValidator.getUnhandledViolations method that will give you the last unhandled ConstraintViolation instances.

With Flex 3, because bidirectional bindings are not natively supported, you would have to use mx:Binding for each input. With the above sample, you will add:

<mx:TextInput id="iFirstname" text="{person.firstname}"/>
<mx:TextInput id="iLastname" text="{person.lastname}"/>
<mx:Binding destination="person.firstname" source="iFirstname.text"/>
<mx:Binding destination="person.lastname" source="iLastname.text"/>

Note also that with Tide, to simplify the cancel operations, you may reset the entity state with Managed.resetEntity(entity) (see Data Management. This may be particularly useful if you are not creating a new person but modifying an existing one.

If you don't want or if you can't use bidirectional bindings, you may still use the FormValidator component but will need to specify the property validationSubField for each input:

    <v:FormValidator id="fValidator" form="{personForm}" entity="{person}"/>


    protected var person:Person = new Person();

    protected function savePerson():void {

        person.firstname = iFirstname.text == "" ? null : iFirstname.text;
        person.lastname = iLastname.text == "" ? null : iLastname.text;

        if (fValidator.validateEntity()) {
            // actually save the validated person entity...

    protected function resetPerson():void {
        person = new Person();

<mx:Form id="personForm">
    <mx:FormItem label="Firstname">
        <s:TextInput id="iFirstname" text="{person.firstname}"
    <mx:FormItem label="Lastname" required="true">
        <s:TextInput id="iLastname" text="{person.lastname}"

This time, you have to set manually input values into your bean, but this will work with Flex 3 as well and these subfields may contain a path to a subproperty: for example, if you have an Address bean in your Person bean, you could write validationSubField="address.address1".

A last option to help the FormValidator detect the data bindings is to define a global list of properties which will be considered as UI component targets for bindings. By default, text, selected, selectedDate, selectedItem and selectedIndex are prioritarily considered for binding detection so most standard controls work correctly (for example TextInput, TextArea, CheckBox or DatePicker).

The built-in ActionScript 3 reflection API is basically limited to a single method: . This method returns XML data describing its parameter object and is therefore not type-safe and its use is subject to many syntax errors.

GraniteDS provides a Java-like reflection API that encapsulates describeType calls and offers a type-safe, object-oriented, set of reflection classes and methods. This API caches its results for better performances and supports advanced features such as ApplicationDomain and namespaces.

Class members are fields (constants, variables or accessors), constructor and methods. Unlike Java, the ActionScript 3 language does not give access to protected or private members: only those declared in the public namespace or in a specific namespace are accessible.

You may get all public members of a given Type via its members property. It will return an array of subclasses such as , and :

import org.granite.reflect.Type;
import org.granite.reflect.Member;
import org.granite.reflect.Field;
import org.granite.reflect.Method;
import org.granite.reflect.Constructor;

var type:Type = Type.forName("");
var members:Array = type.members;

trace("Members of type: " +;
for each (var member:Member in members) {
    if (member is Field)
        trace("Field " + Field(member).name + ":" + Field(member);
    else if (member is Method)
        trace("Method " + Method(member).name + ":" + Method(member);
    else if (member is Constructor)
        trace("Constructor " + Constructor(member).name);

Instead of using the general members property, you may use specialized properties such as fields, methods, constructor or even properties: properties are all not-static, public, read-write properties of a bean, either variables or accessors (get/set methods).

You may also retrieve a method (or field) by its name:

var type:Type = Type.forName("");

var field:Field = type.getInstanceField("myPropertyName");
if (field == null)
    trace("Could not find 'myPropertyName' field in: " +;

var method:Method = type.getInstanceMethod("myMethodName");
if (method == null)
    trace("Could not find 'myMethodName' method in: " +;


Unlike Java, the API distinguishes getInstanceField and getStaticField, as well as getInstanceMethod and getStaticMethod: the reason is that the ActionScript 3 language allows a class to declare a static and a instance variable (or method) with the same name in the same class.

Furthermore, the API allows to filter returned members. For example, if you are interested in instance methods that have at least two parameters, you might write:

var type:Type = Type.forName("");
var methods:Array = type.getMethods(function (m:Method):Boolean {
    return !m.isStatic() && m.parameters.length >= 2;

You may of course use the same kind of code for filtering fields or properties.

An interesting feature of ActionScript 3 language is its support for annotations (aka metadatada). Annotations may be placed on classes or interfaces, variables, accessors and methods (there is no support for constructor annotations at this time). Unlike Java however, AS3 annotations aren't typed.

Four main methods are available to play with annotations (see the interface) for classes, fields and methods.

var type:Type = Type.forName("");
var annotations:Array = type.annotations;

for each (var annotation:Annotation in annotations) {
    var args:Array = annotation.args;
    trace( + " with " + args.length + "args {");
    for each (var arg:Arg in args)
        trace(arg.key + "=" + arg.value);

Looking for a specific annotation:

var type:Type = Type.forName("");

if (type.isAnnotationPresent("MyAnnotationName")) {
    trace("Found annotation" + type.getAnnotation("MyAnnotationName").name);

Filtering annotations based on a name pattern:

var type:Type = Type.forName("");
var annotations:Array = type.getAnnotations(false, "MyPrefix.*");

In the later case, the annotation name pattern is a regular expression that matches all annotations that have a name starting with "MyPrefix".

Note also that all these methods allow to look recursively for annotations:

public class MyClass implements MyInterface {

    public function doSomething():void {}


public interface MyInterface {

    function doSomething():void;


var type:Type = Type.forName("");
var method:Method = type.getInstanceMethod("doSomething");

if (type.isAnnotationPresent("MyAnnotation1", true))
    trace("Found annotation" + type.getAnnotation("MyAnnotation1", true).name);

if (method.isAnnotationPresent("MyAnnotation2", true))
    trace("Found annotation" + method.getAnnotation("MyAnnotation2", true).name);

The boolean parameter set to true in isAnnotationPresent and getAnnotation calls tells the API to look recursively for the annotation, and this code will actually print that the two annotations were found.

Beside these IAnnotatedElement methods, the Type class allows to quickly retieve methods or field annotated specific annotations:

var type:Type = Type.forName("");
var annotations:Array = type.getAnnotatedFields(false, "Bindable", "MyAnnotation");

This code will return all fields annotated by at least one of the [Bindable] or [MyAnnotation] annotations.

The reflection API let you create new instances of a given class the following manner:

Creating new instances of a class:

var type:Type = type.forName("");
var instance:Object = type.constructor.newInstance(param1, param2);
// or type.constructor.newInstanceWithArray([param1, param2]);

This way of creating new instances of a class is however limited to constructors that have at most ten mandatory parameters. You may bypass this limitation by using directly the Class object, ie: new type.getClass()(arg1, arg2, ..., arg10, arg11, ...). The main interests of the Constructor methods is that it let you use arrays of parameters and also that it will distinguish between an error thrown by the constructor body (rethrown as an InvocationTargetError) and an error thrown because of a wrong number of parameters or a wrong type of one of them (ArgumentError).

You may also call methods in a similar manner:

var type:Type = type.forName("");

var myInstanceMethod:Method= type.getInstanceMethod("myInstanceMethod");
myInstanceMethod.invoke(myClassInstance, param1, param2);
// or myInstanceMethod.invokeWithArray(myClassInstance, [param1, param2]);

var myStaticMethod:Method= type.getStaticMethod("myStaticMethod");
myStaticMethod.invoke(null, param1, param2);
// or myStaticMethod.invokeWithArray(null, [param1, param2]);

There is no limitation about the number of parameters this time, and the API still distinguish between an error thrown by the method body (rethrown as an InvocationTargetError) and an error thrown because of a wrong number of parameters or a wrong type of one of them (ArgumentError).

If you want to get or set the value of a given object property, you will use the following kind of code:

var type:Type = type.forName("");

var myInstanceField:Field= type.getInstanceField("myInstanceField");
var value:* = myInstanceField.getValue(myClassInstance);
myInstanceField.setValue(myClassInstance, "newValue");

var myStaticField:Field= type.getStaticField("myStaticField");
var value:* = myStaticField.getValue(null);
myStaticField.setValue(null, "newValue");

Like the class in Java, the ActionScript 3 language has support for class loading in different contexts called . This is an advanced feature that is only useful if you work with multiple Flex modules: SWF modules are loaded at runtime with their own set of classes and these classes may be owned and declared by a specific application domain.

Loading a module in a child ApplicationDomain:

var childDomain:ApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);

var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, childDomain);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("module.swf"), context);

If a class is declared only in the above module (but not in the main application), it will be only available in the new child application domain. As such, the following code will fail with a ClassNotFoundError exception:

try {
    var type:Type = Type.forName("");
catch (e:ClassNotFoundError) {
    // Cannot be found in the main ApplicationDomain.

The first solution is to pass the child domain as a parameter:

var type:Type = Type.forName("", childDomain);

This will work, but a better solution would be to register the child domain when loading the new module, so that the reflection API will look for classes in this child domain if it can't find it in the main domain:

var childDomain:ApplicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);

// register the child domain.

var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, childDomain);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("module.swf"), context);

// the type is found in the child domain without explicit reference.
var type:Type = Type.forName("");


If you use an unknown domain parameter in a Type.forName call, it is automatically registered. Thus, the sample call to Type.forName("", childDomain) above will register the childDomain domain because this domain isn't already known by the API.

When you unload a module, you should always unregister any specific application domain by calling:


This will cleanup the API cache with all classes previously loaded in this domain.


The ApplicationDomain concept in the Flash VM allows you to load multiple versions of a class (same qualified name) into different domains. If you have loaded two modules with two versions of the same class and if you have registered their respective two domains with the registerDomain method, you must nonetheless explicitly refer to each domain when loading the class by its name. Otherwise, the Type.forName("") call will throw a AmbiguousClassNameError exception.

The ActionScript 3 language lets you declare that may be used instead of the usual public namespace. The reflection API may be used in order to find a pethod or a field in a specific namespace:

package my.namespaces {
    public namespace my_namespace = "";


public class MyClass {

    import my.namespaces.my_namespace;

    my_namespace var myField:String;


import my.namespaces.my_namespace;

var type:Type = Type.forName("");
var field:Field = type.getInstanceField("myField", my_namespace);

Because the myField variable is declared in a specific namespace, a call to getInstanceField without the my_namespace parameter will return null. Adding this optional parameter will fix the problem.


When you use the type.fields property, all accessible fields are returned, including those declared in specific namespaces.

The reflection API comes with a visitor pattern implementation that let you introspect class instances without looping recursively on all their properties. The entry point of this visitor API is the class: it implements an advanced two-phases visitor mechanism (see the interface) that let you first review which property you're interested in and then actually visit the selected ones.

This is a feature for advanced uses only, please refer to the API documentation and .

Number serialization with the standard AMF3 protocol suffers from a lack of precision and support: Java long (64 bits integers), and types are converted to ActionScript 3 or String (see ). These conversions lead to either approximation (significant bits may be lost) or uselessness (you can't do any arithmetic operation with strings and you can't control the way their string representations are produced).

Because GraniteDS doesn't allow string to number or number to string conversions (see Mapping Java and AS3 Objects), BigInteger and BigDecimal, like long types, are both converted to Number by default, with even more potential approximations.

Starting with the release 2.2, GraniteDS offers ActionScript 3 implementations for Long, BigInteger and BigDecimal, and features a serialization mechanism that preserves the exact value of each type (see API documentation ).

The GraniteDS Long class let you do calculation with 64 bits signed integers. All arithmetic operations are provided, as well as bitwise, bit shift and comparison operator equivalents:

The Long Type:

import org.granite.math.Long;

var a:Long = new Long("9223372036854775807"); // or 0x7fffffffffffffff (max long value)
trace(a); // "9223372036854775807"
trace(a.toHexString()); // "7fffffffffffffff"

a = a.subtract(7);
trace(a); // "9223372036854775800"
trace(a.toHexString()); // "7ffffffffffffff8"

a = a.rightShift(4); // or a.divide(16)
trace(a); // "576460752303423487"
trace(a.toHexString()); // "7ffffffffffffff"

// etc.

// Wrong values with Numbers:
var b:Number = new Number("9223372036854775807"); // max long value
trace(b); // "9223372036854776000" (truncated value)...

As you already have noticed from the above code, Long instances (as well as BigInteger and BigDecimal instances) are immutable: a.multiply(2) won't change the value of a, unless if you save the returned value of the method into the variable a (ie: a = a.multiply(2)).

The class, as its Java equivalent, represent an immutable arbitrary-precision integer. It provides analogues to all of ActionScript 3's primitive integer operators (+, -, *, /), as well as comparison operators.

The BigInteger Type:

import org.granite.math.BigInteger;

var a:BigInteger = new BigInteger("9223372036854775807"); // max long value

a = a.add(1);
trace(a); // "9223372036854775808"

a = a.multiply(1000000);
trace(a); // "9223372036854775808000000"

// etc.

With the BigInteger class, you cannot face the risk of an overflow due to the limited storage of a standard numeric type: a BigInteger value can be arbitrary big and its value is only limited by the Flash VM memory.

The class, as its Java equivalent, represent an immutable, arbitrary-precision signed decimal number. It provides operations for arithmetic, scale manipulation, rounding, comparison and format conversion.

The BigDecimal Type:

import org.granite.math.BigDecimal;
import org.granite.math.RoundingMode;

var a:BigDecimal = new BigDecimal("1"); // or BigDecimal.ONE

a = a.divide(3, 2, RoundingMode.DOWN);
trace(a); // "0.33"

// etc.

With the BigDecimal class, you can control precisely the scale and the rounding behavior of a division. The above code means: divide 1 by 3, with 2 digits to the right of the decimal point left in the result and apply a down rounding mode (truncate all extra digits). Like BigInteger instances, BigDecimal instances have no precision limitation other than the Flash VM memory.


Arithmetic binary methods are more versatile than their Java equivalents. You may pass not only BigDecimal instances as parameters to add, subtract, multiply and divide, but also int, Number or String literals. They will be automatically converted to BigDecimal instances and that's why a.add(3) is legal, as well as a.add("3") and a.add(new BigDecimal("3"). This is also true for the Long and BigInteger types.

See the API documentation for more informations.

As said above, without any specific configuration, long, Long, BigInteger or BigDecimal Java types are converted to AS3 Number (and vice-versa). To enable serialization into their ActionScript 3 equivalents, you must enable specific externalizers in your granite-config.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

            <include instance-of="java.lang.Long"/>
            <include instance-of="java.math.BigInteger"/>
            <include instance-of="java.math.BigDecimal"/>

You may of course enable only the externalizers you need, instead of configuring all of them.

With this configuration, you will be able to receive and send big numbers without potential lose of precision. Suppose you have a Java service that returns and receives BigDecimal values:

import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class TestBigDecimal {
    public BigDecimal returnBigValue() {
        return new BigDecimal("10000000000000000000000000000.001");
    public void receiveBigValue(BigDecimal value) {
        // do something with the value.

Within your Flex code, provided that the BigDecimalExternalizer is configured, you could use this kind of code:

import org.granite.math.BigDecimal;

private var testBigDecimalService:RemoteObject = null;
private var value:BigDecimal = null;


protected function onReturnBigValueResult(event:ResultEvent):void {
    value = event.result as BigDecimal;


protected function sendBigValue():void {
    testBigDecimalService.receiveBigValue(new BigDecimal("0.3333"));

The same kind of code will work with long, Long and BigInteger types as well.

Beside calling methods that return or receive big numbers, you may have Java bean or entity properties that use long, Long, BigInteger or BigDecimal types. The standard GraniteDS code generation tools (see Gas3 Code Generator) follow the standard serialization mechanism (ie: converting long and big number types to AS3 numbers) and generates Number typed variables for Java long and big number types.

In order to tell the code generation tools to generate AS3 Long, BigInteger and BigDecimal typed variables, you must enable three related options.

With the GraniteDS Eclipse builder, you will have to go to the "Options" panel and enable these three options:

With the Gas3 Ant task, you will use the following configuration in build.xml:


Again, you may enable only one or more of these options, but you must follow the corresponding granite-config.xml configuration.

Suppose you have this kind of Java bean:

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class MyBean {
    private BigDecimal bd;
    private BigInteger bi;
    private Long l1;
    private long l2;
    public BigDecimal getBd() {
        return bd;
    public void setBd(BigDecimal bd) { = bd;
    // other get/set...

With all options enabled, the result of generation will be has follow:

import org.granite.math.BigDecimal;
import org.granite.math.BigInteger;
import org.granite.math.Long;

public class MyBean {

    private var _bd:BigDecimal;
    private var _bi:BigInteger;
    private var _l1:Long;
    private var _l2:Long;

    public function get bd():BigDecimal {
        return _bd;
    public function set bd(value:BigDecimal):void {
        _bd = value;

    // other get/set...

With standard Gas3 configuration, the ActionScript 3 type generated for each property would have been Number.

GraniteDS comes with a built-in client framework named Tide that is based on the concept of contextual components and serves as the basis for many advanced features (such as data management or simplified remoting).

This client framework implements some classic features of usual Java frameworks such as Spring or Seam and provides a programming model that should look familiar to Java developers. However it tries to be as transparent and unobtrusive as possible and yet stay close from the Flex framework concepts and traditional usage.

The framework features notably:

  • Dependency Injection: using a programmatic way of declaring client components, Tide makes possible to write applications with a decoupled and testable architecture. The use of annotations to control injection and of various conventions greatly reduces the amount of code needed to wire the different parts of the application. See here for details.
  • Event Bus: the Flex event model is very powerful and makes possible to decouple various parts of the application. However it requires a lot of manual setup to wire the event listeners to the dispatchers. Tide brings an event bus that centralizes the propagation of events and removes the need for wiring events manually. See here.
  • Contextual Components and Conversations: it is relatively usual in enterprise applications to have separate portions of the application that should be isolated in different tabs or windows. For example in an insurance application it could be necessary to be able to open simultaneously many tabs for different customer records. Tide brings the concept of client conversation that makes possible to completely isolate different parts of the application while reusing the same components and events. See here.

To get started quickly and see what Tide can do, let's see how we can Tidify a simple Hello World example in a few steps. In a first iteration, we do everything in one simple MXML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        import org.granite.tide.Tide;
        import org.granite.tide.Component;
        public var helloService:Component;
        private function hello():void {
            helloService.hello(iname.text, helloResult);
        private function helloResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            lmessage.text = event.result as String;
    <mx:TextInput id="iname"/>
    <mx:Button label="Hello" click="hello()"/>
    <mx:Label id="lmessage"/>


This is almost exactly the same example that we have seen in the Tide Remoting chapter. In this first step we see only the injection feature of Tide with the annotation [In] that can be placed on any writeable property of the component (public or with a setter).

Tide will by default consider any injection point with a type Component (or any type extending Component) as a remoting injection and will create and inject a client proxy for a service named helloService (by default the name of the property is used as the name of the injected component).

This is more than enough for a Hello World application, but if we continue the application this way, everything will be in the same MXML. So in a first iteration we want at least to separate the application initialization part and the real UI part. We can for example create a new MXML file named Hello.mxml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        import org.granite.tide.Tide;
    <Hello id="hello"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        import org.granite.tide.Component;
        public var helloService:Component;
        private function hello():void {
            helloService.hello(iname.text, helloResult);
        private function helloResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            lmessage.text = event.result as String;
    <mx:TextInput id="iname"/>
    <mx:Button label="Hello" click="hello()"/>
    <mx:Label id="lmessage"/>

This is a bit better, the main UI is now defined in its own MXML. Tide has not much to do here, but note that we have added the [Name] metadata annotation on the MXML to instruct Tide that it has to manage the component and inject the dependencies on properties marked with [In]. This was not necessary in the initial case because the main application itself is always registered as a component managed by Tide (under the name application).

The next step is to decouple our UI component from the server interaction, so we can for example reuse the same UI component in another context or simplify the testing of the server interaction with a mock controller.

The first thing we can do is introduce a controller component (the C in MVC) that will handle this interaction and an interface so that we can easily switch the controller implementation. Then we can just bind it to the MXML component:

package com.myapp.controller {

    public interface IHelloController {
        function hello(name:String):void;
        function get message():String;
package com.myapp.controller {

    import org.granite.tide.Component;

	public class HelloController implements IHelloController {
	    public var helloService:Component;
	    public var message:String;
	    public function hello(name:String):void {
	        helloService.hello(name, helloResult);
	    private function helloResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
	        message = event.result as String;

We have to configure the controller in the main MXML and use it in the view:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        import org.granite.tide.Tide;
    <Hello id="hello"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        import com.myapp.controller.IHelloController;
        [Bindable] [Inject]
        public var helloController:IHelloController;
    <mx:TextInput id="iname"/>
    <mx:Button label="Hello" click="helloController.hello(iname.text)"/>
    <mx:Label id="lmessage" text="{helloController.message}"/>

This is already quite clean, and completely typesafe. The annotation [Inject] indicates that Tide should inject any managed component which class extends or implements the specified type, contrary to the annotation [In] that is used to inject a component by name. Here the instance of HelloController will be injected, in a test case you could easily configure an alternative TestHelloController implementing the same interface.

This kind of architecture is inspired by JSF (Java Server Faces) and works fine. However there is still a bit of coupling between the views and the controllers, and it does not really follow the usual event-based style of the Flex framework. To obtain a more pure MVC model, we have to add a model component that will hold the state of the application, and an event class dispatched through the Tide event bus to decouple the view and the controller:

package {

    public class HelloEvent extends AbstractTideEvent {
        public var name:String;
        public function HelloEvent(name:String):void {
   = name;
package com.myapp.model {

    public interface IHelloModel {
        function get message():String;
        function set message(message:String):void;
package com.myapp.model {

    public class HelloModel implements IHelloModel {
        public var message:String;

The controller will now observe our custom event, and set the value of the message property in the model:

package com.myapp.controller {

    import org.granite.tide.Component;

    public class HelloController implements IHelloController {
        public var helloService:Component;
        public var helloModel:IHelloModel;
        public function hello(event:HelloEvent):void {
            helloService.hello(, helloResult);
        private function helloResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            helloModel.message = event.result as String;

Lastly we configure the new model component and dispatch the custom event from the UI:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        import org.granite.tide.Tide;
        Tide.getInstance().addComponents([HelloController, HelloModel]);
    <Hello id="hello"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        import com.myapp.model.IHelloModel;
        [Bindable] [Inject]
        public var helloModel:IHelloModel;
    <mx:TextInput id="iname"/>
    <mx:Button label="Hello" click="dispatchEvent(new HelloEvent(iname.text))"/>
    <mx:Label id="lmessage" text="{helloModel.message}"/>

The main difference here is that we use an event to communicate between the view and the controller. This would allow for example many controllers to react to the same user action. The view does not know which component will handle the event, and the controllers simply specify that they are interested in the event HelloEvent with the annotation [Observer] on a public handler method. Tide automatically wires the dispatcher and the observers through its event bus by matching the event type.

Note that the HelloEvent class extends a (pseudo) abstract class of the Tide framework. If you don't want any such dependency, you can use any Flex event but then you have to add an annotation [ManagedEvent] on the dispatcher to instruct Tide which events it has to manage. See more below in the section Event Bus.

Now we have a completely decoupled and testable architecture, however everything is wired typesafely, meaning that any error will be detected at compile time and not at runtime.

With some Java server frameworks (Spring and CDI) we can even achieve complete client/server type safety by generating a typed client proxy. The controller would then look like:

package com.myapp.controller {

    import org.granite.tide.Component;
    import com.myapp.service.HelloService;

    public class HelloController implements IHelloController {
        public var helloService:HelloService;
        public var helloModel:IHelloModel;
        public function hello(event:HelloEvent):void {
            helloService.hello(, helloResult);
        private function helloResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            helloModel.message = event.result as String;

Hopefully you have now a relatively clear idea on what it's all about. The following sections will describe all this in more details.

The core concepts of the Tide framework are the context and the component.

Components are stateful objects that can be of any ActionScript 3 class with a default constructor and can have a unique instance stored in each context of the application. Usually components have a name so they can be referenced easily.

There are two main kinds of contexts:

A context is mostly a container for component instances. A component should be defined with a scope that describes in which context its instances will be created and managed. There are three available scopes:

The global context object can easily be retrieved from the Tide singleton:

var tideContext:Context = Tide.getInstance().getContext();

Conversation contexts can be retrieved by their identifier and are automatically created if they do not exist:

var tideContext:Context = Tide.getInstance().getContext("someConversationId");

Note however that this is not the recommended way of working with conversation contexts. See the Conversations section.

Components can be registered programmatically by any of the following methods:

  • Manual registration with Tide.getInstance().addComponent():
    Tide.getInstance().addComponent("myComponent", MyComponent):
    This method takes two main arguments: the component name and the component class.
  • It also has optional arguments that can be used to describe the metadata of the component:
    Tide.getInstance().addComponent(componentName, componentClass, inConversation, autoCreate, restrict);
    inConversation is a boolean value indicating whether the component in conversation-scoped (it is false by default), autoCreate is true by default and indicates that the component will be automatically instantiated by the container. Finally restrict is related to security and indicates that the component instance has to be destroyed when the user logs out from the application (so that its state cannot be accessed by unauthenticated users).
  • When necessary, it is possible to define initial values for some properties of the component instances with:
    Tide.getInstance().addComponentWithFactory("myComponent", MyComponent, { property1: value1, property2: value2 });
    Of course, this assumes that the component class has accessible setters for the properties specified in the initialization map. Values may be string expressions of the form #{}, and are then evaluated at run time as a chain of properties starting from the specified contextuel component. All other values are assigned as is.

It is alternatively possible (and indeed recommended) to describe the metadata of the component with annotations in the component class. This simplifies the component registration and is often more readable.


public class MyComponent {

    public MyComponent():void {


A component class must have a default constructor.

Once a component is registered, you can get an instance of the component from the Context object by its name, for example tideContext.myComponent will return the unique instance of the component MyComponent that we have defined before.

You can also retrieve the instance of a component that extend a particular type with tideContext.byType(MyComponent). Of course it is more useful when specifying an interface so you can get its configured implementation: tideContext.byType(IMyComponent). When many implementations of an interface are expected to exist in the context, you can use tideContext.allByType(IMyComponent) to retrieve all of them.


If no component has been registered with a particular name, tideContext.someName will by default return a client proxy for a remote service named someName. In particular tideContext.someName will return null only if a component named someName has been configured with the metadata autoCreate set to false.

When using dependency injection annotations ([In], [Out] and [Inject]) on component properties, Tide implicitly registers a component of the target type when it is a concrete class (not an interface):

public class MyInjectedComponent {
	public var myComponent:MyComponent;

Will implicity register a component of class MyComponent, even if you have never called Tide.addComponent() for this type.

Besides all these options for registering components, it is also possible to dynamically assign a component instance at any time in a Tide context with tideContext.myComponent = new MyComponent(). This allows you to precisely control the instantiation of the component and will implicitly register the corresponding component from the object class. For example you can use this feature to switch at runtime between different implementations of a component interface.

The last case is the one of UI components that are added and removed from the Flex stage. One of the things that Tide does at initialization time in the method initApplication() is registering listeners for the Flex events add and remove. On the add event, it automatically registers any component annotated with [Name] and puts its instance in the context. It also removes the instance from the context when getting the remove event.

Note that this behaviour can incur a significant performance penalty due to the ridiculously slow implementation of reflection in ActionScript so it can be disabled by Tide.getInstance().initApplication(false). You will then have to wire the UI components manually.

Once you have configured all components of the application, the Tide framework is able to inject the correct component instances for you anywhere you specify that you have a dependency by using one of the annotations [In] or [Inject].

The annotation [In] indicates a name-based injection point, meaning that Tide will assign the instance of the component with the specified name:

public class MyInjectedComponent {

    public var myComponent:IMyComponent;

It is important to note that the injection in Tide is not done statically at instantiation time. It is implemented as a Flex data binding between the source tideContext.myComponent and the target myInjectedComponent.myComponent. That means that any change in the context instance is automatically propagated to all injected instances. For example if you assign manually a new instance to the context with tideContext.myComponent = new MyExtendedComponent(), the property myInjectedComponent.myComponent will be updated accordingly (assuming MyExtendedComponent implements IMyComponent, otherwise you will get a runtime exception).

In most cases, you can omit the name argument from the annotation and let Tide use the property name as a default. The previous example can be reduced to:

public var myComponent:IMyComponent;

You can also use property chain expressions of the form #{mySourceComponent.myProperty}:

public var myComponent:IMyComponent;

Tide will then bind tideContext.mySourceComponent.myProperty to the target myInjectedComponent.myComponent.

Depending on the autoCreate metadata of the source component, Tide will automatically instantiate the component to bind it to the injection point. For components that are not auto created, you can force the instantiation at the injection point with:

public var myComponent:IMyComponent;

This ensures that myComponent will never be null.

Tide also supports the concept of outjection, meaning that a component can publish some of its state to the context. This can be done with the annotation [Out], and just works in a similar way as injection by creating a data binding between the outjecting component and the context:

public class MyOutjectingComponent {

    [Bindable] [Out]
    public var myComponent:IMyComponent;
    public function doSomething():void {
        myComponent = new MyComponent();

In this case, Tide will create a binding from myOutjectingComponent.myComponent to tideContext.myComponent. It is important that outjected properties are [Bindable] because this is how data binding is able to propagate the value to listeners. The method doSomething will change the value of myComponent in the context and also propagate it to all components having it in one of their injection points.

With server frameworks that support bijection (only Seam for now), you can also mark the outjection as remote, so Tide will also propagate the value to the server context. This requires that the value is serialized to the server and is thus used generally with entities or simple values (strings or numbers):

public class MyOutjectingComponent {

    [Bindable] [Out(remote="true")]
    public var myEntity:MyEntity;
    public function doSomething():void {
        myEntity = new MyEntity();

Outjection is an interesting way of decoupling controllers and views. In our initial example, we could have used outjection instead of a typesafe model:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        [Bindable] [In]
        public var message:String;
    <mx:TextInput id="iname"/>
    <mx:Button label="Hello" click="dispatchEvent(new HelloEvent(iname.text))"/>
    <mx:Label id="lmessage" text="{message}"/>
package com.myapp.controller {

    import com.myapp.service.HelloService;

    public class HelloController implements IHelloController {
        public var helloService:HelloService;
        [Bindable] [Out]
        public var message:String;
        public function hello(event:HelloEvent):void {
            helloService.hello(, helloResult);
        private function helloResult(event:TideResultEvent):void {
            this.message = event.result as String;

This is very convenient but note that it's relatively fragile and difficult to maintain as it is based on string names, and that you have to take care of name conflicts in the global context. Here you would have to ensure that no other component use the name message for another purpose. This problem can however be limited by defining proper naming conventions (for example with a prefix per module, or per use case).

Specifying an injection point with [In] is also based on string names and thus not typesafe. Alternatively you can (and should whenever possible) use the annotation [Inject] that specifies a type-based injection point. Tide will lookup any component that extend or implement the specified type and inject an instance of this component:

public class MyInjectedComponent {

    public var bla:IMyComponent;

Here no name is used, Tide uses only the target type IMyComponent to match with a registered component. If more than one component are matching, the result is undefined and the first registered component will be selected. It is thus recommended to register only one component for each interface used in injection points and to avoid too generic types in injection points (e.g. [Inject] public var bla:Object will generally not be very useful).

However it can be useful to register many component implementations for the same interface in the case of service registries. You can define a service interface, register many implementations, and then retrieve all registered implementations with tideContext.allByType(IMyService). This is for example how Tide handles exception converters of message interceptors internally.

You can also inject the context object to which the component belongs with either [In] or [Inject] by specifying the source type Context or BaseContext. This will always be a static injection because the context of a component instance cannot change.

public var myContext:Context;

Tide manages the lifecycle of the components (instantiation and destruction) and provides a means to react to these events with the annotations [PostConstruct] and [Destroy] than can be put on any public method without argument of the component and will be called by Tide on the corresponding events. [PostConstruct] is called after all injections and internal initializations have been done so it can been used to do some custom initialization of a component instance. [Destroy] can be used to cleanup used resources.

public class MyComponent {

    public function init():void {
        // ...
    public function cleanup():void {
        /// ...

We have already seen in the previous section how the Tide context can server as a centralized bus to propagate events between managed components. The [In] and [Out] annotations were used to define a kind of publish/subscribe model for events of type PropertyChangeEvent.

However other kinds of events can be propagated though the event bus. Tide automatically registers itself as listener to managed events on all managed components, and forwards the events it receives to interested observers by matching the event with the observer definition.

Let's see in a first step what kind of events can be managed:

There are two ways of dispatching untyped events:

public function doSomething():void {
    dispatchEvent(new TideUIEvent("myEvent", arg1, { arg2: "value" }));

TideUIEvent takes a variable list of arguments that will be propagated to all observers.

The following method is stricly equivalent and is a bit shorter if you already have an instance of the context somewhere:

public function doSomething():void {
    tideContext.raiseEvent"myEvent", arg1, { arg2: "value" });

Untyped events are very convenient but as said before they are matched by name (like normal Flex events) and thus are prone to typing errors when writing the name of the event in the observer. It is thus recommended when possible to define typed events. As Tide will match by the event class, the Flex compiler will immediately detect that a class name has been incorrectly typed.

There are two options to create custom typed events. First you can create an event class with the type TideUIEvent.TIDE_EVENT. Tide will always automatically listen to this type of events and there is no more configuration needed.

public class MyEvent extends Event {
    public var data:Object;
    public function MyEvent(data:Object):void {
        super(TideUIEvent.TIDE_EVENT, true, true); = data ;

You can also simply extend the existing AbstractTideEvent class:

public class MyEvent extends AbstractTideEvent {
    public var data:Object;
    public function MyEvent(data:Object):void {
        super(); = data ;

Note that when creating custom event classes, you should set the bubbling and cancelable properties of the event to true:

Bubbling is necessary when you dispatch the event from UI components. It allows to declare only the top level UI components as Tide-managed components, and avoid the performance cost of managing all UI components. For example ItemRenderers can simply dispatch such events, they will be bubbled to their owning UI component and there received and handled by Tide, without Tide knowing anything of the item renderer itself.

Cancelable makes possible to call event.stopPropagation() to stop Tide from propagating the event further.

This first option is easy to use, but creates a compile-time dependency on the Tide framework (either extending AbstractTideEvent or using the type TIDE_EVENT). You can alternatively create any Flex custom event and then declare it as a managed event in all components that dispatch it.

public class MyEvent extends Event {
    public var data:Object;
    public function MyEvent(data:Object):void {
        super("myEvent", true, true); = data ;
public class MyComponent extends EventDispatcher {
    public function doSomething():void {
        dispatchEvent(new MyEvent({ property: "value" }));

Note that this second option is more vulnerable to typing errors because you have to write the event name in the [ManagedEvent] annotation and the Flex compiler does not enforce any control in the annotations.

Now that you know how to dispatch an event that Tide will be able to manage, let's see how to tell Tide what to do with this event. The key for this is the annotation [Observer] that can be put on any public method of a component and will be called when

Once again there are a few possibilities to observe events passed through the bus. For untyped events, you have to specify the name of the event you want to observe in the [Observer("myEvent")] annotation. The target observer method can either have a single argument of type TideContextEvent, or a list of arguments that will be set with the arguments of the source TideUIEvent:

public function eventHandler(event:TideContextEvent):void {
   // You can get the arguments from the events.params array
   var arg1:Object = event.params[0];
   var arg2:Object = event.params[1]["arg2"];
   // arg2 should be equal to "value"


public function eventHandler(arg1:Object, arg2:Object):void {
    // arg2["arg2"] should be equals to "value"

One method can listen to more than one event type by specifying multiple [Observer] annotations:

public function eventHandler(arg1:Object, arg2:Object):void {
    // arg2["arg2"] should be equals to "value"

Or by separating the event types with commas:

[Observer("myEvent, myOtherEvent")]
public function eventHandler(arg1:Object, arg2:Object):void {
    // arg2["arg2"] should be equals to "value"

Observers for typed events can have only one form:

public function eventHandler(event:MyEvent):void {
    // Do something

The match will always be done on the event class, so there is nothing to declare in the [Observer] annotation. Note that this is recommended to use this kind of typed events for coarse grained events in your application, otherwise this can lead to a proliferation of event classes. Future versions of Tide will allow for more specific matching on the handler method allowing the reuse of the same event class in different use cases.

There are other possibilities than the annotation [Observer] to register event observers:

If a component has registered an observer for an event and is not instantiated when the event is raised, it will be automatically instantiated, unless it is marked as [Name("myComponent", autoCreate="false")]. It is however possible to disable this automatic instantiation for a particular observer with [Observer("myEvent", create="false")]. In this case the target component instance will react to the event only if it already exists in the context.

Now you should be able to easily connect all parts of your application through events.

A conversation context shares its two main features with the global context: it is a container of component instances and propagates events between these component instances. It has two important differences:

It is important to note that all conversation contexts are completely isolated. A component instance in a conversation context can only receive events dispatched from another component instance in the same conversation context. Similarly when using injection or outjection, the injected instance will be in the same conversation context as the target component instance.

Another important thing is that conversation contexts are in fact considered as children of the global context. There are some visibility rules between a conversation context and the global context:

A conversation context can be simply created by Tide.getInstance().getContext("someConversationId"), however the recommended way to create a new conversation is to dispatch an event that implement IConversationEvent from the global context (or from a conversation context to create a nested conversation). The IConversationEvent has a conversationId property that will be used as id of the newly created conversation. The built-in TideUIConversationEvent can be used instead of TideUIEvent when using untyped events. If the conversation id is set to null, Tide will automatically assign an incremental numeric id to the new context.

<mx:List id="list" dataProvider="{customerRecords}" 
    change="dispatchEvent(new TideUIConversationEvent(, "viewRecord", list.selectedItem))")/>
public class CustomerRecordController {

    public function selectRecord(record:Record):void {
        // Start the conversation
        // For example create a view and display it somewhere

A conversation context can be destroyed by tideContext.meta_end(). We'll see the use of the merge argument of this method later.

Here is a more complete example of end-to-end conversation handling by a controller:

[Name("customerRecordController", scope="conversation")]
public class CustomerRecordController {

    public var mainTabNavigator:TabNavigator;
    public var recordView:RecordView;

    public function viewRecord(record:Record):void {
        recordView.record = record;
    public function closeRecord(event:TideContextEvent):void {


<mx:Panel label="Record #{}">
    <mx:Metadata>[Name("recordView", scope="conversation")]</mx:Metadata>
        public var record:Record;
    <mx:Label text="{record.description}"/>
    <mx:Button label="Close" 
        click="dispatchEvent(new TideUIEvent('closeRecord'))"/>

The use case is that we want to open a new tab to display a customer record when the user clicks on the customer in a list. Here is the process:

If the user clicks on many elements in the list, one tab will be created for each element.

The user can then click on the Close button that will trigger the closeRecord event. The controller will then remove the tab from the navigator and end the conversation context. meta_end() schedules the destruction of the context for the next frame, then all component instances of the context and the context itself are destroyed.

One of the main points of the Tide framework is that its concepts are completely integrated with the data management features. In particular each context holds its own entity cache so you can modify data in one conversation without touching the others. Only when the user decides to save its changes you can trigger the merge of the changes in the global context and its entity cache, and to the other conversation contexts.

Each context having its own entity cache has some implications:

Tide provides a few extension points that can be used to extend its functionality.

First there are four events that are dispatched on some internal events:

All these events can be observed from any component as standard Tide events:

public class MyComponent {
    public function startup():void {
        // Do some initialization stuff here...

It is also possible to integrate a bit more deeply with the framework by implementing a plugin (the interface ITidePlugin). A plugin must be a singleton with a getInstance() method and implement a setter for the tide property. It can then register event listeners on the Tide instance itself. The type of the dispatched event is TidePluginEvent and it contains some parameters depending on the event in its map property params. The following events are dispatched:

Here is an example of a simple (and useless) plugin that traces the creation of all components annotated with [Trace]:

public class TideTrace implements ITidePlugin {
    private static var _tideTrace:TideTrace;
    public static function getInstance():TideTrace {
        if (!_tideTrace)
            _tideTrace = new TideTrace();            
        return _tideTrace;
    public function set tide(tide:Tide):void {
        tide.addEventListener(Tide.PLUGIN_ADD_COMPONENT, addComponent);
    private function addComponent(event:TidePluginEvent):void {
        var descriptor:ComponentDescriptor = event.params.descriptor as ComponentDescriptor;
        var type:Type = event.params.type as Type;
        var anno:Annotation = type.getAnnotationNoCache('Trace');
        if (anno != null)
            trace("Component added: " +;

If you have a big number of components to initialize, your main MXML application will quickly be polluted with lots of Tide initializations. This can be cleaned up by implementing a Tide initialization module class, which just has to implement ITideModule. Then you can use addModule to call the initialization of a whole application:


public class MyModule implements ITideModule {
   public function init(tide:Tide):void {

       tide.addComponents([Component1, Component2]);
       tide.addComponent("comp3", Component3);

You can think of it as a XML configuration file, such as Seam components.xml or Spring context.xml.

Using Tide modules is also necessary if you need to register components that are dynamically loaded from a Flex module. In this case, Tide will need to know the Flex ApplicationDomain to which the component classes belong, and you have to pass it to the Tide.addModule() method.

Here is an example on how to handle dynamic loading of Flex modules :

private var _moduleAppDomain:ApplicationDomain;

public function loadModule(path:String):void {
    var info:IModuleInfo = ModuleManager.getModule(path);
    info.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, moduleReadyHandler, false, 0, true);
    _moduleAppDomain = new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);

private function moduleReadyHandler(event:ModuleEvent):void {
    var loadedModule:Object = event.module.factory.create();
    Tide.getInstance().addModule(loadedModule, _moduleAppDomain);

Alternatively you can also use the Flex MX or Spark ModuleLoader components, and just ensure that you are using a specific application domain when loading a module.

<mx:ModuleLoader id="moduleLoader"
    applicationDomain="{new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain)}"
    ready="Tide.getInstance().addModule(moduleLoader.child, moduleLoader.applicationDomain)"/> 

You can then change the loaded module with this code :

private function changeModule(modulePath:String):void {
    if (moduleLoader.url != modulePath) {
        moduleLoader.applicationDomain = new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);

Flash/Flex provides an API to handle SEO friendly linking from the url of the swf. For example you may want to provide a simple url to access a particular resource : To have this working you have to generate the html wrapper with Flash Builder / Ant / Maven and use the html wrapper instead of accessing the swf directly. See for more details on Flex deep linking.

Tide provides a way to integrate deep linking with the MVC framework. It uses a technique inspired by JAX-RS so that changes in the browser url will trigger a method on a component. It first requires to enable the corresponding Tide plugin just after the Tide initialization with :


You will also need to keep the annotation [Path] in your compilation options in Flash Builder / Ant / Maven.

Once enabled, the plugin will listen to browser url changes, and split the url after # in two parts. The part before the first slash will identify the target controller, and the part after the first slash will determine the target method. In the previous example, the controller has to be annotated with [Path("product")] and the method with [Path("display/tv")] :

public class ProductController {

    public function displayTv():void {
        // Do something to display the TV...

Of course you won't want to have a different method for each kind of resource so you can use placeholders that will match method arguments :

public class ProductController {

    public function display(productType:String):void {
        // Do something to display the product...

GraniteDS provides various features that simplify the handling of data between Flex and Java EE, in particular when using JPA or Hibernate as a persistence mechanism.

Tide provides an integration between the Flex/LCDS concept of managed entities and the server persistence context (JPA or Hibernate).

In particular, Tide maintains a client-side cache of entity instances and ensures that every instance is unique in the Flex client context. To achieve this, it requires a unique identifier on each entity class. This is why GraniteDS supports the concept of managed entities.

All entities marked as [Managed] are considered as corresponding to Hibernate/JPA managed entities on the server. It is possible to do the same by implementing IEntity and extending EventDispatcher. The managed entities delegate all operations on their getters/setters to the Tide context to which they belong so all changes can be tracked.

From the Flex documentation of IManaged:

private var _property:String;

public function get property():String {
    return Manager.getProperty(this, "property", _property);

public function set property(value:String):void {
    Manager.setProperty(this, "property", _property, _property = value);

The Tide Managed implementation itself forwards the getters/setters to the EntityManager/Context containing the entity. As it implements the Flex class, it cannot be used in conjunction with LCDS.

It is important to note that the IManaged interface is not sufficient to have correct Tide managed entities because Tide needs that the entities implement a few functionalities that are not provided by the standard Flex IManaged objects.

It is highly recommended to use JPA optimistic locking in a multi-tier environment (@Version annotation). Note that Tide currently only supports Integer or Long version fields, not timestamps and that the field must be nullable (entity instances with a null/NaN version field will be considered as unsaved). It is also highly recommended to add a persistent uid field (generally typed as a 36 bytes String) to have a consistent identifier through all application layers, see the explication below.

Below is a AbstractEntity class that can be used as a JPA mapped superclass for your application entities. The entity listener ensures that the entity always has an initialized uid field, but in general this identifier will be initialized from Flex.

public abstract class AbstractEntity implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @Id @GeneratedValue
    private Long id;
    /* "UUID" and "UID" are Oracle reserved keywords -> "ENTITY_UID" */
    @Column(name="ENTITY_UID", unique=true, nullable=false, updatable=false, length=36)
    private String uid;
    private Integer version;
    public Long getId() {
        return id;
    public Integer getVersion() {
        return version;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return (== this || (instanceof AbstractEntity && uid().equals(((AbstractEntity)o).uid())));
    public int hashCode() {
        return uid().hashCode();
    public static class AbstractEntityListener {
        public void onPrePersist(AbstractEntity abstractEntity) {
    private String uid() {
        if (uid == null)
            uid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        return uid;

Example build file for ant:

<gas3 outputdir="as3" tide="true">
        <pathelement location="classes"/>
    <fileset dir="classes">
        <include name="com/myapp/entity/**/*.class"/>
Important things on ID/UID

In a typical Flex/app server/database application, an entity lives in three layers:

During the entity life, the only invariant is the id. The id reliably links the different existing versions of the entity in the three layers. When updating existing entities coming from the database, there are, in general, no problems because the id is defined and is maintained in the three layers during the different serialization/persistence operations. A problem arises when a new entity is being created in any of the two upper layers (Flex/JPA). The new entity has no id until it has been persisted to the database. This means that between the initial creation and the final stored entity, the id has changed from null to a real value. It is thus impossible to have a reliable link between the original entity that has been created and the entity that has been stored. This is even more complex if you try to add two or more new entities to a collection because, in this case, there will be absolutely no way to determine which one has been persisted with which id because they all had null ids at the beginning. The problem already exists outside of Flex when you use a database generated id with Hibernate/JPA. The most common solution is to have a second persisted id, the uid, which is created by the client and persisted along with the entity. With Flex, we have the same problem because the entities are often serialized/deserialized between Flex and the server, so we cannot check object instances equality. Moreover, Flex components themselves (DataGrids, Lists, ...) use the uid property as an entity identifier to correctly manage different object instances. When there is a uid field in the Java entity, the Gas3 Tide template will generate a uid property on the AS3 object. In other cases, the Tide template tries to build a convenient uid property from the entity id. This second mode is, of course, vulnerable to the initial null id problem. In conclusion, the recommended approach to avoid any kind of subtle problems is to have a real uid property which will be persisted in the database but is not a primary key for efficiency concerns. If it is not possible to add a uid property due to a legacy database schema or Java classes, it will work most of the time but you will then have to be very careful when creating new entities from Flex. You will then have to either implement hashCode() and equals() based on this property, or if you require to have another specific behaviour for hashCode() and equals() you can simply implement the org.granite.tide.IUID Java interface that will instruct Tide to use internally the uid field for object comparisons.

All uninitialized lazy collections coming from the server are transparently wrapped on the Flex side by the Tide context in a PersistentCollection or PersistentMap. This collection can be used as a data provider for any Flex component that is able to handle CollectionEvent (all Flex components, such as DataGrid and List do). When data is requested by the UI component, the collection asks the server for the real collection content. This lazy loading functionality is completely automatic but will happen only if the collection is bound to a UI component.

When in the context of a server Seam conversation with a JPA extended persistence context, Tide will try to load the collection inside this persistence context so all collection elements come from the same persistence context as the owning entity.

Outside of a conversation, Tide will try different means to determine the correct EntityManager/Hibernate session to use. The whole collection and owning entity are then retrieved from a newly created persistence context. If you have a deep object graph, it will then be possible to get entities from different persistence contexts in the same client context, and it can lead to inconsistencies in the client data and issues with optimistic locking/versioning.

Depending on the server framework of the application (Spring, EJB 3, Seam, CDI...), Tide will lookup an EntityManager or an Hibernate session in JNDI, in the Spring context or any other relevant way, and will try to determine the correct transaction management (JTA, JPA...). With Spring or Seam, it is possible to override the default persistence manager if you have particular requirements: with Spring you just have to configure a bean implementing TidePersistenceManager in the application context, with Seam you can override the component named org.granite.tide.seam.seamInitializer with a component extending the class org.granite.tide.seam.seamInitializer. Using a custom persistence manager can be useful for example if you have multiple EntityManagerFactories and want to be able to select one of them depending on the entity whose collection has to be fetched.

Manual Fetching of Lazy Collections

In some cases you may need to trigger manually the loading of a lazy loaded collection. As told earlier, all collections are wrapped in a PersistentCollection or PersisteneMap. These two classes expose a method withInitialized that can take a function callback that can do something once the collection is populated:

Object(myEntity.myCollection).withInitialized(function(collection:IList):void {
   // Do something with the content of the list
   var obj:Object = collection.getItemAt(0);

Lazy loading greatly helps limiting the amount of data that is transferred between the server and the client. When receiving data from the server, the lazy-loading state is managed by the JPA engine depending on what is done by the service, so only the necessary data is sent. When sending objects to the server, the lazy-loading state depends on what has been or not loaded on the client context. As the lifespan of the entities in the client context is much longer than in stateless services, there is a good chance that after a few time of running application, the whole object graph will be loaded on the client. That means that passing an entity as an argument to a remote method call will send the fully loaded object graph, whenever maybe a single property has been modified on the main entity. For example :

public function savePerson():void {
    person.lastName = "Test";;   // This will send all loaded collections associated to the Person object

Obviously this is not very efficient. You can now ask Tide to limit the object graph before sending it. It can be done manually in Flex with the following API :

var uperson:Person = new EntityGraphUnintializer(tideContext).uninitializeEntityGraph(person) as Person;;    // This will send only the Person object without any loaded collection

Here all loaded collections of the Person object will be uninitialized so uperson contains only the minimum of data to correctly merge your changes in the server persistence context. If there is a change deeper in the object graph, the uninitializer is able to detect it and will not uninitialize the corresponding graph so the server receives all changes.

person.contacts.getItemAt(0).email = '[email protected]';
var uperson:Person = new EntityGraphUnintializer(tideContext).uninitializeEntityGraph(person) as Person;;    // This will send the Person object with only the contacts collection loaded

Tide uses the client data tracking (the same used for dirty checking, see below) to determine which parts of the graph need to be sent.

If you need to uninitialize more than one argument for a remote call, you have to use the same EntityGraphUninitializer. It is important because the uninitializer copies the entities in a temporary context before uninitializing their associations so the normal context keeps unchanged, and all processed entities have to share this same temporary context.

var egu:EntityGraphUnintializer = new EntityGraphUninitialize(tideContext);
uperson1 = egu.uninitializeEntityGraph(person1);
uperson2 = egu.uninitializeEntityGraph(person2);, uperson2);

Calling the EntityGraphUninitializer manually is a bit tedious and ugly, so there is a cleaner possibility when you are using generated typesafe service proxies. You can annotate your service method arguments with :

public void save(@Lazy Person person) {

Gas3 will then generate a [Lazy] annotation on your service methods (so take care that you have added the [Lazy] annotation to your Flex metadata compilation configuration). Next in the Flex application, register the UninitializeArgumentPreprocessor component in Tide as follows :


Once you have done this, all calls to will automatically use a properly uninitialized version of the person argument.

This new feature cannot be yet applied to local context variables (mostly used with Seam or CDI stateful components). Only method arguments can be processed, but this should cover be the vast majority of use cases. Support for context variables will come with GDS 3.0.

The Tide framework includes a client-side entity cache where each managed entity exists only once for each Tide context. Besides maintaining this cache, Tide tracks all changes made on managed entities and on their associations and saves these changes for each modification. This flag is always reset to false when the same instance is received from the server, so this flag is indeed an indication that the user has changed something since the last remote call.

A particular entity instance can be in two states :

The current state of an entity can be accessed with :


The property meta_dirty is bindable, so it could be used for example to enable/disable a Save button.

Note that this dirty flag only indicates if a direct property or collection of the entity has been changed, it does not indicate if something has changed deeper in the object graph (that would not make sense anyway for circular graphs). The correct way of knowing if any object has been changed in the context, is to use the property meta_dirty of the Tide context.

<mx:Button label="Save" click=""

In a typical client/server interaction, here is what happens :

Note that if you retrieve the same instance without version increment, the local changes won't be overwritten. In the previous example, if the server returns the same instance with an unchanged version number of 0, the local instance will still be dirty. That means that you can still issue queries that return a locally changed entity without losing the user changes.

One nice possibility with this programming model is that you can easily implement a cancel button after step 2. If you use bidirectional data binding, the client view of the entity instance has already become dirty. As Tide always saves the local changes, it also provides a simple way of restoring the last stable state :

private function restore():void {

You can also reset all entities in the context to their last stable state with :

private function restoreAll():void {

If you look at the previous process in 3 steps, we assume that nobody else has changed the data the user has been working on between 1 and 3. In highly concurrent environments with read-write data, there are possibilities that someone else has modified the entity on the server between step 1 and step 3.

There are two ways of managing this: either you just rely on optimistic locking and intercept the corresponding server exceptions to display a message to the user, or you use data push (see section Data Push) so all Flex clients are updated in near real-time. Note however that even with data push, there can still be conflicts between changes made by a user and updates received from the server.

With normal optimistic locking, the remote service call at step 3 will trigger a OptimisticLockException. Tide provides a built-in exception handler to handle this case: it will extract the entity argument of the exception, compare its state with the client state and dispatch a conflict event TideDataConflictEvent on the Tide context when it's not identical. The exception handler can be enabled with :


When data push is used, an entity instance can be updated with data received from the server at any time. If the current user was working on this instance, it is obviously not desirable that his work is overwritten without notice. Similarly to the previous case, Tide will determine that an incoming data from another user session is in conflict with the local data and dispatch a TideDataConflictEvent on the Tide context.

What can you do with this event ? Basically there are two possibilities : accept the server-side state or keep the client state. Here is an example of a conflict handler defined in a Flex application, generally in the main mxml :

<mx:Application ...
        private function init():void {
                TideDataConflictsEvent.DATA_CONFLICTS, conflictsHandler);

        private var _conflicts:Conflicts;

        private function conflictsHandler(event:TideDataConflictsEvent):void {
            _conflicts = event.conflicts;
  "Keep local state ?", "Data conflict", 
                Alert.YES|Alert.NO, null, conflictsCloseHandler);
        private function conflictsCloseHandler(event:CloseEvent):void {
            if (event.detail == Alert.YES)

If you look at the ASDoc for Conflicts, there are a few properties that give more details about the conflicts and make possible to present a better alert message to the user.

When using the Hibernate native API (Session), the optimistick lock exception StaleObjectStateException is unfortunately missing a critical information to allow for correct conflict handling (that is present in the JPA OptimistickLockException). In this case, you should use the provided Hibernate event wrappers that add the missing data to the Hibernate exception. Here is what is will look like when configuring the SessionFactory with Spring :

<bean id="sessionFactory"
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="hibernateProperties">
            <prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect</prop>
            <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">false</prop>
            <prop key="">update</prop>
    <property name="eventListeners">
            <entry key="merge"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateMergeListener"/></entry>
            <entry key="create"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernatePersistListener"/></entry>
            <entry key="create-onflush"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernatePersistOnFlushListener"/></entry>
            <entry key="delete"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateDeleteListener"/></entry>
            <entry key="update"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateSaveOrUpdateListener"/></entry>
            <entry key="save-update"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateSaveOrUpdateListener"/></entry>
            <entry key="save"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateSaveOrUpdateListener"/></entry>
            <entry key="lock"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateLockListener"/></entry>
            <entry key="flush"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateFlushListener"/></entry>
            <entry key="auto-flush"><bean class="org.granite.tide.hibernate.HibernateAutoFlushListener"/></entry>
Integration with Client Conversations

When using client conversations, the situation becomes a bit more complex as each conversation has its own entity cache. That means that when a user modifies some data in a conversation context, the change is not immediately visible in others even if they contain the same entity instance.

The Tide context object provides a few methods to deal with such situations :


This will merge all stable state of the current conversation context in its parent context and all its children. In the common case where you don't use nested conversations, that just means that the changes are merged in the global context as well as all other conversations.

If you use nested conversations, the merge will be done only in the direct parent context and all its children, but not in the global context.


This will merge all stable state of the current conversation context in its parent context, in the global context and in all child contexts recursively.

Tide integrates with Hibernate Validator 3.x and the Bean Validation API (JSR 303) implementations, and propagate the server validation errors to the client UI components.

Starting with GraniteDS 2.2, however, the preferred way to execute validation is a Flex-side, JSR-303 like, validation framework (see Bean Validation (JSR-303) for details).

The server support for Hibernate Validator 3 is available in granite-hibernate.jar, and the support for Bean Validation is available in granite-beanvalidation.jar. You will have to add one of these jars in your application lib folder.

The validator integration is based on the GraniteDS exception handling framework. A server exception converter is registered to handle the InvalidStateException, and a client exception handler can be registered with:


This exception handler intercepts all server validation faults and dispatches a validation event on the context. To complete the integration, a TideEntityValidator Flex component can be attached to any UI component:


    <tv:TideEntityValidator id="teval" entity="{}"
        property="creditCardName" listener="{creditCardNameInput}"/>

    <mx:TextInput id="creditCardNameInput" text="{}"/>

You can have more control on the validation behaviour by directly listening to validation events on the context:

public function setup():void {
    tideContext.addEventListener(TideValidatorEvent.INVALID, validationHandler);

private function validationHandler(event:TideValidatorEvent):void {
    var invalidValues:Array = event.invalidValues;
    for each (var iv:Object in invalidValues) {
        var invalidValue:InvalidValue = iv as InvalidValue;
            "Invalid property: " + invalidValue.path +
            " on object " + invalidValue.bean
Remote Validation of Input Fields

Another possibility is to use an input validator that calls the server when the validation is triggered.

With Seam on the server, it then uses the Validators component to get a proper ClassValidator, and thus just works with Hibernate Validator 3.x for now. With other server technologies, it uses a built-in validator handler which supports both HV3 and Bean Validation implementations.

The use of this component is quite simple and very similar to any other Flex validator, with additional parameters to define the entity to validate.

<tv:TideInputValidator id="tival" 
    source="{creditCardNameInput}" property="text" 
    entity="{}" entityProperty="creditCardName" 

<mx:TextInput id="creditCardNameInput" text="{}"/>

The property entityManager of the validator may be optional if the entity is maintained in the context (i.e., ctx.myEntity) and has a proper entityManager defined (with meta_getEntityManager). This is the case for all entities retrieved from the server.

GraniteDS provides the PagedQuery component which is an implementation of ListCollectionView and can be used as a data provider for most UI components such a grids or lists.

This component supports paging and can be mapped to a server component which execute queries. The collection is completely paged and keeps in memory only the data needed for the current display. In fact, it keeps in memory two complete pages to avoid too many server calls. Contraty to other implementations, the elements that get out of display during scrolling are discarded, so you never fill up the memory of the Flash VM.

PagedQuery also supports automatic remote sorting and filtering. The server-side part of the paging depends on the server technology and is described in the next paragraphs.

On the client-side, you first need to register the client component with:

    import org.granite.tide.collections.PagedQuery;

    Tide.getInstance().addComponent("people", PagedQuery);

This registers a client component with a page size defined by the server. It's also possible to define the page size on the client with :

    import org.granite.tide.collections.PagedQuery;

    Tide.getInstance().addComponentWithFactory("people", PagedQuery, { maxResults: 36 });

When using the Tide client framework, that can be done in a Tide module initializer as any other component declaration.

That's all. Just bind the component as a data provider for any component and it should work as expected:

<mx:DataGrid id="people" dataProvider="{ctx.people}" width="100%" height="100%"
        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="firstName" headerText="First name"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="lastName" headerText="Last name"/>

The DataGrid sorting triggers a remote refresh of the collection, and the changes on the data filter are maintained during the remote refresh, so the filtering is also done remotely.

    <mx:AsyncListView list="{people}"/>

See for more details in the Flex 4 documentation.

Just like the paged collections of LCDS, everything works only if there is a correct uid property on the entities. It is thus recommended to use the Tide templates for the Gas3 generator, which provide a default implementation of uid if there is none.

The default AsyncListView does not support automatic propagation of the UI control sorting to its data provider. Tide provides an alternative SortableAsyncListView that works in all cases.

<s:VGroup ...

<s:DataGrid ...>
    <c:SortableAsyncListView list="{people}"/>
Server-side Implementation

The PagedQuery components expects that the corresponding server component implements a specific method to fetch elements. There are two ways of handling filtering, either with an untyped map or with a typesafe filter object:

For untyped filters, the server component shoud implement the following method:

public Map find(Map filter, int first, int max, String order, boolean desc);

first, max, order and desc are straightforward. filter is a map containing the parameter values of the query. These values can be set on the client by:

tideContext.pagedQuery.filter.<parameter1> = <value1>;
tideContext.pagedQuery.filter.<parameter2> = <value2>;

The return object must be a map containing four properties:

  • firstResult: Should be exactly the same as the argument passed in (int first).
  • maxResults: Should be exactly the same as the argument passed in (int max), except when its value is 0, meaning that the client component is initializing and needs a max value. In this case, you have to set the page value, which must absolutely be greater than the maximum expected number of elements displayed simultaneously in a table.
  • resultCount: Count of results.
  • resultList: List of results.

The following code snippet is a quick and dirty implementation and can be used as a base for other implementations (here this is a Spring service but the equivalent implementations for EJB3 or CDI would be extremely similar):

public class PeopleServiceImpl implements PeopleService {
    protected EntityManager manager;
    public Map find(Map filter, int first, int max, String order, boolean desc) {
        Map result = new HashMap(4);
        String from = "from Person e ";
        String where = "where lower(e.lastName) like '%' || lower(:lastName) || '%' ";
        String orderBy = (
            order != null ? "order by e." + order + (desc ? " desc" : "") : ""
        String lastName = (
            filter.containsKey("lastName") ? (String)filter.get("lastName") : ""
        Query qc = manager.createQuery("select count(e) " + from + where);
        qc.setParameter("lastName", lastName);
        long resultCount = (Long)qc.getSingleResult();
        if (max == 0)
            max = 36;
        Query ql = manager.createQuery("select e " + from + where + orderBy);
        ql.setParameter("lastName", lastName);
        List resultList = ql.getResultList();
        result.put("firstResult", first);
        result.put("maxResults", max);
        result.put("resultCount", resultCount);
        result.put("resultList", resultList);
        return result;

It is also possible to define on the Flex size an alternative remote component name and method name that will implement the querying :

    Spring.getInstance().addComponentWithFactory("people", PagedQuery, 
        { maxResults: 36, remoteComponentName: "peopleService", methodName: "list" });

In this case, the previous component would be :

public class PeopleServiceImpl implements PeopleService {
    protected EntityManager manager;
    public Map list(Map filter, int first, int max, String order, boolean desc) {
        Map result = new HashMap();
        String from = "from Person e ";
        String where = "where lower(e.lastName) like '%' || lower(:lastName) || '%' ";
        String orderBy = (
            order != null ? "order by e." + order + (desc ? " desc" : "") : ""
        String lastName = (
            filter.containsKey("lastName") ? (String)filter.get("lastName") : ""
        Query qc = manager.createQuery("select count(e) " + from + where);
        qc.setParameter("lastName", lastName);
        long resultCount = (Long)qc.getSingleResult();
        if (max == 0)
            max = 36;
        Query ql = manager.createQuery("select e " + from + where + orderBy);
        ql.setParameter("lastName", lastName);
        List resultList = ql.getResultList();
        result.put("resultCount", resultCount);
        result.put("resultList", resultList);
        return result;

Note that this time we did not have to return firstResult and maxResults because the page size is defined on the client.

It is finally possible to use a typesafe filter object instead of the Map. The server implementation will then be something like :

public class PeopleServiceImpl implements PeopleService {
    protected EntityManager manager;
    public Map list(Person examplePerson, int first, int max, String order, boolean desc) {
        Map result = new HashMap();
        String from = "from Person e ";
        String where = "where lower(e.lastName) like '%' || lower(:lastName) || '%' ";
        String orderBy = (
            order != null ? "order by e." + order + (desc ? " desc" : "") : ""
        String lastName = (
            examplePerson.getLastName() != null ? examplePerson.getLastName() : ""
        Query qc = manager.createQuery("select count(e) " + from + where);
        qc.setParameter("lastName", lastName);
        long resultCount = (Long)qc.getSingleResult();
        if (max == 0)
            max = 36;
        Query ql = manager.createQuery("select e " + from + where + orderBy);
        ql.setParameter("lastName", lastName);
        List resultList = ql.getResultList();
        result.put("resultCount", resultCount);
        result.put("resultList", resultList);
        return result;

To use this, you also have to define the filter class on the client component :

    import org.granite.tide.collections.PagedQuery;

    Tide.getInstance().addComponentWithFactory("people", PagedQuery, { maxResults: 36, filterClass: Person });

If the filter class is bindable, then people.filter will be an instance of the provided filter class. If not, the PagedQuery will create an ObjectProxy that wraps the filter instance to track changes on it.

You can also directly provide your own instance of the filter instead of letting the component instantiate the class itself:

    import org.granite.tide.collections.PagedQuery;

    Tide.getInstance().addComponentWithFactory("people", PagedQuery, { maxResults: 36, filter: new Person() });

In classic Flex applications using remoting, data is updated only when the user does an action that triggers a call to the server. As it is possible to do many things purely on the client without involving the server at all, that can lead to stale client state if someone else has modified something between updates.

Optimistic locking ensures that the data will keep consistent on the server and in the database, but it would be better if data updates were pushed in real-time to all connected clients.

Tide makes this possible by integrating with the JPA provider and the Gravity messaging broker to dispatch data updates to subscribed clients.

This requires a bit of configuration :

Let's see all this in details :

Define a Gravity topic: in the standard case, it can be done in services-config.xml:

<service id="gravity-service"
        <adapter-definition id="simple" 

    <destination id="dataTopic">
            <channel ref="gravityamf"/>
        <adapter ref="simple"/>
<channel-definition id="gravityamf" class="org.granite.gravity.channels.GravityChannel">

With Spring or Seam, this can be done more easily in the respective configuration files application-context.xml or components.xml:

Spring context:

<graniteds:messaging-destination id="dataTopic" no-local="true" session-selector="true"/>

Seam components.xml:

<graniteds:messaging-destination name="dataTopic" no-local="true" session-selector="true"/>

This example configuration defines a simple Gravity destination but it's also possible to use the JMS, ActiveMQ or any custom adapter if you need transactional behaviour or better scalabilty.

The two important parameters for the topic definition are :

Add the Tide JPA publishing listener on the entities that should be tracked:

public abstract class MyEntity {

Add the Tide data annotation on all services, example here with a Spring service:

@DataEnabled(topic="dataTopic", publish=PublishMode.ON_SUCCESS)
public interface MyService {

It's generally recommended to put the annotation on the service interface but it can also work when defined on the service implementation. Note that even services that only read data should be annotated this @DataEnabled because they also participate in the construction of the message selector.

The attributes of this annotations are :

Publishing Filters

It is possible to tell the Tide engine how it should dispatch each update (i.e. to which clients).

It works in two phases : at each remote call from a client, Tide calls the observes method of the params class and builds the current message selector. Next at each update it calls publishes to set the message headers that will be filtered by the selector. Let's see it on an example to be more clear :

public class AddressBookParams implements DataTopicParams {
    public void observes(DataObserveParams params) {
        params.addValue("user", Identity.instance().getCredentials().getUsername());
        params.addValue("user", "__public__");
    public void publishes(DataPublishParams params, Object entity) {
        if (((AbstractEntity)entity).isRestricted())
            params.setValue("user", ((AbstractEntity)entity).getCreatedBy());
            params.setValue("user", "__public__");

The method observes here adds two values to the current selector: the current user name (here retrieved by Seam Identity but could be any other means) and the value __public__. From these values Tide will define a message selector (user = 'username' OR user = '__public__') meaning that we only want to be notified of updates concerning public data or data that we own.

During the publishing phase, Tide will call the method publishes for each updated entity and build the message headers with the provided values. In the example, an update message will have a user header with either __public__ or the entity owner for restricted data. These headers are then matched with the current message selector for each subscribed client.

Here we have used only one header parameter but it's possible to define as many as you want. Just take care that the match between observed and published values can become very complex and difficult to predict with too many criteria. When having many header values, the resulting selector is an AND of all criteria :

public void observes(DataObserveParams params) {
    params.addValue("user", Identity.instance().getCredentials().getUsername());
    params.addValue("user", "__public__");
    params.addValue("group", "admin");
    params.addValue("group", "superadmin");

Will generate the following selector :

(user = 'username' OR user = '__public__') AND (group = 'admin' OR group = 'superadmin')
Publishing Modes

There are three publishing modes :

By default only GraniteDS remoting calls are able to dispatch update messages with ON_SUCCESS or MANUAL modes. If you need the ON_COMMIT mode, or need that services that are not called from Flex also trigger the dispatch, then you will have to enable the Tide data dispatcher interceptor that will handle to updates in threads that are not managed by GraniteDS.

To enable the interceptor, it is necessary to indicate on the @DataEnabled annotation that there is one with the useInterceptor attribute :

@DataEnabled(topic="dataTopic", publishMode=PublishMode.ON_COMMIT, useInterceptor=true)
public class MyService {

There are four versions of the interceptor available for each supported framework : EJB3, Spring, Seam 2, CDI.

For Spring, add the advice to your context (take care that you need to reference the latest GraniteDS XSD version 2.3 to allow this) :


For Seam 2, there is nothing special to configure. The interceptor will be automatically enabled for all components having the @DataEnabled annotation with useInterceptor=true.

For CDI, enable the interceptor in beans.xml :


For EJB 3, you can define a global interceptor in ejb-jar.xml :


Or alternatively configure the interceptor on each EJB 3 :

@DataEnabled(topic="myTopic", publish=PublishMode.ON_COMMIT, useInterceptor=true)
public class MyServiceBean {
Manual Publishing

If you need full control on the publishing process, you can create your own interceptor or use the following API in your services :

@DataEnabled(topic="dataTopic", params=DefaultDataTopicParams.class, publishMode=PublishMode.MANUAL, useInterceptor=true)
public class MyService {
    private Gravity gravity;
    public void doSomething() {
        DataContext.init(gravity, "dataTopic", DefaultDataTopicParams.class, PublishMode.MANUAL);
        try {
            Object result = invocation.proceed();
            return result;
        finally {

public class CustomPublishInterceptor {
    private Gravity gravity;
    public Object aroundInvoke(InvocationContext invocation) throws Exception {
        DataContext.init(gravity, "dataTopic", DefaultDataTopicParams.class, PublishMode.MANUAL);
        try {
            Object result = invocation.proceed();
            return result;
        finally {
Transactional Publishing

You can setup a fully transactional dispatch by using the ON_COMMIT mode with a JMS transport. When using JMS transacted sessions with the ON_COMMIT mode, you will ensure that only successful database updates will be dispatched.

<destination id="dataTopic">
        <channel ref="gravityamf"/>
    <adapter ref="jms"/>

If you need special type conversion support, like Joda time to regular AS3 Date, you may write a custom converter/reverter.

A JodaDateTime2Date converter/reverter:

Here is a complete implementation of a Joda DateTime converter/reverter:

package com.myapp.converters;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Date;
import org.granite.util.ClassUtil;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
public class JodaDateTime2Date extends Converter implements Reverter {
    public JodaDateTime2Date(Converters converters) {
    // AMF3Deserialization (Converter)...
    protected boolean internalCanConvert(Object value, Type targetType) {
        Class<?> targetClass = ClassUtil.classOfType(targetType);
        return (
            targetClass.isAssignableFrom(DateTime.class) &&
            (value == null || value instanceof Date)
    protected Object internalConvert(Object value, Type targetType) {
        return (value == null ? null : new DateTime(((Date)value).getTime()));
    // AMF3Serialization (Reverter)...
    public boolean canRevert(Object value) {
        return value instanceof DateTime;
    public Object revert(Object value) {
        return ((DateTime)value).toDate();

When you send an AS3 Date to the server, either as method parameter or as a bean field value, it is deserialized as java.util.Date object and, if your target type is a org.joda.time.DateTime instance, it fails to find a matching method, since it looks for a java.util.Date parameter, or to assign the bean value, issuing a ClassCastException.

Hence, the first purpose of the JodaDateTime2Date converter above is to convert java.util.Date to org.joda.time.DateTime at deserialization time using internalCanConvert/internalConvert methods.

JodaDateTime2Date converter also implements the Reverter interface because Joda time is not a known type, and it must be converted back, or reverted, to a java.util.Date instance before AMF3 serialization using canRevert/revert methods.

Plug-in your converter

The converter should be setup in granite-config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

    <converter type="com.myapp.converters.JodaDateTime2Date" />
Modifying Gas3 in Order to Generate AS3 Date Fields for Joda Date Type

When generating AS3 beans for your Java beans, Gas3 will not be able to know about this new converter, and it will write Joda DateTime fields with a raw org.joda.time.DateTime type:

import org.joda.time.DateTime;

private var myDate:DateTime = null;

In order to tell the generator to use simple AS3 Date type for Joda date, you have to extend the org.granite.generator.as3.DefaultAs3TypeFactory class:

package com.myapp.converters;
import org.granite.generator.as3.As3Type;
import org.granite.generator.as3.DefaultAs3TypeFactory;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
public class CustomAs3TypeFactory extends DefaultAs3TypeFactory {
    protected As3Type createAs3Type(Class<?> jType) {
        if (DataTime.class.isAssignableFrom(jType))
            return As3Type.DATE;
        return super.createAs3Type(jType);

Then, declare this new factory in the Gas3 task (here for example in an Ant build file):

<gas3 as3typefactory="com.myapp.converters.CustomAs3TypeFactory" ...>
        <pathelement location="path/to/my/factory"/>

When using the GraniteDS Eclipse Builder, you may declare it in the Options panel and add your class in the Classpath panel.

GraniteDS implements security based on the following SecurityService interface. Note that the term Service in SecurityService has nothing to do with a true Flex destination, since security services are not exposed to outside calls:

import java.util.Map;
public interface SecurityService {
    public void configure(Map<String, String> params);
    public void login(Object credentials) throws SecurityServiceException;
    public void login(Object credentials, String charset) throws SecurityServiceException;
    public Object authorize(AbstractSecurityContext context) throws Exception;
    public void logout() throws SecurityServiceException;
    public void handleSecurityException(SecurityServiceException e);

An implementation of this interface must be thread safe, i.e., only one instance of this service is used in the entire web-app and will be called by concurrent threads.

The default exception handling mechanism of GraniteDS already provides a lot of flexibility with exception converters that can transform the exceptions caught on the server to meaningful errors on the Flex side. However if you need even more flexibility, you can completely replace the handling mechanism and provide you own exception handler. This is however not recommended with Tide as some features rely on proper exception conversions to work, but in this case you can simply extend the ExtendedExceptionHandler and add you custom behaviour.

If you need special service exception handling, either to add extra informations or to mask implementation details, you may configure a custom implementation of ServiceExceptionHandler in services-config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <factory id="..." class="...">


Your custom service exception handler must implement the org.granite.messaging.service.ServiceExceptionHandler interface. Note that it can of course extend the org.granite.messaging.service.DefaultServiceExceptionHandler class:

public ServiceException handleNoSuchMethodException(
    Message request,
    Destination destination,
    Object invokee,
    String method,
    Object[] args,
    NoSuchMethodException e
public ServiceException handleInvocationException(
    ServiceInvocationContext context,
    Throwable t

The first method is called whenever the service invoker cannot find any suitable method with the supplied name and arguments.

The second one is called whenever the method invocation throws an exception. Note that java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException are unwrapped (getTargetException) before handleInvocationException is called.

In both cases, the returned ServiceException will be thrown and serialized in a Flex ErrorMessage instead of the raw NoSuchMethodException e or Throwable t one.

When a Java object is not Externalizable nor externalized by a GDS externalizer, it is serialized by means of the This class controls which fields must be serialized and how to retrieve values from those fields.

In similar situations, but at deserialization time, the class controls how the corresponding Java object is instantiated and how values are set in this new instance.

You may write and plugin your own Java or ActionScript3 descriptors, for example:

public class MyJavaClassDescriptor
    extends {
    public MyJavaClassDescriptor(Class type) {
    protected List<Property> introspectProperties() {
        // put your custom code here...

public class MyAS3ClassDescriptor
    extends {
    public MyAS3ClassDescriptor(String type, byte encoding) {
        super(type, encoding);
    public void defineProperty(String name) {
        // put your custom code here...
    public Object newJavaInstance() {
        // put your custom code here...

Then, you have to declare these descriptors in your granite-config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

            as3="" />
            as3="" />
        <!-- other descriptor configuration... -->

You must use only one of type or instance-of attributes (i.e., should my descriptor(s) be used for all objects, or for all instances of, you may use one of, or both, Java or AS3 attributes.

You may plug your own AMF3 serializer/deserializer. A custom AMF3 serializer must implement and have a special constructor signature:

public class MyAMF3Serializer implements {
    public MyAMF3Serializer( out) {
        // ...
    // ObjectOutput implemention...

Then, you must register this serializer in granite-config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

    <amf3-serializer type=""/>

A custom AMF3 deserializer must implement and have a special constructor signature:

public class MyAMF3Deserializer implements {
    public MyAMF3Deserializer( in) {
        // ...
    // ObjectInput implemention...

Then, you have to register this deserializer in granite-config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE granite-config PUBLIC
    "-//Granite Data Services//DTD granite-config internal//EN"

    <amf3-deserializer type=""/>

You may of course extend or to override only some parts of the default AMF3 (de)serialization process, as all methods in thoses classes are public or protected.

The two main files used to configure GraniteDS are granite-config.xml and services-config.xml. By default these files should be present in the web archive in WEB-INF/granite/granite-config.xml and WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml.

If absolutely needed, they can be placed in another location, but then you will have to specify two servlet parameters in web.xml to indicate GraniteDS where to look for them:


granite-config.xml contains all the internal configuration of the framework. It can contain the following sections:

services-config.xml contains all the remoting and messaging configuration of the application. There are three main sections: channels, factories and services.

Messaging destinations can be defined in a service definition with the class property value and the messageTypes value flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage. Destinations can also have a properties section that is used for example with the JMS adapter.

A messaging service can also define a list of service adapters that define how messages are routed and each destination can reference one of the configured adapters.

<service id="gravity-service"
        <adapter-definition id="simple" class="org.granite.gravity.adapters.SimpleServiceAdapter"/>
        <!--adapter-definition id="jms" class="org.granite.gravity.adapters.JMSServiceAdapter"/-->

    <destination id="addressBookTopic">
            <channel ref="gravityamf"/>
        <adapter ref="simple"/>
        <!--adapter ref="jms"/-->

You can define multiple channels for the same destination to handle failover. When the first channel cannot be accessed, the remote object will try the next one in the list.

A destination can also define a list of security roles that are allowed to access the remote component. See Messaging Security.